My little brother turned 23 last 12th June and I promised him a birthday dedication.
I was wracking my brain what to write, because honestly, ideas and words aren't as free-flowing as it usually does when you have to think of ways to get those darn debtors to pay up. Anyway, I digress. It goes to show how bad I am at giving schmaltzy dedications to my own family. Sheesh.
I guess luck was on my side when an old college mate of Mom added me on his MSN contact a couple of days ago, and I thought whadeheck, ask Uncle Halim to send me some pics of my dear baby brother that he took when we were on Redang holiday way back in 1986. I'm pretty sure the really tech-savvy doctor-cum-season photographer keeps all his photos digitalized.
I remember that we do have these pictures in our album, *somewhere*.
But, it was awfully nice of him to flip his own old albums & scan me the pics. And here there are. Sephia, unretouched, un-picasa-ed ;p
Note: I really have no intention to embarrass you by exposing your baby pictures for the world to see, Bangsar yuppie, but hey, what can I say, I'm your evil big sister and I have the inborn exclusive right to bully you however I please *evil sister laugh*
Admit it, you're pretty cute at two, aren't you? And I'd like to remember you that way always; adorable, fun-loving, frolicking under the sun & rolling on the white sand like a white baby whale (family joke). Not 6-foot-tall, snarky, spiky haired & picking fights with me all the time :D
Happy belated birthday, bro.

Crab Boy was spotted, ahem2 strategically & artfully concealed

Crab Boy gave a menacing stare

Crab Boy got crabby

Crab Boy ran & complained to Abah
Oh yeah, I'm reluctant to say this, but I gotta say it once a while lah.
p/s: Poor thing, did u really have a tummy flu on your birthday, or did you fake it so that you can skip work that day? Kiddinggggg!!
ADDENDUM: 29th June 2007, 2.33 pm
Received this in my e-mail this morning.

Veeeery funny, you lil twerp :D
I was wracking my brain what to write, because honestly, ideas and words aren't as free-flowing as it usually does when you have to think of ways to get those darn debtors to pay up. Anyway, I digress. It goes to show how bad I am at giving schmaltzy dedications to my own family. Sheesh.
I guess luck was on my side when an old college mate of Mom added me on his MSN contact a couple of days ago, and I thought whadeheck, ask Uncle Halim to send me some pics of my dear baby brother that he took when we were on Redang holiday way back in 1986. I'm pretty sure the really tech-savvy doctor-cum-season photographer keeps all his photos digitalized.
I remember that we do have these pictures in our album, *somewhere*.
But, it was awfully nice of him to flip his own old albums & scan me the pics. And here there are. Sephia, unretouched, un-picasa-ed ;p
Note: I really have no intention to embarrass you by exposing your baby pictures for the world to see, Bangsar yuppie, but hey, what can I say, I'm your evil big sister and I have the inborn exclusive right to bully you however I please *evil sister laugh*
Admit it, you're pretty cute at two, aren't you? And I'd like to remember you that way always; adorable, fun-loving, frolicking under the sun & rolling on the white sand like a white baby whale (family joke). Not 6-foot-tall, snarky, spiky haired & picking fights with me all the time :D
Happy belated birthday, bro.

Crab Boy was spotted, ahem2 strategically & artfully concealed

Crab Boy gave a menacing stare

Crab Boy got crabby

Crab Boy ran & complained to Abah
Oh yeah, I'm reluctant to say this, but I gotta say it once a while lah.
p/s: Poor thing, did u really have a tummy flu on your birthday, or did you fake it so that you can skip work that day? Kiddinggggg!!
ADDENDUM: 29th June 2007, 2.33 pm
Received this in my e-mail this morning.

Veeeery funny, you lil twerp :D
awww shucks. tengs kak N
Haha.. cute photos! ;) Happy Birthday dude!
beautiful photos!
happy birthday Anne's little brother.
lawa sey rambut...
He does look a bit like Nunu eh when he was a crab boy?
aah lah...nunu has that stare. hehehehe.
bro, you're most welcome. i hope u had a blast celebrating.
nadia, he's cute, kan? can't say the same now. wahahha, kidding bro
ms, credits to uncle halim who took the photos (counts) 21 years ago! oh my gaawwd, i'm so old!!!
zalin, yeahhh... unlike me, he had beautiful hair when he was a baby
dith, lol. i've been trying to look for the similarities, but i couldn't see it. kat mana ek?
ibu aisyah, the blank blase stare issit?
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