This is where you'll end up if you go 'gostan' and doesn't have a rearview mirror.
It's obvious that she was going for those frays on the carpet which look like vermicelli. Caught her a few times with a mouthful of those (what's with babies & carpets, anyway???) and there was a few occasions where we have to rescue her legs which got stuck under the couch.
p/s: that cheeky smile was a brief one. she started hollering when i coaxed her to crawl out & refused to pick her up. Superbaby konon...
Luckily she has no asthma. Asthma and carpets are big no-no(s)
DITH! Weicome!! Alhamdulillah she's fit as a fiddle, and pretty strong too. Sekali dia debik, ya allah sakitnya...
Aunty Anne,superbabies need help too. Although we have superpowers tapi kita budak2 baru belajar. :D
haha! nunu debiks too?? walao, aniq's debiks can cause bruises and scratches. and them carpets are baby magnets!
ajab, we superbabies need superparents to save us, rite!
aunty hana, our debiks & scratches are lethal!
Oh, ya, Nunu! Uncle knows what super-painful powers you kids have. Being kicked by a restless toddler in the "ahems" while you're asleep is NOT VERY ENJOYABLE, to say the least! :D
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