I'm still suffering from a severe case of blogstipation, so here's some overdue photos taken during the tea party that I threw at my abode last Saturday. It's one of those parties that you hold for no particular reason or without celebrating any special occasion. Well, it kinda WAS someone's birthday that day - the governor of Penang, itu pasal gua cuti itu hari :D

MY cherry trifle

MY chocolate muffins (obviously I only dared to make desserts & cakes)

... and left the main dishes to the experts.. MIL came bearing a huge container of her famous beehoon & mom ordered roti jala from our trusted caterer. Those pink jellies are called 'aiskruk', a cousin of the 'aiskrim'. It's a family recipe passed down from my grandpa on my mom's side.

MY cherry trifle
MY chocolate muffins (obviously I only dared to make desserts & cakes)
... and left the main dishes to the experts.. MIL came bearing a huge container of her famous beehoon & mom ordered roti jala from our trusted caterer. Those pink jellies are called 'aiskruk', a cousin of the 'aiskrim'. It's a family recipe passed down from my grandpa on my mom's side.
The men had their turns at the table first
The Baik Family
Ahh.. Kak Zila & family sure rindu Aunty Wan & kids. Psssttt... dah 5 bulan. Uncle Ai couldn't make as he was in KL... main bola :D
Nunu & Mak Tok
Nunu & Akif 'menyemak' in her playroom
Mak Yuh's family came by a little later as baby Huda wasn't feeling well. Her sisters, Nana & Aufa on the other hand, got along well with their much older 'nephew' & 'niece'!
Nunu refused to stay put to pose with the others...
... and wanted to sit on the big people's chair instead...
Lovely & sweet Yana
Akif, the green jumping jelly bean :D
salam..anne, sedapnya dah pandai masak la skrg,jelesnya tgk. Rumah pun dah cantik. Memang rindu sesgt kat family di sana.
Salam sayang dari kami di Alabama.
anne, great-looking desserts! hey do u like carrot cake? or mocha cake? or caramel? my mom's recipes on those stuff are wicked. let me know if u want em. i LOVE making desserts myself. invented a quick-tiramisu recipe when i was in melbourne and it works out well everytime. good for working women!
ouh...gimme dat trifle recipe bleh?!
and that ice keruk...looks yummy seh!
oh n this is very important for me to say..
Akif tu hensem banget!!!
The image of your desserts make me drool!
Sampai la ni, I'm only confident to serve my husband spaghetti. Now, he prefers to have sandwich for dinner. Laaagilah senang (which means: beli je :D)
Anyway, the mihun is tempting... (drool lagi)
wslm, kak zila, amende yg pandainya? trifle requires no cooking at all & those muffins? anybody can get away with a pre-mix! the house still needs some work. Our latest project is putting up better fence/tembok batu!
bb, thnks! you ni mcm tau2 ajer i ni pengumpul recipe. & ooh, i owe you one 'delish' meme!
zalin, it's the easiest thing to do, but a lot can go wrong actually. I was lucky that although i planned the desserts in the last minutes, I could get my hands on the ingredients (strawberry cake, instant jelly & whipping) just in time for the party.
ehh, mak hawra dah berkenan kat akif eeh?
chech/bday girl, even my spaghetti pun my laki tak lalu makan tau! dah tekak asik nak pekena kari jer... it's nice to know that you & kamal are leading a healthier life (sandwich, w/melon juice, exercising) but I'm sure you can't resist fattening food like these whn you balik kampung, right?
Wah! The trifle looks so enticing! Congrats on your success of holding another party, :p.
Btw, the housing area looks familiar. Hmm kat mana ek? Fyi, I used to live in Penang years ago.
anne, nanti i'll figure out a way (and time) to give u the recipes hehehe
When Kamal and I go back to my mom's place in Rembau, she only cooks soupy dishes as the whole family members are trying to eat healthily.
But, we are pampered once in Kelantan, with various types of nasi and delicacies ;p
dith, haha i couldnt do it without some help ;)
my house is in a kampung area lah... pernah ber'tendang' di Kepala Batas?
bb, rajin2 email me : raggedyanne79@yahoo.com! macam real ajer nak try tiramisu! i hope i dont screw up ur recipe like i did with the others!
chech... ahh.. your mom pun health concious like my mom, but since everyone's been missing some good old roti jala & curry, all healthy eating plans are outta the window!
oooh loves kelantan food! if balik kelantan, confirm naik 2 kg!
ANNE!!! Make sure you ajak me to your house and you cook those scrumptious food when we're in Penang okay? LOL!
Man, your cherry trifle and choc muffins look delicious!
phantasma, betul keeee *sheepish* pandai le amik hati i u ni :D *kembang*
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