I suddenly felt an urge to launch into this whole discourse (or drama, whichever you wanna call it) about baking, so those who aren't interested, just skip this whole post, will ya? I'm saving you a lotttt of pain and here, coz if you're not into baking, you won't know nuts what I'm yapping about.
I gotta hand to this special friend of mine, for making me realize that the best things in life are the simple things. I wanted to send her some of my cuppies to sample, and I was quite taken aback when she told me her that vanilla is her favourite flavour. I mean, aren't we all crazy about chocolates and other exotic flavours; lemon, cinnamon, cardamom, to name a few?
And here is this girl, who has traveled to almost the entire globe, who has probably tasted the finest food at the fanciest places and experienced different kinds of culture, settling for the most modest and plainest flavour I know.
"But.. but it's so easy! This is not challenging at all? Are you sure you want JUST vanilla? Not strawberry vanilla? or cherry vanilla?"
"Yup," she said with certainty. "I'm pretty sure. Plain vanilla."
"Alright then, and I'll make sure it'll be the best damn vanilla cupcake I've ever made!"
And so, I felt really good about this because I couldn't believe how easy it was to please this girl. This is easy peasy, I said to myself. And then I changed my mind. As I started visualizing and planning the baking, I broke into cold sweat, and thought, OMG have you forgotten? Have you forgotten your first ever vanilla cupcake? Don't you remember how easy it was to screw up the simplest recipe like Nigella's fairy cakes? Huh? HUH? Easy peasy senang kacang konon, now eat your words.
Frankly, to some degree, yes, it's easy to bake the Grande Dame of all Cupcakes. You can close one eye, tie one of your hands to your back and you can still come up with a decent batch. It's not if you have a certain standard to your cupcakes, which I admit I don't have any prior to my conversation with my friend.
Since I found out that I enjoy baking so much, and have gone through many failures and deflated bakes, I've subscribed to this belief that, there's no way am I gonna like what I'm doing if I keep obsessing about the tiniest details to achieve perfection. Just bake the best you can, decorate the best you know how, and eat it. If you screw up, don't worry about it. Let the rubbish bin eat it.
Then I thought, what if I can be better at this, with a little bit of effort and research? Learn a little bit more about the art and science of baking (ah, what am I talking about? I've no idea when the science begins and the art ends!) and start troubleshooting for my errors? How on earth am I gonna come up with the 'best vanilla cupcake ever' if I'm still stuck in the rut with my very low standards?
Most importantly, I can't expect to move on to other types of cupcakes if I can't even get the basics right. That's it, I don't have to go for perfection, just get it - right. Now, that isn't too nerve wrecking, is it?
So as I'm mulling over this, I took some much needed action to start my Great Vanilla Cupcake Experiment. I bought the ingredients of the finest quality; real 100% butter instead of the generic butter spread I used to buy, and most importantly, vanilla prima and not the inferior vanilla essence. That's the best I can find, they don't sell pure vanilla extract here! Arrghh!
Next, let's talk about the recipes, shall we? The reason I always stick to Nigella's fairy cakes and Chef Conolly's recipes is they use the metric units measurements, so it's pretty idiotproof. I feel more confident of the measurements if I can actually see the numbers and the dials on the scale. It's most useful when want to know how much butter you need, instead of the other recipes I come across online that use 1 cup of butter or 2 sticks of butter? I mean, that scares the sh*t out of me, measuring butter with a cup! That's just plain crazy and too difficult for me, and just how much is a stick of butter anyway? Is the entire union of recipe writers plotting to confuse us, so that when we try the recipe and fail, they'll all cheer and clap their hands in glee? Why must you Americans defy the Queen so much and reject the imperial units, ah? Why can't you use the metric system like the rest of the world, ah?
Bear in mind, this was yonks ago when I first started baking (before I knew how to Google for answers), which lead me to swear off certain recipes that measures with cups. As part of the experiment and research in order to achieve the perfect cupcake, I found some useful sites that made the conversion easy for gundu ol' me. With that problem solved, I selected a popular recipe to try, not the BEST recipe, coz I don't have the type of flour needed.
One of the things that drives me crazy about baking cupcakes is that I can never seem to find the type of cupcake case or baking cups that I truly need, which is this one.

Can you help me find this cupcake case?
This cup, according to Chockylit, is called The Nut & Party Cup. Using this cup, you won't even need a muffin/cupcake pan to bake. It holds the batter on it's own so you can just use this along with your normal cake pan. For clumsy hands, it's easy to handle and best of all, you'll get an almost perfectly shaped cupcake everytime.
I've only managed to get this cup for the first ever 'menjadi' cupcake that I made, and since that, the stores here don't seem to have these in stock anymore so I have to settle with the ever popular plain white paper case. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the perfect size for my muffin pan, so all my cupcakes baked with this normal case look somewhat misshapen, and sad to say, according to my already low standards, NOT PERFECT.

