Friday, March 02, 2007


Signs that things are for the better...

Size L diapers in a mini great wall (pales in comparison to booboo's/momo's)

More teeth means not-so-charming-milky morning breath

Old bottles have to be thrown away. Isn't it ironic, that I needed less bottles now than I needed them when Nunu's being breastfed?

Her clothes & shoes have grown a size larger (rambut dok banyak tu jugak!)

Martian is coming home earlier these days.

To happier times!*cheers*

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dyanna said...

Am I seeing double?

Anonymous said...


Nunu's a Size L?

Must bulk up more... I'ma Size M! :p

Anonymous said...

anne if that's YOU, awak pun boleh pass as a 16 year old! FEWWWWIIIITTTT to borrow hana's fave word :)

Anonymous said...

Corry Aunty Anne, tumpang lalu. I also size M. Me and Abang Naufal can share diapers! Hehe!!

And i think I need to change to L very soon. My butt's getting bigger u know?

Purpleheart said...

Size L ke? Kan Nuha tu kecik aje.. awat jadi lagu tu??

Anonymous said...

dyanna, i have a bad feeling she's gonna get my nose *sigh* kena ting-ting-ting hidung dia sikit lagi, bagi cam hidung abah

naufal, actually she's somewhere between M & L. She still fits Fitti's M, but moved on to Huggies' & Drypers' L.

pinkyj, no dat's not me *looks the other way* that's my 16-year-old twin :D

momo, haha, nunu used to share with her aunty cik huda's diapers too when we stopped by to visit.

ucue, nunu nyer body still slim, tp bontot dah membesar sikit. ikut siapa ni ek?? :D :D :D

Purpleheart said...

jeng jeng jeng.. tak pe, bila besar pakai kebaya cantik tau.. hehehehe..

Anonymous said...

ucue, kuang3x! err, meme tu nannntiiii....

Anonymous said...

feewiitt!! nunu's got an older sister lahh! can i date you instead, aunty anne?

Anonymous said...

aniq, nak date auntyyy? i'm sure if we go out on a date, i'm gonna be feeding u, change your diaper, keep you behaved, etc. Wait until you're 21 and if i still have all my teeth, i'll consider it!

Anonymous said...

wuahhhaaa! sounds like the perfect date to me, aunty anne! :d


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