Read Mama Nabi's entry today, which made me grin from ear to ear.
Of course, how we wished they come with manuals! Too bad they don't. Coz if they do, then the world would not be as screwed up as it is now.
No parent with a right frame of mind will say parenting is a breeze. I personally think bringing up a child is the most noble, if not the toughest job in the world. Providing for them is one thing, but to nurture and care for them, to raise them to be mukmins, dutiful to their parents & the Lord, a human being in the truest sense of the word- that is another story. As a Muslim, I understand children are gifts from God, but they also act as tests of our faith. My actions or inactions will be judged by the Almighty, and I hope I shan't care about judgements from others.
I don't know if it's too early to question my parenting, Nunu is just nearing 7-months. But I wonder still. The other day, my Tok, Nunu's Nenek saw me expressing milk (Marmet way, again) and she broke into tears, stroked my back and in between sobs kept saying what a good mom I am. More than once she compared me to Mak Baik & Mak Yuh (and my own mother, sometimes), who are gladiator/survivor mommies in my opinion - fearless, selfless, hardworking- and said sorrowfully, "Anne yang paling pandai jaga anak."
I'm still flabbergasted. This came from a woman who worked so hard all her life, she endures all sorts of illnesses now in her old age; who held a cangkul in one arm and a baby in another, who traveled on buses upon buses trading textiles, who suffered & sacrificed so much, her progenies will and can never repay in their whole lifetime.
I feel that choosing to breastfeed a child does not make me qualify me as a Mum of the Year nominee, and it certainly should not constitute what type of a mother I am. I'm sure any mother who feeds her baby at all made sacrifices of their own, and chooses what's best for their children. Whether it is time or monetary, it shouldn't matter.
This leads my thoughts into a whole new, bigger perspective with never-ending questions swimming in my head. How will I fare when the brood get bigger? What decisions shall I make? Am I responsible enough to shape my children's behaviour? What will my children do to surprise/shock me? Am I really prepared for this? Will they drive my bananas? Oh dear, what if I turn out like Malcolm's mom?
Oh well. Parents will just have to learn through experience and it's a life-long process. Sometimes you go with your gut-feeling, sometimes you refer to your own parents, grandparents, other parents, counsellors etc. You read books, go for parental seminars, surf the net :)
I know there is a manual of some sort, and it's called the al-Quran. And it's been a while...
I'll end this post by sharing this beautiful piece of passage which I read from Kak Najah's blog:
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said,
“Speak to us of Children.”
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
- Kahlil Gibran
- Kahlil Gibran
Addendum (4th July 2006): I asked Tok why she's teary-eyed again last night, she said she used to 'milk herself' the way I did, and it brought old, painful memories of her 'susah' yesteryears. OK I admit I weeped right after tht...
whoa..the word i may be looking for... flabbergasted..
what an entry..
still its got something to do with breastfeeding.. better not let ummie see this..
..shield the entry from her sight and distract her..
"I know there is a manual of some sort, and it's called the al-Quran." wow...i like this! will write something about this in my next entry. :D
missy, why? is mummy avoiding evrything tht's got to do wth b/feeding? is she still upset abt it? tell her not to be, dear. Like I said, every mother makes her own decisions & sacrifices, so be contented tht Allah will bless all mums who do tht for their children.
ibu aisyah, you like it? thnks, wht a great honor. I'll wait for your post, k?
Breastfeeding or no breastfeeding, being a mother is the most noblest job in the world.
Imagine putting your life b4 a child that depends on you. In one way or another, we have all made sacrifices for them - sleep, personal space, time, energy etc. But yet, the moment they smile or hug you, it's all worth it kan, Anne? :)
I hope I can be a good mother & role model to my son too!
And yes, let the Al Quran be our manual in guiding them!
"You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you."
I like this line. But unfortunately, many parents these days, heap too much pressure on their kids to be like them or what they couldn't be, sometimes at the expense of the kids' well-being.
hey fellow oprah fan, i remember her saying this: "your children came through you, not OF you" when she was interviewing the Presley women. i guess it kinda means we should let our children lead the lives of their own choosing. our constant doa should insya-Allah protect them from harm's way.
i think my neneks are more supportive (and knowledgeable) abt b/feeding than even my own mum. they know better.
neneks are cool! :)
heriati, yup, VERY worth it, every friggin' waking minute of it :)
moby, when u say tht, i remember a scene from tht "I Not Stupid" movie. Scary to have a mom like tht chubby boy's!
pinky, yeah, and let our worries melt away... eh, i dah tak fan dia sgt ler... i'm a letterman fan NOW hehe
hana, issit the nenek who kept saying "kesian, bagilah tetek.."?
Yeah, tht's why i love hanging around my Tok so much. During our mums' time, breastfeeding became a 2nd option while during our neneks' time, they go for BF... then later feed the baby bananas/ubi at 3 mths!!!
I'm glad you liked my post! Little Nabi is also still being breastfed - I have to admit that part of it is selfish; I so love the quiet bonding we do while nursing. :-) Your Tok sounds so sweet... (although I don't know all the Malaysian - I am assuming? - words on your blog. :-) )
mama nabi, yup those are Malay words, and I'm sorry I've forgotten abt tht! I'll try to minimize those words ok, or come up with a glossary!
Hi Anne,
Your post reminds me of my own anxieties abt what kind of a mother I'll be. Sometimes I worry abt becoming the overbearing mother, or losing myself in motherhood. I've seen many mothers who, in their quest to become the perfect mothers, who have lost a sense of themselves, which in turn, made them horrible role models to their children.
Being a role model is a part of parenting, as I've learned from my own parents, and who they are to themselves are just as important as who they are to their children.
On breastfeeding, I have no regrets at all. There are times when I start to feel like a cow as I watch the world go by while I'm attached to Idris in one private corner, and just as I'm about to wander into my complaint mode, he looks at me with those big eyes. It's as if he were thanking me for this little thing I'm doing for him. Whatever it is, I'm so glad God gave us women the ability to experience this, even if it is for a short while.
hi kak najah, thnks for visiting! actually i was inspired by your entry on children too. And yeah, we all relate to the same anxieties, dont we? Your comment hits exactly on my point, of what type of role model I'd be to my child. By looking at other moms around me, I might pretty much have a rough idea, but then again, I'm afraid that I'd turn into an overbearing mom like Malcolm's, or a driveb-to-perfection mom like Bree Van DeKamp! I'd totally self-distruct
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