Sunday, June 01, 2008


I know my posts has been sporadic all these while, and probably nobody's interested in reading memes, but I owe several people memes so I'm trying to pay off my 'debts' today (as part of my debt clearing, body and soul cleansing practice I'm trying very hard to perform)

This tag was from Nin.

  1. What is your blogging name? -- Raggedyanne
  2. When did you start blogging, exact date? -- 20 January 2005
  3. What was your first title? -- Tsk, cannot remember! I prolly don't even have a title back then!
  4. Which posting you feel is the best post so far? -- I treat them all equally. No favourites.
  5. Who promote/source of inspiration for you to blog? -- Well, Nunu of course.
  6. When do you usually post entries? -- Haha, at work.
  7. Where would you prefer to be when you are blogging? -- Ehem, at work.
  8. Have you met other bloggers? Who? -- The wonderful chubby's family! And r3na
  9. How many entries you made in a month? Average. -- 5-6, I guess
  10. Would you reveal your face or your family in your blog? Why? -- Duh! Nak glamour la, apsal lagi?
  11. Would you promote your friends to blog? Why? -- I dunno, never thought of it.
  12. Would you feel restless/guilty concious (???)/incomplete if you didnt blog for a month? -- Probably. Oh well, be truthful. A big, fat YES to this question!
  13. Define blogging. -- An avenue to speak one's mind, freely or otherwise, depending on their intentions.

Another tag by my Ucue

* i am the eldest from 3 siblings
* i have ugly feet
* i love pink, and yellow, and orange.
* people used to think i am 'sombong' because i was a quiet girl
* i'm a lousy cook
* sometimes, i don't know the difference between 'sawi' and 'bayam'
* once i served someone a cup of tea mixed with SALT
* losing my loved ones
* money - lack of it and too much of it
* criminals
* illnesses
* kena saman
* jail
* the law and people who has the power to put me in jail
7 RANDOM MUSIC AT THE MOMENT (currently listening to Hetz's excellent playlist)
* The Real Thing by Gwen Stephanie
* Be My Baby by Vanessa Paradis
* Trouble by Coldplay
* When You Think of Me by Eric Benet
* Paper Bag by Fiona Apple
* I'd Die Without You by PM Dawn
* Billie Jean by Chris Cornell

* Nunu! Don't.....!
* Nunu.... go to sleep!
* Nunu... wake up!!!
* Ya hor...
* Tu lah...
* Opocot tot!
* Egegegegee....

7 THINGS I TREASURE THE MOST (this means my worldly possessions, right?)
* the roof above my head, and everything in it
* my wheels, and everything in it
* my hard drive, and everything in it
* my purse, and everything in it
* my pink motorola hp, which i hate really, but i treasure what's in it
* my lumix, and yeah, what's left in it
* and, err... my oven?

7 FIRST TIME THINGS I EVER DID: at this stage of the meme, I've become lazy to finish it already

7 PEOPLE TO DO THIS: I tag 4 only, can? Malas lah
* phantasma
* nin
* bavani
* hetz

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