Friday, July 17, 2009


As I was browsing through my iPhoto, I found this series of photos taken at a water park last year and they seem so funny now when I think of it!

Venue: On a tram
Scenario: Nunu just met a new friend


Emm... hello?

Watchu got there, my friend?

Err.... a lolly? Why?

Now, the next series of photos are gonna break your heart.

Lick... lick... lick...

Hmm, this lolly is good Momma!

Omm nomm nomm....

Oh, of course I didn't let my daughter snitch that poor little girl's lolly. What do you think my daughter is, Swiper the Fox? Although, she did whine that she wanted a lolly too, and coincidentally the girl's mother had an extra in her pocket (a little wet from the swim, but what the heck).

I graciously accepted her offer coz everyone was getting cranky waiting for the tram to move for 20 minutes. She got her lolly and everyone was happy.


Sarah said...

kids and lollies huh! my son pon camtu gak. penjeles sungguh when he sees a kid with a lollipop. btw, i totally love nunu's photo yg kat tgh2 with her lolly tu. cuuuuuute!!!

Chech said...

Yes, I echo Sarah; I love that particular photo, too. Macam ni, I gotta keep lollipop with me (if I want cute children to swarm me) :).

Drama Mama said...

hahaha... i thot that girl yang baik hati melampau bagi her lolly to nunu..ehehe

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

yes, kids and lollies! sometimes i wish lollies werent invented! hahhh there u go! u know why? coz gibran acts like cacing kerawit once he gets on a sugar high!

anne, u've been to bukit merah laketown resort kan? how was it? am thinking of going there.

Nadia said...

BB: Cacing kerawit? Haha! Now that's a word I haven't heard since primary school!!! Masa diorang dok cakap pasal cacing dalam perutlah or if tak pakai slippers when you go outlah, etc etc. Eh sorry ah Anne, buat macam rumah sendiri pulak! :P

Anyways, love that pic of Nunu and her lolly too!

nuhaafnan said...

sorry for the late reply you guys!

sarah, budak2 kan, mmg tak boleh tgk budak lain boleh.

chech, why is everybody loving that pic eh? i think semua gambor anak aku kiut, hahaha

drama mama, oh you ni sungguh bersangka baik. when i show to ppl, they think nunu belasah budak tu punya lolly

bb, nunu & gibby mmg geng ah. sama2 cacing! haaha, bukit merah, yeah. we stayed at a rented apartment. ok lah that place. but the waterpark tak sebest tambun. tambun's theme more gempak, ahhahaha

nadia, you're welcomed here anytime dearie! last time there were lotsa ads for cacing kerawit on tv rite? and how we shud keep a good hygiene.


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