It was unusually silent that she startled me. With her nursery rhymes playing softly in the background, I was lost so far in my thoughts and drowning so deep in my own worries during our slow drive this morning.
"Yes, darling?"
"Saan deh...."
"Ahaaa..." I smiled, happy that she brought up the subject herself.
"Mannn deh..."
"Yaaa...." Is she trying to do this on her own?
"Tooos deh..."
"Riiiight..." Does she know them all already?
"Hmm... pastu, apa dia tak tau?" she hesitated. It's her current thing, ask anything and she'll answer 'tak tau'. Even her own name! The cheeky dumpling.
"Wennnnn...?" I helped her out.
"Wennnes deh!"
"Theeen?" Things are looking good.
"Theesh deh!"
"Okaaay..." You're almost there!
"Faiiiii deh..."
"Lastly?" Come on, come on!
"Saaaah teh dehhh!!!!"
The dark clouds above parted and the glorious sunshine beamed upon my head. My heart swelled with pride so much, I felt like turning around my seat and giving my darling a big fat kiss, a hug, a high five, a calit-calit all at once. If only we weren't strapped to our seats.
It was unusually silent that she startled me. With her nursery rhymes playing softly in the background, I was lost so far in my thoughts and drowning so deep in my own worries during our slow drive this morning.
"Yes, darling?"
"Saan deh...."
"Ahaaa..." I smiled, happy that she brought up the subject herself.
"Mannn deh..."
"Yaaa...." Is she trying to do this on her own?
"Tooos deh..."
"Riiiight..." Does she know them all already?
"Hmm... pastu, apa dia tak tau?" she hesitated. It's her current thing, ask anything and she'll answer 'tak tau'. Even her own name! The cheeky dumpling.
"Wennnnn...?" I helped her out.
"Wennnes deh!"
"Theeen?" Things are looking good.
"Theesh deh!"
"Okaaay..." You're almost there!
"Faiiiii deh..."
"Lastly?" Come on, come on!
"Saaaah teh dehhh!!!!"
The dark clouds above parted and the glorious sunshine beamed upon my head. My heart swelled with pride so much, I felt like turning around my seat and giving my darling a big fat kiss, a hug, a high five, a calit-calit all at once. If only we weren't strapped to our seats.

So what was I really worrying about in the car? Whether I should send her to play school or not soon. She's used to be waited upon hand and foot that I'm afraid whether she'll ever learn to be independent.
I've forgotten how bright and verbal she is, how well she absorbs things, how excellently her brain receives information, rather than instructions.
And with that, I've made my decision.
I've forgotten how bright and verbal she is, how well she absorbs things, how excellently her brain receives information, rather than instructions.
And with that, I've made my decision.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aluguel de Computadores, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://aluguel-de-computadores.blogspot.com. A hug.
clever nunu!! i know the day of week only from the barney song :)
pandai nunu. She just reminded me that today is Faaai Deh! Yoohooo!
So clever! :)
so cute! *cubit pipi*
Now that she knows the days of the week, you can then teach her the various holidays we have here in msia :)
alya, shhhh... she doesn't know barney!
sasha, u happy hor, after faii deh can joli. i stick have saturday to get thru
hetz, tenkiuk! but her abah says, 'pandai eh, pandai melawan!'
dyanna, haha so far dia tau raya ajer
*why am i feeling this pressure of wanting to teach my kids the calendar months?*
haaa! gotcha!
i was exactly macam tu once upon a time. stress out tak tentu hala!
whatever it is anne, just be consistent. sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit. don't really have to spend arms and legs for the posh material/places. she can start learning well, in the convenience of a home.
gud luck!!
nin, pandai ke? tak sangat la actually, it's all becoz she can verbalize well. ada certains things dia grab cepat sikit lar
ana, stress upon stress on top of me, this is just a way for me to solve some problems. at home, yes she does learn a few things, but the main thing is i want to get her some exposure. al maklumlah, kami orang kampung :D
a'ah anne, she's like a sponge lah ;) i can imagine how proud u must be!
whatever your decision is, u're the best to decide! dont let other ppl get to u!
Yay for Nunu! Damn cleverlah she! :) And I love that sepia picture, babe! Absolutely gorgeous. I hope she's having fun in school now. ;)
omigod she is well beyond her years lah! i think i only learnt days in primary school hahahaha. very very smart girl u got there!
bb, alhamdulillah, most kids have their own level of intelligence right? so i just want to nurture that, and not blame myself in later years if i screw up a good thing
nadia, haha, itu sephia pic kacang jer, LR!
yanz, haha dun be excited sgt, dia hafal jer, hari ni hari apa pun, bukan dia tau! surely, she doesnt know the concept of days yet.
clever girl!
mujjin aka brudder dear, I've exposed nunu to that video lamaaaa dah! haha damn nostalgic kan? it's one of her favourite youtube vids.
mumbojumbo, thanks! alhamdulillah
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