Look at the first row of the photo series. This is how it looks like with the the white paper case inside the regular muffin pan. I baked it at exactly 20 minutes as stated in the recipe and it looks very golden and 'done'. I don't quite like my cupcakes so kembang like that, so for the next batch, I put the baking cup inside a cupcake shaped tin foil liner (which moulded white baking cup into the desired shape). That's how it looks like in the second series of the photos. I also reduced the baking time to 15-16 minutes, resulting to a softer and fluffier texture. I like. The size was also substantially reduced, resulting to a 'cuter' shape.
Great, I thought. Now how do I achieve a perfectly flat top cupcake? No matter what I did, whether I filled the baking cups with 2/3 batter or 1/2, my cupcakes came out either domed or pointy. You can still frost your cupcakes fine with a domed or pointy tops, but for certain artistic effects, a flat top cupcake is best and easiest to decorate.

So, I have no choice but to slice off the tops as suggested by some yahoo experts. My mistake was to not seal the cut-off tops with some melted jam or syrup. Even as I was careful while spreading the icing on top of the cupcake, some of the crumbs or flakes got in the way, resulting in a not-so-smooth surface. Does my blue thumb nail freak you out? Haha, relax, that's just food colouring, I don't have gangrene hor!
Here's a peek of my decorated cakes. For my lack of piping skills, I'm still perfecting the simple swirls before I can move on to creating more complicated patterns. I still have a lot to learn anyway.

Last but not least, I'm also finicky about the storage and transportation of cupcakes. I'm at my wits end looking for the perfect box to pack my cupcakes, especially if I want to send some to this vanilla loving friend of mine. I'm done with standard cake boxes, recyclable/microwavable containers and tupperwares.
I need .... this!
I gotta hand to this special friend of mine, for making me realize that the best things in life are the simple things. I wanted to send her some of my cuppies to sample, and I was quite taken aback when she told me her that vanilla is her favourite flavour. I mean, aren't we all crazy about chocolates and other exotic flavours; lemon, cinnamon, cardamom, to name a few?
And here is this girl, who has traveled to almost the entire globe, who has probably tasted the finest food at the fanciest places and experienced different kinds of culture, settling for the most modest and plainest flavour I know.
"But.. but it's so easy! This is not challenging at all? Are you sure you want JUST vanilla? Not strawberry vanilla? or cherry vanilla?"
"Yup," she said with certainty. "I'm pretty sure. Plain vanilla."
"Alright then, and I'll make sure it'll be the best damn vanilla cupcake I've ever made!"
And so, I felt really good about this because I couldn't believe how easy it was to please this girl. This is easy peasy, I said to myself. And then I changed my mind. As I started visualizing and planning the baking, I broke into cold sweat, and thought, OMG have you forgotten? Have you forgotten your first ever vanilla cupcake? Don't you remember how easy it was to screw up the simplest recipe like Nigella's fairy cakes? Huh? HUH? Easy peasy senang kacang konon, now eat your words.
Frankly, to some degree, yes, it's easy to bake the Grande Dame of all Cupcakes. You can close one eye, tie one of your hands to your back and you can still come up with a decent batch. It's not if you have a certain standard to your cupcakes, which I admit I don't have any prior to my conversation with my friend.
Since I found out that I enjoy baking so much, and have gone through many failures and deflated bakes, I've subscribed to this belief that, there's no way am I gonna like what I'm doing if I keep obsessing about the tiniest details to achieve perfection. Just bake the best you can, decorate the best you know how, and eat it. If you screw up, don't worry about it. Let the rubbish bin eat it.
Then I thought, what if I can be better at this, with a little bit of effort and research? Learn a little bit more about the art and science of baking (ah, what am I talking about? I've no idea when the science begins and the art ends!) and start troubleshooting for my errors? How on earth am I gonna come up with the 'best vanilla cupcake ever' if I'm still stuck in the rut with my very low standards?
Most importantly, I can't expect to move on to other types of cupcakes if I can't even get the basics right. That's it, I don't have to go for perfection, just get it - right. Now, that isn't too nerve wrecking, is it?
So as I'm mulling over this, I took some much needed action to start my Great Vanilla Cupcake Experiment. I bought the ingredients of the finest quality; real 100% butter instead of the generic butter spread I used to buy, and most importantly, vanilla prima and not the inferior vanilla essence. That's the best I can find, they don't sell pure vanilla extract here! Arrghh!
Next, let's talk about the recipes, shall we? The reason I always stick to Nigella's fairy cakes and Chef Conolly's recipes is they use the metric units measurements, so it's pretty idiotproof. I feel more confident of the measurements if I can actually see the numbers and the dials on the scale. It's most useful when want to know how much butter you need, instead of the other recipes I come across online that use 1 cup of butter or 2 sticks of butter? I mean, that scares the sh*t out of me, measuring butter with a cup! That's just plain crazy and too difficult for me, and just how much is a stick of butter anyway? Is the entire union of recipe writers plotting to confuse us, so that when we try the recipe and fail, they'll all cheer and clap their hands in glee? Why must you Americans defy the Queen so much and reject the imperial units, ah? Why can't you use the metric system like the rest of the world, ah?
Bear in mind, this was yonks ago when I first started baking (before I knew how to Google for answers), which lead me to swear off certain recipes that measures with cups. As part of the experiment and research in order to achieve the perfect cupcake, I found some useful sites that made the conversion easy for gundu ol' me. With that problem solved, I selected a popular recipe to try, not the BEST recipe, coz I don't have the type of flour needed.
One of the things that drives me crazy about baking cupcakes is that I can never seem to find the type of cupcake case or baking cups that I truly need, which is this one.

