A great acheivement for Nunu yesterday. She can roll on her tummy now! Too bad I wasn't the 1st person to witness this. This is one of the disadvantages of working mummies who their little ones to nurseries or to be cared for by nannies. They're going to miss a lot of their children's first times. I was a lil sad, but I didnt mull over it. Rather, last night both Nunu & I spent almost an hour of tummy time, and she couldnt help but show off!
Weekend was fun. Went bowling on Saturday nite with BIL, SIL & nieces who came to visit from Ipoh. Hubby helpfully volunteered to coach the kids, the bowling buff he is, and couldnt resist throwing a few balls though he has a mild thumb 'injury'. The girls complained at first; of the smelly shoes, the heavy balls, the sore thumbs, etc. But soon they were begging their parents for a second game! Ha. I warned them that bowling is addictive - hubby can attest to that.
Weekend was fun. Went bowling on Saturday nite with BIL, SIL & nieces who came to visit from Ipoh. Hubby helpfully volunteered to coach the kids, the bowling buff he is, and couldnt resist throwing a few balls though he has a mild thumb 'injury'. The girls complained at first; of the smelly shoes, the heavy balls, the sore thumbs, etc. But soon they were begging their parents for a second game! Ha. I warned them that bowling is addictive - hubby can attest to that.
One more, Ma... just one more
For Nunu, it was her 1st night time outing, her eyes went big as saucers and sparkled when she saw the brightly lit bowling alley. I expected she would kick up a fuss if she gets sleepy, but her eyelids got heavy slowly and she napped away until we called it a night. THEN, she kicked up a fuss. Ha.

Doesn't she look like Thumbelina?
Literally & figuratively?
Sunday outing was a riot at another BIL's house, thanks to Nunu's handful cousins Danish & Aqif (they wouldnt sit still enuff for me to take their pics). A day of a bountiful lunch spread of fish curry, ulam, rendang & tom yam; a filling hi-tea of shell pasta (compliments to the chef, yours truly) and chicken nuggets at ma auntie's abode, and back to BIL's house for a round of choc cakes and wheat & green bean porridge. There goes my DIE-with a- T!
Nunu was all dressed up in her pink dress, frilly girly socks & oh-so-irresistably cute head band I got to camouflage her botak head! Thankfully she is at the age where she won't mind the accessory to adorn her hairline, otherwise I'm sure she'd pull it off once she's capable of it!
By the time we all got home, she was all grumps & fuss for not having a proper day nap. Ok baby, next weekend we'll stay at home & play, OK?
Speaking of playing, after searching high and low for the ultimate baby play gym for Nunu, I settled for Fisher-Price Link-a-Doos Motion & Music Barnyard Gym. I must admit I was pretty excited for Nunu. Save from saying goodbye to two hundred buckaroos, the gym, I postulated, would become her favourite lepak place.
Never mind the pink piggy Link-a-Doos. I swapped it with another rattle.
Never mind the ugly piggy on the mat. I shall display my creative streak & MODIFY.
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