Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here's the project that I've been working on for weeks.

And here's the outcome. I finally did it, you guys.

These are just a peek. Head over to my other blog to read more about it ok. Insya-allah, I'll be getting some orders soon. Pray for my success, OK.

Welcome to Liplickin' - not your average cupcake :)


Sarah said...

oh a big congratulations to you anne! those cuppies look so beautiful and tasty. i hope one day i could taste them!!! good luck and keep up the great work. :)

J.A.D said...

hey congrats.. visited ur other blog. looks yummy. respect la. ada la pulak ye masa nak bake cakes.. tengok pun dah penat... :p

diyanazman said...

You baked these?

the retired drama queen bows to the ultimate domestic goddes aka raggedyanne..


diyanazman said...

You baked these?

the retired drama queen bows to the ultimate domestic goddes aka raggedyanne..


Along said...

Wah...looks yummy!! And so creative. I wish I had time to bake muffins and cupcakes. Ni nak terkentut pun takde masa...hahaha.

ps: Takde sample bleh try ke..hehe.

nuhaafnan said...

sarah, tq dearest. if possible i want all my blog friends to try out my cupcakes and give their honest opinion. being new at this, i really have to rely on feedback. if i'm gg to kl, u nak order tak? hihi

jo, tgk pun penat eh? hihi, u can imagine the effort i've put in to make it happen. stressed out habis!

diyana, HAHA, ko memang mereng la. balik penang nanti meh la rasa, then you can bow and worship the 'ultimate domestic goddess' (konon, goreng ikan pun hangit)

along, haha, sungguh betol. nak kentot pun tahan2, punya la bz. sample? hmm, i can actually courier those cupcakes w/o frosting coz it can last up to 4 day, and actually taste pretty good after the 1st day. kalau u nak rasa lah, sedap ke idak my cupcake ni, just buzz me. i'll bake upon special request.

Chech said...

K.Anne, these look yummy (and I'm salivating over them now; deng).

I'm so going to visit your other blog just to know whether you deliver those cuties to Klang Valley area.

nuhaafnan said...

chech, mana bleh? lain ler if i can hop on a broom stick & fly over there in a jiffy. but if i am gg down to kl, i'll give everyone a holler k

zalin said...

so proud of you, anne *sniffs* ;)

anne said...

zalin, and me, you :) all the best this coming monday!

*bangun semua - assalamualaikum ustazah!*

zalin said...

kau biar BETIK, babe!!!! ;p

knv said...

wahh anne!


*sila imagine confetti bertaburan*

nanti i pi terjah the blog!

nuhaafnan said...

lin, BETIK!! haha

kak ana, maceh maceh, saya budak baru blajar, tak perlu le confetti. tabur beras takpe gak!

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

woot woot!!!! way to go anne! its been a long time coming, this one!


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