Friday, December 04, 2009


I'm typing this post at the airport, sneaking as much time as I can although initially we had about 8 hours to kill over here. But you get my point, that when your kid is obsessed with her favourite videos on the lappie, whatever time you get for yourself is a blessing.

Whatever it is, it's Nunu's birthday today! For posterity, I think I might just post a wish right now and something else more significant like pics & dedications laterlah. 

So far, Nunu's birthday went rather pleasant (if you didn't count that pool of pink vomit on the floor I'm looking at right now). Nunu was quite challenging coz you know lah, kids & lotsa open space equals madness. Throw in a couple of hyper kids in the equation and you'll get total chaos too for us moms trying to put reins on them. Other than that, there wasn't any unnecessary stress (on my part that is) trying to get everything going on for our trip to Brunei. Yes, we're on our way to Brunei now for a cousin's wedding. Finally, my dream family trip *sarcastic tone*

OK, back to Nunu, I didn't get any special gifts for her today, but for now, a wonderful 4th birthday to my Ben10, princess, barbie, power puff wannabe little girl. Yes, you're a hefty 18 kilo but you're always be little to me. Muacks muacks darling.


J.A.D said...

happy birthday Nunu. keep the twinkle in your eyes ya..

Sarah said...

Happy birthday Nunu :)

mye said...

happy birthday nunu!! :D

zalin said...

nunu is already 4?? gosh, that was fast!!
aunty has been so busy wrapped up with school and all lah sayang..
sho shorry ek..please tell momma to email to your gundu aunty her latest address kedai naa...i believe the one i have is the old one lah..
happy 4th birthday nunu comei..jadi anak yang baik, bijak, dengaq cakap momma & abah na~!
happy 'dangluk-king' in brunei yaaah ;)

dyanna said...

happy birthday little N

norza said...

hepi belated berfday, nunu!!!

Siti said...

Happy 4th birthday, little nunu!

Diyanazman said...

happy belated birthday smart girl Nunu!

Mama Nabi said...

Aw. Happy belated birthday!!!

watanho said...

Happy Birthday, Nunu. Anne, thank god she's only 18 Hanif is 23 kilos already and he's a year older than Nunu.Nak patah pinggang betul biler dia nak berdukung...

FairyGodmother said...

Happy Belated Birthday Nunu!!!!

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