Can you help me find this cupcake case?
This cup, according to Chockylit, is called The Nut & Party Cup. Using this cup, you won't even need a muffin/cupcake pan to bake. It holds the batter on it's own so you can just use this along with your normal cake pan. For clumsy hands, it's easy to handle and best of all, you'll get an almost perfectly shaped cupcake everytime.
I've only managed to get this cup for the first ever 'menjadi' cupcake that I made, and since that, the stores here don't seem to have these in stock anymore so I have to settle with the ever popular plain white paper case. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the perfect size for my muffin pan, so all my cupcakes baked with this normal case look somewhat misshapen, and sad to say, according to my already low standards, NOT PERFECT.

Look at the first row of the photo series. This is how it looks like with the the white paper case inside the regular muffin pan. I baked it at exactly 20 minutes as stated in the recipe and it looks very golden and 'done'. I don't quite like my cupcakes so kembang like that, so for the next batch, I put the baking cup inside a cupcake shaped tin foil liner (which moulded white baking cup into the desired shape). That's how it looks like in the second series of the photos. I also reduced the baking time to 15-16 minutes, resulting to a softer and fluffier texture. I like. The size was also substantially reduced, resulting to a 'cuter' shape.
Great, I thought. Now how do I achieve a perfectly flat top cupcake? No matter what I did, whether I filled the baking cups with 2/3 batter or 1/2, my cupcakes came out either domed or pointy. You can still frost your cupcakes fine with a domed or pointy tops, but for certain artistic effects, a flat top cupcake is best and easiest to decorate.
So, I have no choice but to slice off the tops as suggested by some yahoo experts. My mistake was to not seal the cut-off tops with some melted jam or syrup. Even as I was careful while spreading the icing on top of the cupcake, some of the crumbs or flakes got in the way, resulting in a not-so-smooth surface. Does my blue thumb nail freak you out? Haha, relax, that's just food colouring, I don't have gangrene hor!
Here's a peek of my decorated cakes. For my lack of piping skills, I'm still perfecting the simple swirls before I can move on to creating more complicated patterns. I still have a lot to learn anyway.

