Friday, February 26, 2010



There are a few winners already, but I'm going to extend the contest and give away more prizes. The new regulation if to follow this blog AND my cupcake blog and become a fan (that means you'll have to have an FB account) and you're qualified!

Scroll down to look for more clues. Good luck!


Sarah said...

a raisin?

Norah said...

the black one ke? choc chip kot?

Unknown said...

A whole black pepper!

anne said...

sarah, wrong. try again pls

norah, creative answer, but wrong. kalau choc chip, mesti dia makan dah..

soho mom, it looks a lot like black pepper, but it's not! try again pls :)

clue... kalau sapa rajin & wanna cheat, check my FB. Hadiah menarik utk pembaca blog ini (yg berapa kerat ajer) menanti anda. I'm serious, people!

Unknown said...

Okeh.Try lagi. BUTANG KECIK...macamana..ada betull?

nuhaafnan said...

haha, alamak kak ami, you're so persistent. salah lagi. if you click on the pic, you can see a larger pic, but it wont help you much lah, haha

Lea Shmea said...

nampak macam watermelon seed! haha.

Anonymous said...

ayoyoo... hard to guess la, very poor cctc quality bwaahahah!! i was going to say m&m but seriously... which kid won't baham m&m on sight? so my guess is... the nose of a teddy bear perhaps?

Anonymous said...

errr... why is your post dated march 17, 2010 ah?

nuhaafnan said...

nin, bukan bukan bukan. it's something organic, but not edible. and my post is dated in advance coz it's a sticky post. but, good eye!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Nina @ BabyBoon said...

it really does look like a whole black pepper lah. dah la i always malas to go on fb :p

FairyGodmother said...

she stuck a green bean in her ear!!! the quiz still on?!

zalin said...

looks like a biji buah mata kucing to me..hehehe

Anonymous said...
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anne said...

jawapan si anon takkan dilayan ye.. hohoho

Unknown said...
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anin said...

is it biji kapas?
or biji matahari?

MALAYSIA Giveaway said...

Salam, I have listed your giveaway atmy blog, you may wish to add RM5 for contest banner and RM10 for biz ads banner.. Appreciate it if you could delete this comment ya.. only FYI :)

nuhaafnan said...

anin, kurang tepat! hampir2 dah tu. kalau pokok kapas renek kan, ni pokok ni jenis yg besar & rimbun. tapi sama spesis. Cepat teka lagi!

scudmami said...

i nak teka.. biji pokok kekabu ke?? err aci ke cos i read from ur FB... tp u ckp can get clue from ur FB kan heheh

nway, cian nye ur daughter.. kuar sendiri ke gi jumpe ENT... isk.. risau betul kalu budak2 main masuk2 kan barang dalam hidung/mulut/telinga nih!!

anin said...

biji pokok kekabu???

Ayu Cute said...

Salam sis...

Ayu teka sah2 biji pokok kekabu yang kita buat bantal/tilam tu....rasa2nya betul dah tekaan ni...hehehehe.....

Lela said...

I baca dalam your FB, biji kekabu kan?

Unknown said...

I think its mata kucing seed xD


Nadira Kushari said...

bijik kekabu ;)

sniffa93_aznil4eva said...

em emm..
dari tadi tenung punya tenung..
asek dpt jawapan mcm2..
nampak cam biji buah betik..
tp mcm x..
mcm kapas..
err besar eh pokok tu..
pokok kekabu pon bole jadi..

nuhaafnan said...

adik-adikku sayang, tq so much for participating yeah. Pemenang yg terpantas telah pun dipilih, so jgn merajuk eh? I'll come up with more giveaways soon, so stay tuned :)


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