OK, so I have been secretly feeding Nunu with this instant cereal, not once, not twice but 3 times already!
Before you accuse me of being a phoney, you gotta hear me out. When I thought that I'm gonna be and all-natural-babyfood-advocate, I came to a realization that I'm being a bit unfair and pretty much delusional. Although I want the best for my child, I can't possibly give it to her by being such a stickler about too many things i.e nutrition, daily care, education, language (you catch my drift) and my intolerance to certain bringing-up-baby concerns needs to be dealt with.
For the sake of my sanity, I need to rethink some of my principles, and after much pondering I've decided that giving my child some commercial food once in a while won't result to an armageddon.
OK, OK, so it was I who warned you of this to you guys. But I figured that the food itself is not that big an issue for me, but the unnecessary & incredulous amount of money they're ripping us off by offering inferior type of foods in nutritional value compared to the cheap and wholesome natural food that we can ourselves prepare, given time & patience. This comes from a person who wakes up at 3 am to prepare a concoction of gruel and love for her baby, you know!
Well, I didn't buy these packs. Instead, got a whole bagful of it (and formula too) free from clinics where Momma works, and another bagful from the clinic where Nunu had her circumcision last Sunday. Sure, Nestle (and almost every other baby food company) is being accused of being unethical and breaking the international code by giving their products free to healthcare institutions as a marketing ploy.
A lot of people don't realize this, but tough. It's a world of free market (and everything's going wrong in this world anyway)- and what differentiates me from another mother on the street is probably that I have access to knowledge at my fingertips to make informed choices, and being able to decide for myself what's best for my child - and not be bamboozled by the health claims and deceiving food ads.
I mean, I can be overly health-concerned all I want, but I still can't screen nitrates in my carrots, and how healthy and untarnished can the chicken and fish that I buy from the market be anyway? I can't resort to growing my own crop and veges or rearing poultry or dig up fish pond in my backyard?
Or can I?
The whole point of my entry here is that: it's OK to feed my baby instant cereal once in a while - if only the cereal is FOC. And it'll be a while before I visit the baby food aisle in Tesco.
as long as u still feed her with REAL fruits and veges along with those cereals, okie? :)
i'm always somehow attracted to the baby food aisles and belek-belek the jars coz they've made them so darn attractive, doncha think. after belek-belek-ing, scrutinising the ingredients and shaking the jars for its consistency (gives me an idea how to soggy i shd make mine), i'll put it back on the shelf. did you know gerbers has gone on the organic-food bandwagon too and selling them alongside their normal non-organic ones? them marketing people are really cracking up more ways to get frazzled working parents to part with their money and guilt! :S
those baby food are really eye-catching & tempting, kan? Felt like buying them & eat them myself...
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