It’s terribly late of me to do an 18th month development commentary on Nunu today, as she’s approaching 19 in a few days time anyway.But it's not fair if I give it a miss, so I’ll just make this a quick one, in a totally random order:
She’s 9.5 kg and 78 cm tall.
She has 8 teeth.
She had her last 18 month jab last Thursday and gave the doctor a good fight.
She’s not really physically stable – she still stumbles and trips takde angin, takde hujan. Maybe she’s a klutz like me, I don’t know
She runs funny - in a total careless abandon way, very much like Rachel or Phoebe when they went jogging in the park.
She can kick a ball forward and throws a ball upperhand.
She can hop like a bunny rabbit.
She’s really good with shape sorters now. And she can unzip zippers and unscrew cap bottles.
She arranges toy cars in a straight line and her colour pencils back in the box (not perfectly neat, of course but she tries!)
I can trust her to eat on her own using a spoon. Most of the food goes into her mouth, but she likes to stick out what doesn’t suit her taste and throws it down on the floor.
If we are in the car, she insists that I throw the unwanted food bits out through the window.
She loves wearing other people's shoes, and especially my house slippers. Well, at least she doesn't find them delicious anymore :D
She can take off her pants and diapers, but she has no idea how to take off her shirt.
She likes to drink Nespray Honey with a soft spout bottle, and occasionally in a cup.
She still prefers nen-nen, none-the-less
She knows the key words in her nursery rhymes and sings along to them.
She knows where her legs, toes, armpit and belly are - and she can name them too! Belly-button is no more "butter" but "battenn" now.
She understands gender differences - knows the differences between a girl and a boy, a kakak and an abang, an uncle and an aunty.
She has been conditioned to be extremely fearful of ants, roaches and lizards.
When climbing up the stairs to the bedroom to turn in for the night, she calls out “Bye-bye! Nite!” even though there is no one around but me.
She can walk down the stairs unattended, but with supervision.
She regularly helps me throw bits and pieces of rubbish into the dustbin.
She has several favourite TV programs -namely Afi dah Abah, Tom Tom Bak and Mutiara Hati.
She demands we switch on the 'tatun' channel for her, but it doesn't mean she would watch.
She insists we rub on 'ebet' if she feels 'atai' or if she hurts herself.
Last night while watching the news, she calls Sammy Vellu "Adin" - who is Mak Nab's next door neighbour :D
Haish.. nunu, you age faster than me. Next month, you'll be in your twenties already..
wah so crever hor! macam2 dia boleh buat sekarang! *clap clap!*
p/s: i like the bunny ears...reminds me of renee zellwegger in bridget jones :D
Haha! Adin? Why Adin ah Nunu? And yup, I love the bunny ears too. ;) Another thing, ebet tu apa? Atai I think is 'gatal' kan?
And oh, apasallah korang semua suka pakai the house slippers ah? Tsk tsk tsk..
Congratulations on all the new developments, yah? You'll be in yout twenties soon. Hehe.
dyanna, we all age at the same rate ah.. only time flies faster for kids like her!
pinky, crever hor? ah ah these are the things that i can think of, i'm pretty sure she more tricks under her sleeves next mth. cute kan bunny ears tu? cannot resist ah. and it comes with a cottontail and a tiny board book for role play!
nadia, adin tu pakcik sebelah rumah mak nab, who likes to tegur2 nunu time nak balik. and 'ebet' is ubat! my anak is 'pelet' sikit!
Wow that sure was an explicit detail of Nunu's latest milestone! You're a good mum! ALhamdulillah
siapa ajar buang food kot tingkap kereta ni ah? isykh3x kena denda nanti.
dith, detail ke mcm ni? huhu some ppl i see go the extra mile by recording each milestone in proper categories. my style touch n go saja! last minute lagi!
ms, *sheepish smile* that wud be me. I mean, my car is crawling with ants already with all the messy food bits!
my son (14 mth)pun suka tgk afi dan abah.. tangan siap buat roling2 cam afi..
hi mamabear, welkam welkam to my humble blog. camner babybear buat rolling2 tu eh? mesti cute. eh why kids like that show so much eh? issit the catchy song? issit the ridiculous pak rahim & his family? apa2 pun, bila nunu tgk show tu, dia pandai pulak gelak kat mana part yg lawak, and when the catchy song started, terlompat2 ah cam bunny rabbit
wah..kak nunu already going to 19?
wah...can take driving license lah camni :D
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