It's close to 6 and my stomach's rumbling. Don't worry, I didn't have milk and oranges ;)
I have an MSN buddy who kept telling how good her donut snack was. Duh, I have some kick a** snack too in my bag, that I've completely forgotten all about. Nah, eat your heart out.
I have an MSN buddy who kept telling how good her donut snack was. Duh, I have some kick a** snack too in my bag, that I've completely forgotten all about. Nah, eat your heart out.

Rich and gooey Chocolate Mud Cupcake- doesn't even need frosting
And here I am flaunting another 'gadget' (eh gadget ke ni?)

The new age tiffin carrier, also known as 'sia' in this part of the world. I'm planning of having home cooked meals for lunch from today onwards, and this is what I had today.

No, I didn't bring Nunu's lunch to the office by mistake! This is also the new age porridge, better known as 'moi' in this part of the world, which comprises of rice congee, carrots, broccoli florets and the secret ingredient, powdered mushroom soup! Yeah, yeah so much for 'healthy' and 'nutritious' comfort food, huh?
Thanks, Cik Donut for the recipe :D
p/s: Since we're talking about cool lunch packs, check out this site for cute kiddy lunch boxes and some bento ideas. And hey, even the dabbawallahs have an official website!
I am dying to ask for that delicious-looking cupcake but I know that it is not your recipe to give - but if you can...... :) :)
By the way, I have a delicious cookie recipe if you are ever interested :)
bavani, hihi actually i'm not stingy on sharing recipes, but i blog at work and the recipe book's at home! lol, i'll try to put up the recipe on of the days (if i remembers to bring the book to worklah)
cookies? cool! am actually looking around for cookie recipe. lemme guess, choc chip?
huwaaa.... bila gi kat lunchbox nye link tu, teringat kat Strawberry Shortcake metal lunchbox I used to have when I was about 2-3 yrs old... siap ade flask kat dalam tu... i love that lunchbox so much! tapi sikalang tatau pegi mana
wuah everyday bawak food? so what's for lunch today?
I have a little something on my blog for you :)
psstt ure using the 500 cupcakes & muffin recipe book kan...? i just got it too ;) baru try 1 recipe; the peanut butter cupcakes. and H said it wasnt peanut butter-ish enough. cis!
eh kat mana beli hot cool thingy tu?? much better than the tin punya!
sasha, ehem, home made assam pedas and white rice!
bavani, i thought you're giving me the choc chip cookie recipe! tehee but an award is way better! thanks!
bb, ah ah! same book, peanut butter i haven't tried, but as i discovered, we have to make little adjustmentslah to the recipe to make it just right. lain orang lain citarasa, kan?
the sia? got it free la from HP! dunno if they sell that kind anywhere else, i'm sure they do. but so bulky la, looks like i'm carrying a space capsule!
looks yummy...nyum nyum
Envy your prowess in baking... when Nunu is older, I'm sure she will fondly remember the smell of freshly baked cakes from mummy's kitchen.
I still prefer the traditional, stainless steel 'sia'. In my pre-u days, used to have one personal sized one to tapau food for buka puasa :-).
anul, ehehe good progress with photography nampak!
nin, PROWESS?? hihi, puh-leeze! oh yeah, it never crossed my mind how nunu would remember out fun in the kitchen when she grows up. i was just trying to include her in coz she's been asking for choc cakes all the time!
and i'd love to have a smaller and more quaint 'sia' like you describes. with that new age sia, I look like i'm carrying a cooler for an organ donor transplant!
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