Or at least I think that's what it's called! Either that or Mud Choc Cupcake or something.
I'm not sure, all I know is while making this cupcake, I'm imagining a hippopotamus sloshing in the Mississippi River (in case you wonder, no there are no hippos in the Mississippi River. Ugh, it's painful to spell and type Mississippi River twice. Oops, thrice)

Anyway, this recipe goes to the lovely Bavani, who also awarded me with the Nice Matters Award. Thanks, babe. I can't tell you enough how *blushblush* honoured I am.
As you can see, the cupcake doesn't look that good. So I tried to mask the hideousness of the surface by putting some cream cheese on it. But the cupcake is good just plain. As expected, I forgot to bring the recipe book to the office today Bavani, but I think I can recall most of it. Very simple ah!
The ingredients:
300 g choc chips ( I used chopped dark chocolate)
300 g butter (cut it in little pieces while it's still cold and hard and let if soften at room temp)
115 g castor sugar
*115 g self raising flour
*2 tbsp dutch process cocoa powder (I've no idea what dutch process is, and I don't care, just use normal cocoa powder lah!)
5 large eggs
Now, follow me and my trusty assistant with my step by step instructions:
The most important thing about baking is, always start by preheating your oven. For this recipe, set the temp at 160 degrees.

Melt the chocolate and butter using the double boiler technique. Mix them up until well combined and let it cool, at least until you can touch the bowl with your hands.

While waiting for the chocolate mixture to cool, get your assistant to crack the eggs.

She may need your help if she gets the shells inside the bowl of eggs. Have your assistant's bottle of milk within reach so she can take a swig every now and then. Making cake is hard labour, y'know.

Lightly beat up the eggs. Just look how good she is at this. My toddler baker virtuoso.

Put the eggs and sugar in a big mixing bowl and start whisking until the mixture turns pale yellow. At this point, bark a command at your assistant to look at the camera and at least pretend to look like she's enjoying herself.

Chocolate mixture still hot to the touch? Worry not! Kill time by forcing your assistant to do the dishes.

Do not feel the slightest pinch of pity even if she's soaked to her bloomers and her face is dripping with soap water. Keep on clicking the camera like the cruel slave-driver mommy you are.

Chocolate and butter mixture finally cooled? Yeay. Alternately fold in the flourand cocoa powder in the sugar and egg mixture. Don't understand what I'm jabbering about? It means, stir in flour, and mix, stir in flour, then mix. Kapish? Then put the choc mixture in the bowl and mix carefully.
Note that the assistant got time to kill for a wardrobe change. Well, I can't document this with her topless, can I?

I'm not sure, all I know is while making this cupcake, I'm imagining a hippopotamus sloshing in the Mississippi River (in case you wonder, no there are no hippos in the Mississippi River. Ugh, it's painful to spell and type Mississippi River twice. Oops, thrice)

Anyway, this recipe goes to the lovely Bavani, who also awarded me with the Nice Matters Award. Thanks, babe. I can't tell you enough how *blushblush* honoured I am.
As you can see, the cupcake doesn't look that good. So I tried to mask the hideousness of the surface by putting some cream cheese on it. But the cupcake is good just plain. As expected, I forgot to bring the recipe book to the office today Bavani, but I think I can recall most of it. Very simple ah!
The ingredients:
300 g choc chips ( I used chopped dark chocolate)
300 g butter (cut it in little pieces while it's still cold and hard and let if soften at room temp)
115 g castor sugar
*115 g self raising flour
*2 tbsp dutch process cocoa powder (I've no idea what dutch process is, and I don't care, just use normal cocoa powder lah!)
5 large eggs
Now, follow me and my trusty assistant with my step by step instructions:
The most important thing about baking is, always start by preheating your oven. For this recipe, set the temp at 160 degrees.
Melt the chocolate and butter using the double boiler technique. Mix them up until well combined and let it cool, at least until you can touch the bowl with your hands.

While waiting for the chocolate mixture to cool, get your assistant to crack the eggs.

She may need your help if she gets the shells inside the bowl of eggs. Have your assistant's bottle of milk within reach so she can take a swig every now and then. Making cake is hard labour, y'know.

Lightly beat up the eggs. Just look how good she is at this. My toddler baker virtuoso.

Put the eggs and sugar in a big mixing bowl and start whisking until the mixture turns pale yellow. At this point, bark a command at your assistant to look at the camera and at least pretend to look like she's enjoying herself.

Chocolate mixture still hot to the touch? Worry not! Kill time by forcing your assistant to do the dishes.

Do not feel the slightest pinch of pity even if she's soaked to her bloomers and her face is dripping with soap water. Keep on clicking the camera like the cruel slave-driver mommy you are.

Chocolate and butter mixture finally cooled? Yeay. Alternately fold in the flour
Note that the assistant got time to kill for a wardrobe change. Well, I can't document this with her topless, can I?

