There is nothing special to say today, other than Nunu turns seven months, and we have moved to this new environment exactly one month ago. Discovered that only this morning when an old family friend/aunty dropped by at Tok's house & casually asked how long have I moved to the kampung.
Have I been that fazed by the exhausting daily back and forth travel?
Never mind. BTW, I found out that the most convenient time to clip Nunu's nails is when she has fallen asleep in the car, before I drop her off at the sitter's.

her very unladylike, unrefined sprawl
Depending on her mood, she can be veeerrry still and be engrossed while I clip away those claws she has (it stings when she scratches or pinches you!), or she can wriggle & twist her body away until someone comes to my rescue & hold her tightly for me.

Macam kuku orang tua daa...
This new discovery will save everybody the trouble.
Did I tell that she has this funny giggles nowadays?

Nunu, gigglegiggle?

Eppp... epppp... act serious everybody

Yeeeaaa... finally she bursts!

And she gives her signature huffy-puffy-snarfy-giggly to the cam

Happy 7-months, munchkin. Now grow some hair, will ya?
comelnyaa... rasa nak cubit pipi dia!
ehhh ehhhh... wan ucue ni... nunu gigit ngan gusi ni haaa...
hapi hapi 7mths sis...
that last pic of nunu is BEAUTIFUL!! putih melepak, nevermind the hair, cantik oredi.
would you like to date a boy a week younger than you, by any chance, nunu? heee. ;)
She's so beautiful... love that giggly face! Ah, yes, nail clipping... I've gotten better but I used to be so nervous every time... such little fingers and toes. Nunu is such a cutie, even without much hair!
now that's a new trick .. i must tell my Mamma so that she can clip my fingernails in the car on our long road trips too but the timing must be perfect coz I wake up immediately when the car stops
Wah! Aniq's "caterpillar climbing up the leaf"! Hehe!! :D
missyE, thnks. Pray for more months to come!
aniq *blush blush* i dont know, kinda got my eye on booboo since i saw him in hot jeans... but hey, since u asked me 1st, why not? I hope ur mum dont mind us online-dating!
mama nabi, thks for the 'no-hair-but-still-cute' compliment! Gotta wait till I'm 3 (i think) before I can tie up my hair in pigtails like LN!
alya, you have built-in motion sensor, issit? tell ur mama to keep a spare nail-clipper in the car. Very handy
bro boo, sorry - aniq & i are together now. Maybe u can ask missy on a date? U have catepillars on your leaf too?
.... humphh!!
*the toddler giant walks away heartbroken*
yah, missy has asked booboo out oredi. nebermind, we go double date okie? teeeheee!
Orait, bro! But then hor, my date live very near me leh .... yours live way, way up north. Tell her to come over here ok?
And Nunu .... I forgive you. You're in good hands. ;)
Hey, dates or no dates, we're all frens, what?
BTW, I never play this tag game? How do u know u're being tagged? When aniq mentions the 5 (or 6)frens he has, is he tagging all of us?
Somebody care to enlighten me?
alamak nunu, u're supposed to come up with the same 6 habits etc also lahhh... :D
kuikuikui... i'll work on it. Like i said i never played this tag game before!
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