Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Yes! Finally after almost a month of being broadbandless and twitching nervously due to withdrawal syndromes, I'm finally back! Sent back that blasted green modem from that blasted green service provider (who made me fuming mad for blacklisting me for a write off account I never knew existed! Woi, you can't call me to inform kaa?) and I took my own sweet time looking for a better alternative. 

I settled for this great promotion & guess what, the modem's absolutely free! Well, not exactly, I will have to return it if I chose to terminate the service at any time, but this works great for me, coz as a reseller myself, of course I only have to pay less than half of the registration fee! The modem itself costs around 180+  and you're given 18mths warranty, so you're paying what, around RM10 a month for that device? I'd rather rent it and return it if it doesn't perform.

Smart move or not?

But so far, I think this is the best package that suits my needs. None from those 'sudah potong ka', 'kenapa mau potong' services. Gimmick only.


Along said...

Hehehe..yeah, I agree. Gimmick only. I know of at least 3 other people who registered for that service, only to regret.

nuhaafnan said...

betul kan, so far i haven't heard any good feedback about it. I mean, steamyx is ok la, but my only prob is my cable phone here selalu kena curi!

J.A.D said...

heard from some1 yesterday there's a netbook offer for the celcom broadband. betui ka cik reseller?

and betui ka kalau terminate tak payah bayaq apa2? tak ada minimum subscription period ka? sesapa pun blh ambik ka? i interested ni.


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