Whoopsie, looks like she needs another wardrobe change! At this point, it'll be too irresistible for the assistant to not lick the spatula.
For hygienic and damage control purposes, it is wise to terminate her service now. But before you send off the assistant to mop the floor or clean the gutters, get her to do one last thing. Since she loves choc chips so much! Look at that concentration! If you wanna be more heartless than you already are, get her to put exactly 10 choc chips in each paper case. It's for her own good, y'know, practice her counting skills.
Okay, now that you've inflicted enough pain and suffering upon your child, be the good mommy you are and fill 2/3 of the cupcake cases in the muffin pan. Bake for 20 minutes.
I'm not surprised the cupcakes don't look too good, especially with the cobbled looking surface, but the taste is simply scrumptious. Very moist and sinful you'll have to ask for the Lord's forgiveness for each bite you take.
For all my wickedness, I had to give away a dozen of the cuppies to my aunties and their children. May the Lord grant me mercy for the evil I have spread around.
Addendum 29th March 2008: I have a confession to make, and some rectification. I'm afraid I've done something wrong the day I made these cuppies. The cocoa powder was not supposed to be sieved together with the flour! It was supposed to be sprinkled on top of the cuppies upon serving! Well, duh, no wonder they looked so horrible!
Padan muka, dera anak lagi :p
For all my wickedness, I had to give away a dozen of the cuppies to my aunties and their children. May the Lord grant me mercy for the evil I have spread around.
Addendum 29th March 2008: I have a confession to make, and some rectification. I'm afraid I've done something wrong the day I made these cuppies. The cocoa powder was not supposed to be sieved together with the flour! It was supposed to be sprinkled on top of the cuppies upon serving! Well, duh, no wonder they looked so horrible!
Padan muka, dera anak lagi :p
Wahhhh ini anak dara boleh harap! This weekend I want to make choc muffins ah. Betty Crocker....here I come!! LOL!!
"Ugh, it's painful to spell and type Mississippi River twice. Oops, thrice"
--> there's always a cut-and-paste option, y'know..
btw.. dang! the cuppies look soooo enticing, i'm starting to drip my saliva!
hehe - I'll try not to be lazy. But unlike you, I don't think I'd trust my little assistant so I'll leave that part out. Now I'm debating between trying your recipe or the molten lava chocolate cake next week :) - i'll eventually try both. The cookie recipe is in your email - i'll post it on my blog soon too....
Chocolate.....you can never get enough!
oi!! child Labour!!
hahahahaha i love reading this light-hearted post, makes my evening after a hard day at work.
i wish i am one tenth of a baker like u. i don't even know how to turn the oven on man hahahahaha. hopeless gila!
The assistant needed three blouse changes for the task? Padanlah dia lagi suka tolong; gotta play chef and (blog) cover girl simultaneously.
Again, rasa mau lari ke Chelos beli muffin (no cupcake around here) reading this entry.
What do you mean they don't look too good? They look mouthwatering to me! Will come back for the recipe. Trifle ari tu pun tak buat lagi. Only gotten as far as getting a set of pretty see-thru glasses at Ikea to put the trifle in *embarrassed* I'm not much of a baker laa...buku resepi je banyak!
Err...how about you bake me some of them lovely cupcakes and I take a bunch of pretty portrait pics of you and Nunu and then we exchange? :-P hehehe! Yes, this is a serious proposition!
yati, i'm glad this post serves as a motivation for you! and i've seen you muffins. they're so gebu!
db, cut n paste eh! well why didn't i think of that, ah? but i don't know, i guess i just love spelling it out loud, MI double SI double SI double PI!
bavani, molten lava cake? ayeeee sounds so dangerously yummy! try that one please!
sasha, jangan report teledera hor!
chech, actually we've had countless top changes. i'm a little neurotic when i see the tiniest speck of dirt on her clothes. mesti mau cepat2 cuci!
nin, seriously? haha but i think either one of us would lose out in the deal. itu tak pikir traveling expenses for u to come up north lagi! hihi but i applaud you for getting those glasses. baru ada motivation sikit :D
kiddo's mom, i'm glad you enjoyed reading it. i know you must be terribly stressed out at work now :D
and pleaseeee, cupcake yang tak berapa nak jadi ni jangan ler heran sgt. anyone can make cupcakes, you know!
alahai comeinye assistant mommy ni ;-) though it does look like child labour *LOL*
eh, i oso dono how to bake lah, or rather, I never mustered up the guts to actually TRY to turn on the oven... heh :-D
hahhaa...rajinnya nunu..mcm dia je yg wat sume..ahahaha
mdr, to me, baking and cooking using the oven is easier than using the stove, once you get the hang of it. tp kalu ada microwave, lagi senang hidup mak *hint hint to martian*
anul, ntah apsal hari tu si kecik ni nak pulak menolong. kalau tak, hari2 lain, k.n masak sambil dokong dia tau!
You're up NORTH??!! *smacks forehead*
meh sini nunu!!!!! aunty nak cubit cubitttttttttttt and cium ciummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
eiii geramnya dgn si kenit sorang nihh
nin, you didn't know???? *smacks nin's forehead*
bb, tehee, beware she'll kiss and sondol and cubit you back, then you know :)
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