Saturday, August 15, 2009


One of the privileges of joining a trade or a business organization is, you get invited to some cool functions and launches. As much as I love the sharing of knowledge and meeting new people, I must admit I enjoy the free food too!

Last Saturday, I was lucky enough to be invited by a friend to a cooking demo at Naza Hotel Penang. We had a function with Bank Islam in the morning where I played the bidan terjun emcee at Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang, and in the afternoon, I drove Kak Siti, with her daughter Alya and her mom Makcik Bulat to Naza Hotel, coz let's face it, I'm horrible with Penang roads. Duduk Penang betahun-tahun pun tak pass lagi jalan.

I don't usually blog about the food that I get to sample to all these hotel that I went to, coz most of them is standard affair. But this time gets a special mention, just because the menu is out of the ordinary, the taste of Mediterranean.

We were supposed to have the demo alfresco, the beach view was really breathtaking. Unfortunately, it wasn't our rezeki kot to enjoy the sea breeze coz not long after we arrived, it started to rain catberts and dogberts, and we were ushered inside.

Refreshing strawberry drinks were served by this cheerful abang (this was before the storm came)

What was missing were those little card signs that tells you the name of the food on display, so I'm just guessing these are eclairs.

I recognize the baklava at the back, but I've no idea what those are in the glasses, I didn't have the chance to get one for myself and orang lain dah bedal dulu. Some type of pulut with gula melaka and ice cream, I think.

Kempen buah-buahan tempatan

Appetizers, even raw carrots were delish! Alya in the background.

The chefs at work balling up meatballs- Corporate Exec Chef Shokri (right) and Sous Chef Ismail Mat. The recipe's really simple! I'm confident I can make my own meatballs, no more of the frozen fare!

Part of the menu, steamed veges and creamy potatoes (my fave!)

Grilled succulent kebabs (left) and dawwud basha (the savoury meatballs they made earlier). If you think the name of the dish sounds like a Turkish lord or something, then you are right! It is named after a Turkish pasha who was very fond of these dish.

Chicken korma and lamb meat, I suppose. I couldn't find the name of the dish in the press kit, but it was absolutely divine. The meat practically melts in the mouth, tastes like a very very good rendang.

Other foods that I didn't take any picture of are the wonderful harira soup, assorted salad and breads and an array of desserts. I was quite in a hurry to eat, but other guests who were faster to grab the good stuff beat me to it, haha.

The 3 piece band who ought to sing Mediterranean folksy songs to fit the theme actually, but most of the songs the played were in Spanish! Entertaining none-the-less.

The calm after the storm

Wouldn't it be nice of we ate outside instead?

Thank you so much to Naza Talyya Hotel Penang for the superb spread. Do check out their buka puasa promotion coz each day of the week, the spread follows a different theme. I think the menu is fabulous, not too overwhelming coz you can't stuff yourself too much for buka puasa unless you wanna walk out of the buffet room looking like a penguin.

After the lunch, we dropped by the magnificent Masjid Terapung in Tanjung Tokong for Zuhur prayers.

What can I say, the view's so gorgeous. Memang aman untuk beribadat.

Thank you, Ya Allah, for all the abundance in my life.


Mysunshine cake said...

wow, wht a nice place... and good food ^_^

salam tuan rumah,

I'm doing 'Say it with cupcakes' - charity drive. I work together with my sahabat in TM, Jules, eksekutif suri (serunding) & ummikusayang

Part if our sale goes to the orphanage home. you can see the list in my blog. or

if sudi pls share this with all your friends & relative.

appreciate your help


Nina @ BabyBoon said...

ooh best nya!! u must blog about food more often, i tell ya. u've got the touch for it ;p

anyways, we were in penang for one night but it was rushed rushed rushed. i nak call u also tak sempat. vely solly eh missus anne..

we didnt even get to see the masjid terapung :(

Drama Mama said...

shedapnyaa....yeah i agree the way u wrote them buat the foods nampak so yummy. :-D

anne said...

hi, zar, thnks for dropping by my humble abode! insya allah will spread the word around.

p/s: love your cupcake designs!

bb, lar, u were in penang?? alah biasalah, mai jalan penang, mesti tak cukup jam punya! so many makan places to visit mah! well, anyway i hope u enjoyed ur whirlwind trip.

drama mama, hih betui ke? tu baru puji sikit tu, belum puji betui2 punya (nak describe food smpi bok keluaq dictionary punya!) haha

jom, bukak puasa sana nanti?! your treat!

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