When you were a kid, did your mom ever tell you to not drink orange juice and milk together? That if you do, the compounds in both liquids will curdle and you'll have an upset tummy?
Mine did, she reminded us with this rule all the time that it has become a well known fact to the family coz we loved having milk and juice. I guess it was simply a well known fact too until I asked several people via msn and some of them had no idea!
I thought, okay I think I should at least share this little piece of frivolous information and y'know, treat it like a public service message or something. Haha, coz I don't want other people especially little kids to go through what Nunu went through last Sunday.

As most of you can guess, she absolutely loves oranges. I think my during brother's wedding, the wedding pics showed that she's eating an orange almost 90% of the time! So what happened on Sunday was she ate an excessive amount of oranges at my grandma's house (with her abah and Tok Abah).
Now, eating oranges alone won't give her a tummy ache, coz she's used to it. But I didn't know about that coz I was at home doing my chores. When she came back, it was time for her nap, so I made her milk and laid her down for a nap.
When she got up, there were weird sounds coming from her tummy. And my, she farted like nobody's business! Really weird sound, y'know it was almost freaky. When she was done pooing, I was gobsmacked to see the err... consistency of the stool. Excuse me for the graphic description, I understand that most of you would be dis-custard (pun fully intended) so you can just skip to the next paragraph if you want to. The stool wasn't only runny and diarrhoea-like, I could actually see the curdled milk solids and other stuff that she ate.
However, only hours later did she complained of a tummy ache, and soon after that, the barf-fest started. She couldn't keep anything in. She grew weak and clingy from all the merlion action, but I think I got it all under control, just kept towels and wash cloths within reach, and cleaned up after her without much fuss.
Later that night, she had to go to bed with an empty stomach, and Lord, I couldn't bear watching her beg for a bottle of milk! I told her softly that she cannot drink milk until the next day, and she sobbed oh so sadly and closed her eyes whimpering! I didn't think I slept a wink that night coz I kept hearing her small tummy giving this really god-awful weird and LOUD squeaks! It was torturous hell, just those sounds. That was the worst thing about this whole experience. No child's tummy should sound like that.
However, things were better the next day. She was afraid of eating anything for fear of having it come out again, but thankfully she didn't puke that much and was able to take some food and milk after I bribed her with kiddy rides at the apek's grocery store. Sometimes she acted sweet and took her meds like a champion, the whole process ended within 2 minutes. Other times, it took a little bit more patience (and TNA wrestling techniques).
So that's the message : ALWAYS know what your child has been eating. Some people can stomach orange juice and milk (don't we always see those Americans having those two on their breakfast tables?) but I guess both should not be taken on their own, or on an empty tummy. At least with some bread, or roti canai, or nasi lemak.
But to me, I'll always avoid taking both of these at the same time. And I think we should be careful when a child is concerned, just the way my mom was concerned about us when we were kids.
It says here that "juice cannot be served when milk is served as the only other component". Also, here's a simple explanation of the scientific process that goes on when the two is mixed.
So there. This is a community service message brought to you by Raggedyanne and Nunu.
Mine did, she reminded us with this rule all the time that it has become a well known fact to the family coz we loved having milk and juice. I guess it was simply a well known fact too until I asked several people via msn and some of them had no idea!
I thought, okay I think I should at least share this little piece of frivolous information and y'know, treat it like a public service message or something. Haha, coz I don't want other people especially little kids to go through what Nunu went through last Sunday.
As most of you can guess, she absolutely loves oranges. I think my during brother's wedding, the wedding pics showed that she's eating an orange almost 90% of the time! So what happened on Sunday was she ate an excessive amount of oranges at my grandma's house (with her abah and Tok Abah).
Now, eating oranges alone won't give her a tummy ache, coz she's used to it. But I didn't know about that coz I was at home doing my chores. When she came back, it was time for her nap, so I made her milk and laid her down for a nap.
When she got up, there were weird sounds coming from her tummy. And my, she farted like nobody's business! Really weird sound, y'know it was almost freaky. When she was done pooing, I was gobsmacked to see the err... consistency of the stool. Excuse me for the graphic description, I understand that most of you would be dis-custard (pun fully intended) so you can just skip to the next paragraph if you want to. The stool wasn't only runny and diarrhoea-like, I could actually see the curdled milk solids and other stuff that she ate.
However, only hours later did she complained of a tummy ache, and soon after that, the barf-fest started. She couldn't keep anything in. She grew weak and clingy from all the merlion action, but I think I got it all under control, just kept towels and wash cloths within reach, and cleaned up after her without much fuss.
