We had quite a scare this morning. A visitor of the slithery kind. Oh don't worry, I didn't take any pics of it to scare you guys with. In fact, I wasn't even there. Neither one of us were home, except for the Burmese handyman we hired to do some painting and fixing around the house.
He stumbled upon the cobra in the store room (we have small building in the house compound for storage of miscellaneous stuff) and immediately called Martian who was at school, who immediately called the 'bomba'. He didn't rush home and just let the firemen took care of the matter (I have a pretty good feeling he was a lil' 'squemish' about it). The snake was eventually killed.
He only called me when it was all over, and you know what? I was excited that something as interesting as this happened in our own backyard. Imagine, having some bomba people swarming your house for a rescue mission. I actually regretted I wasn't there! Of course, if it was me who stumbled upon the snake, or even worse, Nunu, who'd prolly be romping around her little 'pondok', nauzubillah! I wouldn't want to think of it! And it is scary to think about it now, coz lately I've been in and out of the store room scavenging for stuff and trying to channel some energy into organizing the messy room, which I never did except fill the room with more junk.
We've always lived with this scare, it comes in a package I guess, living in this ulu little kampung. But we're ashamed to admit, we've been occupied with the fright of having frogs hopping into our house when we open the doors for a mere second (I'm not kidding! It really happens!) but never in our minds did we think that snakes could have sneaked in too. I remember my Tok recounted storied of how she stumbled upon snakes in the backyard countless times, and each time if the situation warranted it, she recited some doa, left her fate to God and faced her fear. Most of the snakes she found were killed with her own hands. Oh of course not her hands, she used a cangkul or something I'm sure.
However, the paranoia has been a little out of hand, it's almost suffocating and downright annoying!
Anyway, back to the story, I rushed home so that I could see what was left of the snake, but Martian had told the handyman to take it away and bury it far from our home.Maybe he's scared more would come to look for their friend. Bummer.

Hmm...now imagine stumbling upon this cobra in our home!
He stumbled upon the cobra in the store room (we have small building in the house compound for storage of miscellaneous stuff) and immediately called Martian who was at school, who immediately called the 'bomba'. He didn't rush home and just let the firemen took care of the matter (I have a pretty good feeling he was a lil' 'squemish' about it). The snake was eventually killed.
He only called me when it was all over, and you know what? I was excited that something as interesting as this happened in our own backyard. Imagine, having some bomba people swarming your house for a rescue mission. I actually regretted I wasn't there! Of course, if it was me who stumbled upon the snake, or even worse, Nunu, who'd prolly be romping around her little 'pondok', nauzubillah! I wouldn't want to think of it! And it is scary to think about it now, coz lately I've been in and out of the store room scavenging for stuff and trying to channel some energy into organizing the messy room, which I never did except fill the room with more junk.
We've always lived with this scare, it comes in a package I guess, living in this ulu little kampung. But we're ashamed to admit, we've been occupied with the fright of having frogs hopping into our house when we open the doors for a mere second (I'm not kidding! It really happens!) but never in our minds did we think that snakes could have sneaked in too. I remember my Tok recounted storied of how she stumbled upon snakes in the backyard countless times, and each time if the situation warranted it, she recited some doa, left her fate to God and faced her fear. Most of the snakes she found were killed with her own hands. Oh of course not her hands, she used a cangkul or something I'm sure.
However, the paranoia has been a little out of hand, it's almost suffocating and downright annoying!
Anyway, back to the story, I rushed home so that I could see what was left of the snake, but Martian had told the handyman to take it away and bury it far from our home.

Hmm...now imagine stumbling upon this cobra in our home!
anne : that's scary!!! if i were in your shoes i wouldn't be able to sleep at night! *ya saya memang sangaaat penakut*
my prayers with u and family. take care ya!
Alhamdulillah the snake has been eliminated. I guess it's mating season kot that's why dia dtg. To make yourself feel better in these situations, remember that my surroundings are a natural for all living snakes, reptiles, spiders, insects of all kind. Literally I get frogs, crickets, weird spiders...etc in my home almost everyday. They come and go so now I think of them more like guests in my house. As for snakes, we now cut our grass short and dah ada jln raya lagi besar, lesser belukar I'm happy that there are less snakes.
My dad told me that black tar oil(like anyone would buy it hehe) and serbuk yg budak2 pakai for meriam buluh tu will keep snakes away from the houses.
drama mama, thnks for the prayers! insya allah, we'll be ok. extra precautions needed, no matter how annoying it is
phantasma, i dah agak u mesti nak komen pasal hal ni. lol. we're thinking of getting belerang (what's that in english eh? gunpowder? lol) and tabur2 around the house. but with the rainy season and all, we're not sure if it'll work. just tawakkal la
i hate the mister long fellow!!!
i hope to never encounter it till the end of my life. so there.
anyways, stay safe yeah?
Yes...belerang! My dad scatter that thing around our house in the kampung and re-scatter as and when necessary. So far, so good...no snakes have entered the house yet although we know there are snakes around. Maklum la...kampung...
There's also a doa my doctor gave me:
A'udzubi kalima tillahittammati min syarrima kholaq
"Aku mohon perlindungan dengan kalimat-kalimat Allah yang sempurna dari kajahatan makhluk yang Dia ciptakan"
Amalkan 3x pagi and petang. InsyaAllah.
eeii.. horror giler okay, lain kali amik kulitnya buat belt.. hehehe
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