Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Oh I'm pretty sure he's had louse-y moments before, at least at one point of his life, or at any part of the body, who knows? Who would have admit anyway?

Long story short, some kid at school started the 'kutu' epidemic, and the teachers had the gall of not informing the parents. I had the shock of my life when Mak Nab who was babysitting Nunu for a while last Friday night told me of her discovery of a few creepy crawlies in Nunu's hair. Almost immediately, I felt kutus crawling all over my scalp as well! Funny, I wash and comb Nunu's hair every single day and I've never come across any. Spek power kena kasi tambah kaa?

RM12.90 and several hair washes later, Nunu's hair was clear but my scalp was still darn itchy. On Monday morning I asked Nunu's teachers whether they know of this, and one teacher made this 'muka bersalah' and said that they are keeping it 'under control'. Yeah, right.

This afternoon, I felt, OK I cannot tahan anymore, off I went to my regular hair salon and told Ain to check my hair. My face fell when she confirmed that I was infected too. And to make matters worse, she found - get this, not one, but TWO strands of suspiciously looking gray hair! Arrghhhh, I kept shaking my head, doing the silent 'Home Alone' scream. No, no, NOOOOO! Suspiciously gray, I say, because we're not really sure whether those are my official gray hair, marking me officially OLD or, they were just damaged rambut gatal due to those excessive washings and chemicals in the lice shampoo.

So what do we do then, I asked Ain - and she just gave me a sympathized look. Chop it all off it is, then. Punahlah harapan nak simpan rambut ala Eva Longoria, tak pun Beyonce *sobs*

Nak pendek macam mana? Asked Ain. Hmmm, I simply pointed to a poster on the wall, a model with an impish Mia Farrow look, but more wispy at the ears plus layered bangs. I thought, if I gel up a bit, it could even pass as a Rihanna bob. Hah, dream on.

No matter what style I cut my hair short, I'll always end up looking like Edward Furlong.

p/s: Dear cikgu-cikgu, I hope you kena kutu also. Sakit hati aku.


ira said...

O man!that is just horrible!
kecian u,tak pasal2 kena.
The school doesnt check ka who was the culprit?

oh well,hows the new look?:)

J.A.D said...

lucky u realised it early sblm severe infestation. lagi teruk. But when I was Nunu's age. it was fun to look for kutu, pakai sikat kutu, jatuhkan atas kain putih, kejar kutu2 yg bertempiaran lari adn ketip kutu celah kuku sampai berbunyi "ktuk"... fuh.. puas...


BTW, silver hair means you are more matured. More refined gitu :)

-a message brought to you by someone who has abundance of grey hair-

nuhaafnan said...

ira, haha mcm s*al je kan? tua tua pun kena. hmm, alah at taska, they surely who's the culprit. tapi budak kecik kan, they don't know anything. caretakers la yg responsible to make sure kepala anak masing2. i don't really care abt the culprit or anything, i just hope they really took action and get it 'under control' like they said they are.

the new look? takde maknanye - sad!

jo, dok scratch2 ni tak severe lagi ke? huhu, wanna know what? Ain even told me orang dulu2 use ubat gegat utk cockcroach tu, tumbuk2 then sapu satu kepala. bertempiaran kutu2 semua lari! ada tu yg pakai racun semut. yelah, if semut n cockroach mati, surely it works for kutus as well, rite? tapi tak sanggup la aku nak wat camtu, buat naya rambut sendiri je. nanti kutu mati, penuh uban pulak! wahahahah

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

benci betol skolah skolah that claim they have it "under control". pffft!! that was how nabeel and shamel got the pox last year!

memangggggggg my heart goes out to you for having to suffer the kutus at this age! kesiannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn betol!

nuhaafnan said...

bb, ugh i ni tunggu masa jer nunu kena sthing more severe like poxes and such. tehee, kesian kan kat i? i wouldnt wish it on anyone, except for the teachers!

Anonymous said...

hehe klo cikgu-cikgi tu pakai tudung..confirm tk kena kutu punye...

Nadia said...

Oh my goodness! The gall! Why didn't they inform the parents?? Sunggoh tak senonoh...! And have it "under control"? Apa punya excuse daaaaaaa....

anne said...

anon, i've heard different opinions about it. some ppl say still can kena, some people say kenot. haiya, kesimpulannya, depa tak mengaku depa kena. lagi sakit hati!

nadia, heya gurl! tu lah dia, konon nak hush2, nak bagitau pun dah terlambat. but some kids tak kena tau, dunno la why nunu yg kena. maybe dia tidur dekat2 the girl yg bwk the kutu.

zalin said...

babe, mia farrow's look orait per...
goes well with your few helais of white hair. I mean...blonde.
blonde sounds better, doesn't it?
Ok ah tu...don't call it white hair.
Call it blonde hair. cun gituhh!! hehehe :D

Drama Mama said... my scalp rasa itchy as well

anne said...

zalin, kalau jadi cam mia farrow takpe, ni asik2 jadi cam edward gak camner? maybe my hair tebal sgt, tak sesuai. kena gel byk2 kot

drama mama, now im getting paranoid and wanna keep my head covered all the time. who knows the person sitting next to you is the 'carrier'

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