Thursday, February 18, 2010


The significant month of February literally zooms past me and over my head. Although I'm at a good place right now, things just get a little bit crazier and more hectic than ever. More challenges came my way but I'm not daunted - just trying to keep my head above water and charge on and just  be thankful that the Lord grants me with everything I could wish for right now.

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about this humble blog of mine and where it's heading. I'm very proud of what I've done with it. When I first started, all I wanted to do was use the blog as a repository of my mommyhood experience (coz that's the trend at the time) and keep a progress report of Nunu and her many many photos. 

Then I discovered friendship within the parent/baby community, way before Facebook came into my life. I took one more bold step and tried to monetize my blog with paid posts, the one and only way I know to make money online. With that chicken feed earnings in my Paypal account, I was able to pay for my domain, hosting, gifts, and some stuff for Nunu.

Looking at how well blogshops and home based online bakeries are doing in the market, it made a lot of sense to get a slice of the action as well if you think you have what it takes. My most courageous effort thus far has been Liplickin', my little cupcakery blog, which is doing really well, alhamdulillah. I'm not quitting my day job just yet, but baking has been filling that void in me. It's stressful and nerve-wrecking and wonderful all at the same time.

The next step should come naturally, which is to get the ball rolling and really learn hot to generate an income online. But truthfully, there's so much to learn out there, so many areas to explore. Not to mention, I also am very careful with whatever I'm involved in. I discovered that I have a passion in learning and sharing, doing business and promoting businesses. If I believe in something, I don't have second thoughts of sharing honest to goodness opinion.

Coming up with a proper post about this new venture of mine will take some time. Therefore, if there's anyone out there, anyone - whether you're a SAHM who has some spare time in the day to play Mafia Wars and Farmville on FB and wants to learn the ways of earning some pocket money (but have no idea where to start), or a FB addicted college/uni student who loves connecting with friends, and needs some spare cash,  or a family man who's been trying his luck on make-money-quick online schemes for some additional income to support his family - you can ask me how I made RM1300 in less than a month (which is still considered chicken feed to some, but hey, that's RM1200 nobody is giving it FREE to me). Drop me a line at my comment box or you can email me at raggedyanne79[at]yahoo[dot]com, and I'll give you the details.

p/s: Despite the Glee reference in my title, nope, I'm sorry to announce that I'm not a Gleek (or a closet Gleek or a Gleek-in-Denial)


dyanna said...

i was hoping for a Glee post.

nuhaafnan said...

cet! i watch Glee for the sake of Sue

ann said...

ok i'm sold. how do you do it? email me :) anna(dot)fm(at)gmail(dot)com

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