Sarah Nor Aqilah - born 17 June, a whoopping 3.97kg girl.

Sorry Aunty misheard & misspelt your name as "Farah"!
And this little superboy here...
Ahmad Adam - premie 2.2 kg, couldn't wait to see the world on 27 June.
Doesn't look like a premie, right? And those eyes are wide open on the 1st day!
To new mommies Yani & Lynn, congratulations!
Sarah .... "how ya doin'?" *wink!*
alaaa tak dpt tgk slide. must be my computer here.
anyway, nunu is georgeous!!!!! her gummy smile comel sangat!!!
p/s najah in your previous entry ex ssp juga ke and johorian?
Aw, so cute - now Nunu has some younger cousins/friends!
hey, ajab's 'caterpillar' is up to s'thing again!
mama sarah, yeah, she's my senior & se'batch' dgn K.Sawiah. And both Lynn & Yani are my comrades at SSP too.
The slides are a bit tricky, s'times I cant even view them myself. Donno whylah... too bad u cant see them. Adam is super-duper cute!
mama nabi, yeah, but they live sooo far away, i bet the only time they'll be able to play together is when the mommies finally throw a high-school reunion party, which is very unlikely to happen. Bummer
i agree adam is superdupercute! and doesnt look like a premmie at all! i see he wears pureen too like meee (sometimes).
Aunty Anne, after MissyE, I've got 3 more before I fill my quota. Hehe!!
nunu wears pureen when she was an infant too. Actually Aunty juz like the pink color & the belang2 only!
ajab dear, the quota concerns 4 wives, not 4 girlfriends!!!
HAHA! i wonder where ajab got the idea of the four quota.... hmm...
hey there anne..
thanks for featuring li'l adam in your blog! wait til i tell him about it, he sure owes his aunty anne a BIG slobbery kiss on the cheek for that, heh.
love that cheeky, gummy-yummy smile of nunu's!!! :) surely a heart-stealer!
I heard Daddy talking to Mummy about the magic number 4 a few times. And he always gets pinched by Mummy when they talk about it. I wonder why .... :D
Oh ya, Aunty Anne. My mistake. When it comes to girlfriends, the magic number should be infinity because ...
Don't pinch me Mummy! :(
oooh hi mama adam, we'd love to come & visit & aunty will claim that wet kish from adam, you juz wait!
ajab, serves you right! Talking all this nonsense :)
Best regards from NY!
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Excellent, love it!
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