Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"Hey! Momma," Yeaaahhh, she calls everyone with a quick hey these days.

"Momma, momma, dengar ni Nuha eja!"

"B-O Bo, D-O do. BO!DO! Hahahahahahaaa!"

Bertuah punya anak... lain yang ajar, lain yang dia belajar.


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

kahkahkahhh!! i think this day would come to all of us! hyuk hyuk...

i lovee the picture

ladymarko said...

Hahaha!! What about this one...

(nyanyi ikut alphabet song)
A-B-C-D-E-F-G... H-1-N-1 selsema babiii...

Fyi, Maira sekarang dah jadi the Bad Word Police... kalau tersebut "bodoh", "mangkuk", "stupid" misti kena warning despite using the words in the right context. Sabor je lah...

Diyanazman said...

hey Nunu!!! you are too cute!

Drama Mama said...

hahahahaha...i guess she picked it up from school eh?

nuhaafnan said...

babybooned, i'm bracing myself for me silly words to come!

ladymarko, ahh?? hahahha, that's so kelakar ok. sekolah mana bagi ajaran sesat ni?

diyana, hey hey, don't forget, i'm montel too! hehehe

bai, not sure, prolly. benda2 pelik cepat jer tangkap. nak suruh eja "saya suka nasi" pun seksa

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