Anyone reading Nunu's blog about her first day at playschool, must have thought that the transition from exclusive-me-and-only-me nanny care to no nonsense-you-gotta-fend-for- yourself kindercare was a smooth one. I thought it was too. First day wasn't bad at all. In fact, it was too good to be true.
On the first and second day, I think I've prepped her enough to get her into thinking that she would love 'school' because she'd be able to engage in a lot of fun activities. And if she ever needed me, I reminded her that I'm just nearby, 'going to work' at the 'offish' while 'Nunu go to skool' and I can come by to take her before she even knows it. She trusted me and we went inside together. I took some pictures, tried to be discreet about it, but the teacher threw me a line in jest about being the "over excited mom". Sheeesh...
While she was engrossed with some toys, I sneaked my way out and walked to my office (it's just behind the school!) For hours, I kept my ears prickled to her sounds of cries ( like I said, the school is so near to my office, I swear I can hear if someone cries, especially with Nunu's 'volume'), but I kind of felt disappointed I heard nothing. I know, I'm heartless sometimes. It's a mommy thing that I don't have to explain.
I went to pick her up at exactly 12 pm. Partly out of curiosity on how she coped and partly of excitement for the teacher's feedback! They were playing outdoors with play structures when I came, and she didn't realize I was there until I came real close to her, and she didn't want to go home!
Teacher's feedback was quite good. She got the hang of things and learnt the ropes of the place pretty quick. She only ate some biscuits and water the whole hours she was there, but I'm OK with that coz that means she'll be ravenous by the time she gets her lunch at the nanny's. Teacher Wani reported that she whined several times, but didn't get terribly upset like most newbies, as the teachers were quick to divert her attention.
It was rather uneventful, so was the second day. But on the third day, she might have figured out that I'd bolt out of the door as soon as she wasn't looking, so she held on to me tight around the neck. Teacher Wani said there's no point I linger around the class anymore as Nunu knew I'd leave her, so the only way was to pry her off me. And pry Nunu off me she did, and Nunu grabbed my scarf until all the pins fell off! She trashed around and cried, and soon after, Teacher Wani's one year old daughter, Mei Mei followed suit, seeing her mother pacifying another crying toddler. It was hilarious in a sick and sad kind of way. Just as I stepped outside the grilled door, all the crying stopped. I didn't take a peek inside to see what the teacher did, but I thought it was mighty amazing!
However, that day she pulled a stunt at the nanny's. Mak Nab was stumped why Nunu refused to let me go (she never had separation anxiety issues before this) and practically ran amok (her words!) when I left her that afternoon. Our theory is Nunu was upset that from there on, I'll be leaving her TWICE. Once in the morning, another in the afternoon.
The same thing happened on the fourth day. I handed Nunu to the teacher, she cried, Mei Mei cried, but silence took over as soon as I'm out of their sight. In the afternoon, her tanrums at the nanny's place was harder to deal with. On Friday, I was surprised she went inside the class without a fuss. No more drama! Nothing happened on Friday afternoon because I brought Nunu to the hospital to see her new cousin Ieman, and she slept on the way to Mak Nab's.
And I thought, phew, that was and easy week!
Little did I know she was scheming something over the weekend. On Monday morning, I had a difficult time waking her up and getting her ready for school. She fretted and whined "Dowan go to school..." over and over. I felt like giving in because she was having a runny nose, but nope, I won't teach my daughter to skip school just because she has a little cold.
She was whining and moping the whole car ride to school, and when we arrived she resisted and cried as if school was such a terrible experience! I mean, everybody has been asking her how school was and her answer has always been "Syiok!" or "Best!" followed with a brief report of what she did that day. So the sudden resistance boggled me. Maybe it's called 'the second week of school strike' or something.
On the first and second day, I think I've prepped her enough to get her into thinking that she would love 'school' because she'd be able to engage in a lot of fun activities. And if she ever needed me, I reminded her that I'm just nearby, 'going to work' at the 'offish' while 'Nunu go to skool' and I can come by to take her before she even knows it. She trusted me and we went inside together. I took some pictures, tried to be discreet about it, but the teacher threw me a line in jest about being the "over excited mom". Sheeesh...
While she was engrossed with some toys, I sneaked my way out and walked to my office (it's just behind the school!) For hours, I kept my ears prickled to her sounds of cries ( like I said, the school is so near to my office, I swear I can hear if someone cries, especially with Nunu's 'volume'), but I kind of felt disappointed I heard nothing. I know, I'm heartless sometimes. It's a mommy thing that I don't have to explain.