Last but not least, I'm also finicky about the storage and transportation of cupcakes. I'm at my wits end looking for the perfect box to pack my cupcakes, especially if I want to send some to this vanilla loving friend of mine. I'm done with standard cake boxes, recyclable/microwavable containers and tupperwares.
I need .... this!
Any idea where I can get this cool carrier? I don't think I want to transport my cupcakes in my time-capsule-slash-organ-transplant-sia to parties and such.
As a conclusion, I find magnolia cupcakes taste nicer than my previous fairy cakes, which I find too oily for my liking. But what probably made such a big difference was the better quality ingredients. I won't know this for sure until I bake a batch of fairy cakes again this weekend to make a fair comparison.
Anyway, this is only chapter one of my search for the ultimate, most perfect vanilla cupcake. This also means that my friend would have to wait until I've carried out all my experiments before she can get her hands on my cupcakes. I won't rest until I'm satisfied with the outcome, coz truly my dear Nadia, you deserve only the best!
p/s: Oh yeah, comments, tips and further discussions about this are VERY welcomed!
Why these cakes posted on the blog looks delicious?
hi kevin, i'm too demure to get into the basket, but they do taste nice.
1.1. i agree on the butter measurement. i guess in the States they sell butter in a standard measurement of per-stick or what?? probably like how they measure the philadelphia cream cheese.
1.2 i observe my MIL while she measures the ingredients for baking a cake, and yes, she did level the butter (room temperature) in the cup with the back of a knife, every time! (don't argue with a food science lecturer). memang kerja renyah! but i did that too :P
2.1 The Nut & Party Cup - survey lagi banyak bakery supply stores, sure ada punya lah! not as hard as to find the silver cupcake case yg most commercial cupcakes guna!
my mamma loves recipes that just uses cups and spoons.. no need to use the weighing scale. Yeap, over here a stick of butter will have markings on them to indicate 1tpsp.. 1 tpsb until 8tbsp = 1 stick = 1/2 cup. So if the recipe says you need 3 tpsb you just need to cut the stick at the third tbsp marking super easy and handy.
You making me hungrrrryyyy with all this waiting business! Alah, nak masuk mulut je pun.. they don't have to be perfectlah, babe? It's already so sweet of you to bake us some cuppieslah. Tak yah susah-susah sangat, k? :)
i know i've seen the cupcake carriers here in the US.
Arghh!! Kasi courier to me if u no like it!
Yikes! I never knew making cupcakes can be so tricky...
I like the "cups and spoons" measurement too. Senang maa...just grab a reasonable sized coffee cup and start measuring. I do it all the time heheh! I also learned that when using recipes from the west, to always add extra eggs cause their eggs are bigger than our average msian eggs. True! Unless you buy that omega grade A eggs of course!
And vanilla...my hubby used to laugh at me whenever i chose vanilla whenever we buy ice cream. So i thought it would be cooler to choose french vanilla instead and that's what i did heheh! Talking about peer pressure!!
Hey hey...
Thanks for dropping by my humble blog.
I got those cups from US but there are bakery supplies shops in Penang that do import these cups once in a while but you don't always get to see them!
But they are all over KL now as these cupcake biznes is getting really huge. Try Bake with Yan or Chang Tung.
mama shmontel, 1) the american had it sooo easy for them hor? made me feel like an idiot when i found out the conversion site
2) my mom measures with cups too. i oso never argue!
3) haiyo, i duduk kat ulu ceruk dunia ni, manalah ada byk shops. but true, those silver cases are hard to find, expensive summore!
alya, yup! i found it easier too now to use the measuring cups. and i guess things are much easier in the US rite? tak payah pening2 baper tbsp! over here, they have those markings on butter in metric units, e.g each 50g for 250g or a tub of butter. so imagine how i tear up my hair when the recipes from US need me to measure 3 tbsp of butter!
nadia, too late! u made me crazy like this, so u pay :p
mullai, can get one for me onot? bring it back here in june, can" hehe
sasha, great! another customer!
nin, you're rite abt the eggs. i chose the best eggs too for this recipe. anything to make my cuppies perfect!
ehhe, frankly plain vanilla ice cream is a fav of mine too, after choc mint of coz. but funny lah kena pressure ngan hubby camtu!
hi..i pernah jumpa cup nih kat kedai cake dekat area bandar baru bangi...sederet ngan al ikhsan...u ddk mane?
angeleyes, from US?? alamak, jauhnya. im sure they have lots in kl. then how? kena go to kl just to get those cups ke?? arrrghhh
hi anon, BBB? I dok kat penang ni ha.. :D bleh tolong belikan tak?
hmmm you can get those cupcake case in Singapore quite easily at Phoon Huat Baking store.... they sell the cupcake carrier too... but its sooooo expensive... 75 SGD for a tiny one...
I like baking cupcakes too... =)
Cupcake Queen :)
Your pictures always inspire me to get back into that kitchen.
Yup, I found out only when I came here - that here in the U.S., they measure butter by sticks - so all the recipes I use now involve "sticks of butter" which also has measurements on them. I took a picture specially for you! I prefer this coz I hate measuring using the scales.
It's a pity you're not in Singapore, otherwise I could buy you the muffin carrier when I come back in October. They have an awesome household shop here called Bed, Bath & Beyond that has it..about US$20 I think.
Hi babe,
you can get those cups from Vanilla Pastry shop kat Bandar Baru Bangi or ICCA kat PJ. They sell the good quality ones.
Other options: Bake With Yen @ Puchong and JJ Homebake @ Shah Alam.
kak dayang, im staying in penang laa.. boleh tolong belikan tak..? hihi
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