By right, I shouldn't run out of things to blog about. My head is so full of flotsam and jetsam swimming at the top of my brains just waiting to spillover or simply burst from silly overANALyzation.
Here's one thing I can't wait to get out of my system. I'm more excited about the upcoming Amelia Earhart movie than the most anticipated vampire movie of the decade. I don't know, although I was equally obsessed about the first movie like all Twillighters (albeit just for a week), I think the second installment might be an overkill. Just the hype over Jacob's shirtless torso makes me wanna puke. What more the pesky nicknames they come up for the main cast in the forms of RPattz and KStew. Ewww...
Instead, I'm fascinated by the story of Amelia. History, an inspirational figure plus a tragic and mysterious ending all combined in a Hollywood-style mega production. And you'll just have to love Hillary Swank for it. I just hope the movie isn't so cheesy though.
The following two pics are highly unnecessary, but for my sake, please bear.
Instead, I'm fascinated by the story of Amelia. History, an inspirational figure plus a tragic and mysterious ending all combined in a Hollywood-style mega production. And you'll just have to love Hillary Swank for it. I just hope the movie isn't so cheesy though.
The following two pics are highly unnecessary, but for my sake, please bear.
I'm looking forward to seeing Planet 51. Looks like a great movie to bring the kids. Plus I'm not a Twilight person (shocking, yes, I know) so this Jacob/Edward thingy does not affect me. Heee.
Your name striked me because I used to have a Raggedy Anne doll when I was small!
I'm one of those looking forward to New Moon :P Just like the characters e.g. I like Edward Cullen and not Robert Pattinson..
Amelia Earheart? Hmmm siapa berlakon ya? Must google.
I peeked at your cupcakery blog and love the Bananarama & Wacky Wacky..
along, funny planet 51 didn't much hype here eh? animation movies mmg sah le kids suka tgk, jgn jadi bodoh cam i, nak tgk MJ movie and i expected Nunu to be a good movie date. Pfftt...
Soho Mama, haiiiii!!! i malu nak tegur when i followed your blog. Looks like you beat me to it :)
About NM, yeah, the movie/story is intriguing, but the madness isn't ;) Hillary Swank gets to play Amelia, which i think is the perfect part for her. You liked my cupcakery blog? Thank you! I loved your creations too, u know
i HEAR you about twilight. what is it with that buff torso. nak pengsan i (and not pengsan the good way pulak tu)
i'm a fan of cheesy thrillers myself and the next dvd i'm gonna buy is Surrogates. hyuk hyuk...
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