I'm succumbing to posting up a vacuous entry today. After doing that charity meme last week, apparently I have overworked my brain & eked out every last drop of substantiality in me (yeah, macam la intelligent sangat that meme I wrote!)
Oh yeah, Nunu said the funniest thing a few days ago. Aren't we all guilty of sniffing our babies & proclaiming how 'smelly' they are? I mean, I'm sure I compliment her enough with "Hmm, wanginya!" after her bath, but do I tell her that she's 'busuk' too often?
Well, what happened was, she was kissing her Nenek on the cheeks that day & spontaneously exclaimed, "Hmmm, *ucuk!" (Nenek of coz tergezut coz Nenek very wangi okayyy.. minyak attar branded tau!)
We all stared at each other with incredulous looks & guffawed at her. The girl of course, acted sheepish as if basking in her comic success.

Hai... Nunu, Nunu. Nak tengok Nunu merempit, go here

She enjoys cruising too, at the toy shops of course. I'm too broke to buy her anything, even the bike was handed down from Betty.
Speaking of Betty & family in Alabama, here are some photos that I took during Aunty Wan's brother's wedding last Sunday that I wanna share with them (Kak Zila, I know you're reading this, comment ah sikit :)

The resplendent bride & groom (bridesmaid so tall, sakit tengkuk langut weh!)

The fairest of them all, Yana, as the flower girl (yang belakang tu, dayang2 ajer)
Too bad Akif was moving too fast for my camera to capture a glimpse of him.

And Nunu, sibuk nak tolong makcik katerer angkat gelas to serve teh tarik for guests.
I had to run after Nunu for 2 hours around the wedding hall (save for an 'uk-uk' break which warrants an emergency run to the smelly public loo & a VERY public diaper change!) with no help watsoever from Martian or relatives sampai melecet abih kakiku & my kebaya also close to bursting at the seams! Siao ah, I think my baju raya all kena buat baju kurung ajer ah, if I don't want last year's baju raya nightmare to repeat!
Oh yeah, Nunu said the funniest thing a few days ago. Aren't we all guilty of sniffing our babies & proclaiming how 'smelly' they are? I mean, I'm sure I compliment her enough with "Hmm, wanginya!" after her bath, but do I tell her that she's 'busuk' too often?
Well, what happened was, she was kissing her Nenek on the cheeks that day & spontaneously exclaimed, "Hmmm, *ucuk!" (Nenek of coz tergezut coz Nenek very wangi okayyy.. minyak attar branded tau!)
We all stared at each other with incredulous looks & guffawed at her. The girl of course, acted sheepish as if basking in her comic success.
Hai... Nunu, Nunu. Nak tengok Nunu merempit, go here
She enjoys cruising too, at the toy shops of course. I'm too broke to buy her anything, even the bike was handed down from Betty.
Speaking of Betty & family in Alabama, here are some photos that I took during Aunty Wan's brother's wedding last Sunday that I wanna share with them (Kak Zila, I know you're reading this, comment ah sikit :)
The resplendent bride & groom (bridesmaid so tall, sakit tengkuk langut weh!)
The fairest of them all, Yana, as the flower girl (yang belakang tu, dayang2 ajer)
Too bad Akif was moving too fast for my camera to capture a glimpse of him.
And Nunu, sibuk nak tolong makcik katerer angkat gelas to serve teh tarik for guests.
I had to run after Nunu for 2 hours around the wedding hall (save for an 'uk-uk' break which warrants an emergency run to the smelly public loo & a VERY public diaper change!) with no help watsoever from Martian or relatives sampai melecet abih kakiku & my kebaya also close to bursting at the seams! Siao ah, I think my baju raya all kena buat baju kurung ajer ah, if I don't want last year's baju raya nightmare to repeat!
iye la Anne ni K.Zila nak tinggal jejak skit..
Oren nya pengantin...comel pengantin perempuan tu. Anak mami kan.
Sibuk sgt si kecik tu mengira gelas, cam tak cukup yeee.
Gambar K.Wan tak ada ke?
so are you gonna tell us what happened with last raya's baju? kekekekeeeee
alahai rajinnyaa anak omak..
psst nunu, these glasses got no strawberries for you to pick ah! lol
I know what you did last raya!! ;)
Ishhh ... apasal bridesmaid tinggi sangat? Stole the limelight from the bride gitu. Ambiklah bridesmaid katek2 ke. Nunu pun boleh jadi bridesmaid apa.
Hahaha! Kesian you.. asal tak suruh Martian tolong? So, what happened with last year's baju Raya?
kak zila!! finally, u left ur mark here! the bride tu memang lawa, i *think* anak mami ah, but very fair. kerja MAS mcm Madi jugak. We all arrived at the exact time pengantin pun sampai, so kelam kabut sikit nak bwk kuar kamera to snap pics. Lupa lak nak amik gambar kak wan (lawa tau dia, kuning habis ngan mama kak wan!) 3 dara pingitan tu asik komplen busuk bau ikan kat market bawah dewan tu (majlis kat bayan baru market)
bb, nadia, last year's baju raya terkoyak kat crotch area! all becoz of that little girl lah (ah ah pandai, blame the kid)
mobs, you think i shud show these 2 ladies waht happened to the baju raya? :D
zalin, lucky she listened to me & touched only. If she tried to hold it, ada pulak suara budak menangis kena jentik kat kenduri tu!
mr.black, i thought the same thing too! Too friggin' tall! I'm guilty at gawking & staring at the her & not pay enuff attention to the bride. nunu jadi bridesmaid?? she would tear the trains & veils like tissue paper!!
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