Nunu's fleshier and rounder on the face. The Big Bad Wolf in me just couldn't resist.
She loves mayonnaise. She can have bread, butter and mayo for breakfast.
Foods that top the list would be soft tofu, fishballs, chocs and everything else that comes in contact with her mouth, not necessarily a food item. Yup, at 3 she still is orally inquisitive.
Answers my command to tidy up whatever mess she makes with a hearty "Baiklah tuan!"
She can help and wash herself up in the bathroom, but I'd like to keep an eye on her anyway. Not because I don't trust her to be clean enough, but she will always announce how many of those... 'ehem' comes out.
She has an imaginary friend whom she calls Aran. He's the boy she blames whenever something goes wrong around the house.
She learns bombastic Malay words and sentences from tv, which makes her sound so grown up, it boggles me.
Below is a sample of her handwriting.
Nunu tulis terbalik ke mak dia tangkap gambar terbalik??
cantik tulisan dia... keep it up!!
Tu gambar dia jadi ultraman ke prektis lagu menuju puncak? :D
mayonnaise?? sungguh la rich, nunu! hehehehee
sigh. i wish i knew how to toilet-train gib to kencing in the toilet.
looking good, nunu! and she's such a smart-mouth too with the "baik tuan"! cracked me up ;)
nice handwriting nunu!
nice dress she got there, anne. kawaii habis! :)
Isy nape tak cakap awal2.. boleh suruh dia cakap aritu..
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