The first prize goes to Soho Mom coz she tried so hard and was so persistent! She deserved to win lah, I give her A++ for 'affort' (A, effort, geddit? Ouh never mind...)
With Soho Mom's help, I've also got a second winner, and the prize goes to Scudmami! Congratulations Scudmami for your effort, cari clue kat FB semua.
To others who had givem your answers, thank you for you participation, tapi rezeki lebih memihat kepada those two lucky ladies. But don't worry, Insya-Allah, god willing there'll be more contests in the near future. I have many many things to give away ni.
OK, back to the story about that thing that budak bertuah put in her ear, it is actually biji kekabu (dunno what it's called in English), not to be mistaken with biji cotton, but the function is the same, they're made to stuff pillows and cushions. Apparently she korek2 some bantals in her school and put one in her ear coz according to her, she wanted to do a magic trick (do they always give the same reason?)
She only admitted what she had done when we were going to bed that night and I brought her to the clinic the next day, just in case they had to use special (read: painful) methods to take it out. The seed wasn't far deep in her ears and it was easily taken out by the kindly doctor with a slim pincer! There goes RM10 I'll never see again!
Bertuah punya budak kan? Haaa, bertuah la coz ada orang lain yang dapat menang hadiah...
Yayyy!! So nanti I kena pilih design yg mana lah eh..? Hehheh.
Nunu! Rupa2nya korek2 bantal yang kat sekolah..? Kelakar pun ada, but don't do it every time ya Nunu :P
ya Allah gitu ke? igt main letak pastu kuarkan..adehh mesti ikut prgai mak ni
soho mom, yeah, i'll send u a message soon. if u like any of the 3 i uploaded earlier, just tell me. tapi yg MU tu scudmami dah chup
anin, kong assam gak ah u ni ;p
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