There you go! A plethora of Annie's boleh-jadilah cupcakes for your viewing pleasure .
You may laugh, of course, if you find that my efforts still look a lil' absurd - it's my 1st time icing a cake & I realize that I can't pipe to save my life!
Credits must go to Nadia for introducing me to this wonderful website that gave me the motivation to not be in prolonged despair, and taught me a thing or two about the basics of baking. I mean, things you should know like over beating the batter will make the cake sink, and the rule of thumb of baking is FOLLOW THE RECIPE (sure, what idiot wouldn't stick to the recipe?)
I confess I've hardly pay a visit to home & lifestyle websites (really, not even!) and what a shame because there's actually a lot I can go to to improve myself and you know, inspire you a bit. And not just the angan2 mat jenin kinda inspiration or oh-it's-just-a-cupcake-phase kinda inspiration.

the first 3 cuppies. buttercream in white, shocking pink & purple (dedicated to dear ucue)

this questionable looking cupcake was decorated by none other than Martian (yg menyibok tak tentu pasal kat dapur kul 2 pagi & irritated me to the point of incurring my contempt!)
But pretty cute, huh?

those penyet flowers are marshmallows. those swirls are my maiden piping foray

i think these look particularly sweet, albeit uninspiring (so late at night mah.. where got idea to do revolutionary designs)
Oh yeah, how do they taste, you ask? For that, we'll have to wait for tonight.
Damn, I'm proud of myself :D
You may laugh, of course, if you find that my efforts still look a lil' absurd - it's my 1st time icing a cake & I realize that I can't pipe to save my life!
Credits must go to Nadia for introducing me to this wonderful website that gave me the motivation to not be in prolonged despair, and taught me a thing or two about the basics of baking. I mean, things you should know like over beating the batter will make the cake sink, and the rule of thumb of baking is FOLLOW THE RECIPE (sure, what idiot wouldn't stick to the recipe?)
I confess I've hardly pay a visit to home & lifestyle websites (really, not even!) and what a shame because there's actually a lot I can go to to improve myself and you know, inspire you a bit. And not just the angan2 mat jenin kinda inspiration or oh-it's-just-a-cupcake-phase kinda inspiration.
the first 3 cuppies. buttercream in white, shocking pink & purple (dedicated to dear ucue)
this questionable looking cupcake was decorated by none other than Martian (yg menyibok tak tentu pasal kat dapur kul 2 pagi & irritated me to the point of incurring my contempt!)
But pretty cute, huh?
those penyet flowers are marshmallows. those swirls are my maiden piping foray
i think these look particularly sweet, albeit uninspiring (so late at night mah.. where got idea to do revolutionary designs)
Oh yeah, how do they taste, you ask? For that, we'll have to wait for tonight.
Damn, I'm proud of myself :D
Haha! I got to Better Homes and Garden's website secara tak sengaja as I was googling (don't think that's a word.. but what the heck?!) for some decorating ideas. Hehe. Glad that you found the website useful. :)
I shall now proceed to start with my own project ah. Nanti will show you the end result, whenever it is done that is. Hahaha!
p/s: Mobster, please don't ask for anymore cicak post, boleh tak? Pfffffttttttt...
Anne, please post one with a cicak on a cupcake. That'll be great! Thanks!
nadia, thks beb. andalah yg memberi perangsang kpd saya. fusheh
moby, cicak jer? other creepy crawlies tanak?
Aisey Bedahhh ... now those look yummy. But I can do without the marshmallows though ... really hate them.
OK! Malam ni hantar satu kotak kat rumah saya ye.
Sekian. Terima kasih di hadapan.
wah..*claps enthusiastically*
i is so proud of you lah!!
ok bole bukak bisnes cuppies plak la lepas ni.
i can become your 1st customer :D
mr black, send me some donuts first :D
terima kasih, depan & belakang!
zalin, cewah! baru buat satu batch, dah berangan business! baking is rocket science to me la beb. but gua bangga lah, sumer org kat bbq party puji sedap!
ishhhh there goes my diet!!!! dah lapar da...
bb, my diet at the moment, hungry - go eat. kenyang - stop eating! lol - and it took me great will not to eat those cakes myself. hehehe
... and I'm proud of you! *sobs*
see? you have the talent all along. It's just 'terpendam' only before this.
Bravo! Bravo!
well done anne. im extremely impressed.
db, *sobs* very emo, huh? who could have thought, huh? :D
dyanna, talent? wahahaha... i hope u have a crystal ball that can foresee that i can get better at this!
mynn, you ARE? thanks! somehow i believe you this time.
Gulp.. (telan air liur) "speechless"
I have something more better than a crystal ball; The Magic 8 Ball. One of it's prediction says 'You're going to die!'.
ucue! surprise! for you! mmg ingat sgt2 kat ucue masa bancuh icing tu. sori eh purple nyer shocking sgt
dyanna, wah lao weh! habis ah, we're all gonna die!
that magic ball sucks ah!
i ask "am i gonna die?"
answer: very doubtful
i ask "how many kids will i have?"
answer: most likely
i ask again "are you stupid or what?"
answer: don't count on it
then i said "man, you suck"
answer: please address me in the form of a question
"man, you suck?"
answer: ask me again later
aiyooo ammmaaa...
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