I went to pick her up at exactly 12 pm. Partly out of curiosity on how she coped and partly of excitement for the teacher's feedback! They were playing outdoors with play structures when I came, and she didn't realize I was there until I came real close to her, and she didn't want to go home!
Teacher's feedback was quite good. She got the hang of things and learnt the ropes of the place pretty quick. She only ate some biscuits and water the whole hours she was there, but I'm OK with that coz that means she'll be ravenous by the time she gets her lunch at the nanny's. Teacher Wani reported that she whined several times, but didn't get terribly upset like most newbies, as the teachers were quick to divert her attention.
It was rather uneventful, so was the second day. But on the third day, she might have figured out that I'd bolt out of the door as soon as she wasn't looking, so she held on to me tight around the neck. Teacher Wani said there's no point I linger around the class anymore as Nunu knew I'd leave her, so the only way was to pry her off me. And pry Nunu off me she did, and Nunu grabbed my scarf until all the pins fell off! She trashed around and cried, and soon after, Teacher Wani's one year old daughter, Mei Mei followed suit, seeing her mother pacifying another crying toddler. It was hilarious in a sick and sad kind of way. Just as I stepped outside the grilled door, all the crying stopped. I didn't take a peek inside to see what the teacher did, but I thought it was mighty amazing!
However, that day she pulled a stunt at the nanny's. Mak Nab was stumped why Nunu refused to let me go (she never had separation anxiety issues before this) and practically ran amok (her words!) when I left her that afternoon. Our theory is Nunu was upset that from there on, I'll be leaving her TWICE. Once in the morning, another in the afternoon.
The same thing happened on the fourth day. I handed Nunu to the teacher, she cried, Mei Mei cried, but silence took over as soon as I'm out of their sight. In the afternoon, her tanrums at the nanny's place was harder to deal with. On Friday, I was surprised she went inside the class without a fuss. No more drama! Nothing happened on Friday afternoon because I brought Nunu to the hospital to see her new cousin Ieman, and she slept on the way to Mak Nab's.
And I thought, phew, that was and easy week!
Little did I know she was scheming something over the weekend. On Monday morning, I had a difficult time waking her up and getting her ready for school. She fretted and whined "Dowan go to school..." over and over. I felt like giving in because she was having a runny nose, but nope, I won't teach my daughter to skip school just because she has a little cold.
She was whining and moping the whole car ride to school, and when we arrived she resisted and cried as if school was such a terrible experience! I mean, everybody has been asking her how school was and her answer has always been "Syiok!" or "Best!" followed with a brief report of what she did that day. So the sudden resistance boggled me. Maybe it's called 'the second week of school strike' or something.
I carried her inside and handed her over to Teacher Wani at you know what? I didn't even had the chance to comfort her, she stopped crying immediately and waved me goodbye! Even the teacher said, "Aikk?" Haha. She probably understood that she was wasting her time crying and her little trick didn't work.
Today, she went inside the class with her Barbie backpack on her back, walking coolly with a spring in her steps and forgetting to kiss and hug me altogether. No more tricks this time.
Today, she went inside the class with her Barbie backpack on her back, walking coolly with a spring in her steps and forgetting to kiss and hug me altogether. No more tricks this time.
And how has she been behaving in school? The teacher has no complaints because she has a clingy and demanding toddler as well, so she doesn't expect Nunu to listen to her ALL THE TIME. She gets up from her desk sometimes and goes to where the big boys are playing. Before she starts an activity, she will make a lap run around the room, and then sit back down, as if warming up. Apart from two occasions of bullying which I saw with MY OWN EYES (she pushed Mei Mei to the floor out of the blue, suka-suka hati dia, you bet I screamed) she's doing fine...
For now at least, let's just see if she has more tricks up her sleeves.

well done..Nuha. Ebi pun nanti ke sekolah juga.
kak zila, balik sini sure speaking southern slang ah si ebi! hihi, can't wait for u guys to come home!
Sounds like overall, it's been a good experience? I think it's awesome that her school is just next to your office - it wouldn't be a good thing for me coz I would be SO TEMPTED to check :)
But honestly, I can't wait for Divya to go to pre-school next year - break time! But also 2nd baby planning time :)
bavani, i lurked around several times, but hey, it's a pretty secure school, u can't see them unless they're playing outside! haha yes, every mum should look forward to this new experience (oh yeah, the kid too!)
she's a strong one...can pull off your scarf...hehe
the crying and little drama are pretty normal. i think she's doing great
blueranger, she's small but she can pack a punch! and yeah, i think she's doing wonderful too :D
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