Sunday, August 23, 2009


There's nothing more useful than an eager helper who would gladly lick off all those chocolate on your baking utensils. Cleaning up is a breeze.

Then again, there is saying that baking is just an excuse to eat cake batter!


J.A.D said...

jgn kata nunu, i would love to do that as well!! yum yum

Nin said...

Hi Anne! Cutenye Nunu....sampai senduk pun jilat!

I've moved. You know how to find me.

X-Face the musing!

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

hahahaha i still do it too! tapi the difference is when we adults do it nampak tak cute langsung. like beruk lantak adalah. but with nunu, oh so irresistable!

Drama Mama said...

haha comeii..nunu is looking more girlish la with curls at the bottom hair

Along said...

Making raya cookies? Rajinnya. Nunu looks like she's in heaven..chocolate heaven..hee.

zalin said...

nunu, save some for aunty hor.
oooh and hawra too.
dia pun kaki jilat batter.

dyanna said...

somehow this reminds me of the Cornflakes advert on tv with the cari makan host in it...


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