"Jom tengok Nenek Kecik dalam bilik!"
"Nenek takde, sayang. Dah lupa ke, Nenek kan dah pass away hari tu?"
"Nenek dah masuk kubur ke? Yang kita siram-siram dah letak bunga-bunga tu?Dah pegi jumpa Tuhan Allah?"
The term 'Tuhan Allah' tu hasil pengaruh sinetron Sulaiman a few months ago.
"Yes, jom kita sedekah al-Fatihah kat Nenek, supaya Nenek masuk heaven, ok?"
And she proceeds to recite with much enthusiasm.
"Hmm, dulu Nuha ada dua nenek, sekarang ada saaaatu je nenek!"
"Yes, you have only one nenek now, so you must take good care of Nenek Besar ok? Mesti selalu sayang, hug and kiss and cakap lembut-lembut with Nenek. And tak boleh sombong-sombong, nanti Nenek sedih and cry."
Ugh, I despise myself for talking in such rojak language with her.
"Hmm, Nuha saaaaayang Nenek Kecik dan Nenek Besar. Jom kita tengok Nenek Besar pulak!"
We miss you, our teeny tiny Nenek. Semoga ditempatkan bersama-sama roh orang-orang yang beriman.
almost brought tears to my eyes... Al-Fatihah...
nunu is very thoughful for her age.. :)
diyana, is that really you? i don't recognize you with all that sniffling in the background :)
children nowadays think and act beyond their years sometimes
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