Friday, March 05, 2010


"Momma, tengok tu! Bas buku!"

I have to hide my chuckle. If she sees me making fun of her words, she'll protest and pout - LOUDLY. I was driving, you see, and a cries of protest Was the last thing I needed. You need your sanity while you're navigating through the roads of this sleepy town but traffic busy ya-amat-macam-pekan-Tanjung.

What bas buku is she talking about? Well, it's the mobile library of course! At first, I was quite surprised she could still remember her last experience with the mobile library. It could be almost 2 years ago, during the time she was still under the care of Mak Nab the babysitter.  The local mobile library would come by twice a month around their area and the kids and most of the SAHMs would swarm the bus. 

At a very young age, she shows such great interest in books and learning (nowadays, it's a different story altogether!) but she loves her books till now. I have to keep our collection growing coz she gets bored fast with her old ones. Though it's just a modest collection, I observed that in a typical Malay household, especially in the rural ares, a bookcase filled with books is viewed as a luxury., and they complain that books are expensive. Therefore, the local library and mobile libraries plays an important part in spreading the love of books in the community. 

However, children's books are very affordable these days with the emergence of online bookstores. One such store that I just adore is The selection of books are amazing, and the best thing about it is the price. Also, my past shopping experience at the store was such a pleasant one - the service was warm and fast. I really appreciate a proprietor of an online store who doesn't just treat you as just another faceless customer just because we make transactions online. A business needs a personal touch, without it your store is a cold place. 

I really hate it when I took time to compose a nice email inquiring about something and all I get is "Sorry, item tu dah sold out". WTF???

It's different with Rozela, the lovely lady behind Littleparade. We smsed, we exchanged emails and now we've become friends. It's important to make your customers your friend too.

 The latest book I'm getting for Nunu, among other titles.

OMG, I've lost track about what I'm supposed to write? Am I supposed to write about bas buku,  childrens books or good online etiquettes? Haha, point is - inculcating the love of reading in children is important, especially English books. It is so depressing when my husband comes back from school and lamented that his students could barely understand English because early exposure to English reading materials are lacking at home. Even parents in the suburbans areas are still clueless that good English materials for children aren't necessarily expensive and can be purchased online.

So spread the good word around, mothers/parents. Be informed, be proactive and encourage your children (or any child you feel responsible for) to pick up a book and read. And YOU, you read too! I agree with Dato' Seri Rais Yatim here we cannot let the digital era to take over the importance of reading. So, take it easy on your FB, your Farmville, you Cafe World or whatever, and pick up a book and set a good example for the kids.

And once in a while, go look for that 'bas buku' that's making rounds in your area :)

1 comment:

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

there is such a thing as a bas buku...???!!!!! i didnt even know! takde pun in this neighbourhood in which i've been living for 31 yrs..


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