Later that night, she had to go to bed with an empty stomach, and Lord, I couldn't bear watching her beg for a bottle of milk! I told her softly that she cannot drink milk until the next day, and she sobbed oh so sadly and closed her eyes whimpering! I didn't think I slept a wink that night coz I kept hearing her small tummy giving this really god-awful weird and LOUD squeaks! It was torturous hell, just those sounds. That was the worst thing about this whole experience. No child's tummy should sound like that.
However, things were better the next day. She was afraid of eating anything for fear of having it come out again, but thankfully she didn't puke that much and was able to take some food and milk after I bribed her with kiddy rides at the apek's grocery store. Sometimes she acted sweet and took her meds like a champion, the whole process ended within 2 minutes. Other times, it took a little bit more patience (and TNA wrestling techniques).
So that's the message : ALWAYS know what your child has been eating. Some people can stomach orange juice and milk (don't we always see those Americans having those two on their breakfast tables?) but I guess both should not be taken on their own, or on an empty tummy. At least with some bread, or roti canai, or nasi lemak.
But to me, I'll always avoid taking both of these at the same time. And I think we should be careful when a child is concerned, just the way my mom was concerned about us when we were kids.
It says here that "juice cannot be served when milk is served as the only other component". Also, here's a simple explanation of the scientific process that goes on when the two is mixed.
So there. This is a community service message brought to you by Raggedyanne and Nunu.
GOSH!!! yes, thank you very much for your community service message!!
I had no idea that this could happen if orange + milk are taken together at the same time. just to err on the side of caution... ikut je lah kan.. esp. where kids are concerned.
camno pulak dengan yoghurt drink tu ekk? yang orange flavored tu? my kids love them! i thought it would have the same composition with orange+milk?
scary seh!
Thanks for the community service message! :) I hope Nunu's better now. Take care you guys!
Wow Anne, this confirms my suspicion/paranoia all these while! My mom never had that rule but i somehow always suspected that this combination doesnt work well (on empty stomach)
Now it's proven. Poor Nunu, but think of all the tummies that you have spared of that awful sound by writing this post. So, thanks!
bb, i was a lil puzzled too that not many ppl know about this. i thought it was kinda an urban legend or sthing, but it's kinda logical. Just try adding acidic drink in milk, and you'll see it curdle. basic science right? but we have enzymes and acids in our tummy lining already anyway and perhaps to some ppl, this has no effect on them. but i'm sure no mom would wanna risk that
ana, you don't have to be scared of yogurt drinks coz they've been treated. tak pernah sakit perut, kan?
nadia, thnks. insya-allah, i'll be careful next time.
nikmummy, oh tq tq! i really hope i didn't write this post in vain! haha, nway it's just a precaution. I'm not saying DONT DRINK ORANGES AND MILK COZ IT WILL KILL YOU INDEFINITELY!!! anyone's welcomed to conduct their own experiment, see if your tummy is tough enough :D
It was the same in our house too - so you're not alone. My mother always told us not to mix the two - but her reason was always vague hehe. So we just took her word for it and it became a habit not to mix the two. Hope Nunu is feeling better :( - I know how miserable it is to see a little puke and then not be allowed to take anything in. Divya suffered this a week ago too - but her cause was my mistake for giving her too much yoghurt :( - so watch out for that too.
kesian nunu.
in general, kesian kalau budak kena stomachache /diarrhea...sbb MILK's her food, and milk is totally a NO in this kind of situation.
thnx for the reminder!
bavani, ah our moms knew about this and i'm glad she passed down the knowledge to us (although with vague reasons!) but hmm yeah, too much live culture inside the tummy isn't good too. but how do you stop a toddler from eating her fav food, right? lol
mama shmontel, your welcome. yeah, so heartbreaking when they beg and whimper... sigh, hopefully this serves as a lesson to all. i'm just here to share :)
Waahh...thanks for the info. I never knew these things! Luckily my kids don't like oranges or I would've probably gone thru the same experience you did. Poor Nunu... tak sampai hati aunty nin dengar. Maira went thru more or less the same thing a few weeks back (but not as serious) and I think it affected me more than she. Al-maklumlahh... mummies are an emotional lot, aren't they?
nin, your welcome. so my suspicion that not everyone knows about this is true! i'm so relieved i wrote about it, but hmm, not glad that it happened to me n nunu of coz.
and about mom being more emotionally hurt, haha very true :D
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