Saturday, June 14, 2008


To those who dropped encouraging comments for me in the last downer post (I promise I won't do this too often, aight), I OWE you guys sooooo much. And with this I dedicate to you this clip.


So here's the story. I got a couple of exciting vouchers courtesy of one trusted IT brand that I think some of my readers might like. Gosh, I've been wanting to do this for so long... I'm offering these vouchers to those who 'chup!' the vouchers first, for FREE!

Please, PLEASE don't be shy and please, PLEASE take these vouchers from me and finally give me peace of mind to know that these offers are not wasted. I'd be really SAD until I've given away all of these vouchers to deserving people.

1) Free Big Apple Choreo Donut worth RM 2.00 - from Big Apple Donuts & Coffee (valid till: 30th June) chup! by cik db

2) Free 8 oz Latte worth RM 7.50 - from San Francisco Coffee (valid till: 31st Aug) by chup! cik db too!

3) Free 14-day gym trial, body fat analysis and sign up worth RM499.00 - from Fitness First (valid till: 30th June)

4) Free 7 day unlimited classes & body massage worth RM 196.00 - from Yoga Zone (valid till 31st Aug)

5) Free Express facial & Dermalogica face mapping worth RM 48.00 - from Dermalogica, AsterSpring and Leonard Drake (valid till 31st Aug or 1st time new customers only)

6) Free car wash worth RM 15.00 - from Carnauba Autospa (valid till: 30th June) chup! by Lynn

7) 15% Discount off Refreshing & Easy Package at Awana Genting Highlands Golf & Country Resort (valid till 31st Dec)

8) 15% Discount off Holiday Delight Package at Awana Kijal Golf, Beach & Spa Resort (valid till 31st Dec)

9) 15% Discount off Island Relaxation Package at Awana Porto Malai Langkawi (valid till 31st Dec)

Please email me at raggedyanne79{[at}yahoo[dot]com and I will snail mail the vouchers to you guys. Korang dah dapat tu, jangan la nak buat jual pulak eh?



Purpleheart said...

Email la kat ucu,

Siti Blogger said...

esehmenn...i was thinking of grabbing that yoga voucher but upon checking, none of their studios anywhere near where I stay. Melepass....but thanks anyway. So generous!!

nuhaafnan said...

ucue nak yg mana satu?

nin, jgn nak mengada-ngada ok. just take it and GO! no excuses! tak pun, ask anyone u think might be interested. i'd be glad to get rid of the voucher

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been commenting for awhile now. Life has just been shitty for awhile - one obstacle after another! I didn't want to blog about it - coz I'm capable of going on and on about it!

And about those nosey people - just ignore them. I know - it's easier said than done - but look at it this way, in a few years' time, they won't even give 2 hoots about what you're going through. I have mastered the art of ignorance when it comes to some friends and lots of nosey family hehe

Hope things are looking up for you :)

kiddo's mom said...

kenapa lama tak update ni????

mamalisa said...

Thanks for the prayer to Alisa..selamat berkenalan )


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