Alamak, I thought I can get away with two weeks of blog inactivity, hoping that no one would notice, but darn you, Mak Ayra!
Truth is, I've been doing a lot of running around lately and I couldn't afford the time and brain space to do an update. Been through some sh***y times, but with God's willing, I found my way out and felt rewarded manifold in other ways.
I've always been such a negative and over-analytical thinker, and I believe that is the main reason that's stopping me from being happy or going forward. As the saying goes, good is the enemy of great.
It's about time I go through this transition. I'm sure I've made the right decision, life-altering as they might be, but pray for me that I'm on the right path. I just hope I'm not putting too much on my plate, that's all.

Truth is, I've been doing a lot of running around lately and I couldn't afford the time and brain space to do an update. Been through some sh***y times, but with God's willing, I found my way out and felt rewarded manifold in other ways.
I've always been such a negative and over-analytical thinker, and I believe that is the main reason that's stopping me from being happy or going forward. As the saying goes, good is the enemy of great.
It's about time I go through this transition. I'm sure I've made the right decision, life-altering as they might be, but pray for me that I'm on the right path. I just hope I'm not putting too much on my plate, that's all.
nice kasut la! hehehe
nak pergi barcelona yee?? bestnyaaa....!!
babe, mana u pi ah?
rindu sama lu lah! those shoes!!! eh wah, goin on holiday ker? hotel hopping lagi tuh!!!
kiddo's mom, hehe thnks! i rarely have the occasion to wear it, and it goes with only my pink baju kurungs!
anaamira, alaaahh... jgn le mcm gitu.. hihi, but there's no harm in dreaming kan?
zalin, i'm around and hardly stays put in one place now. bak kata orang, pegi berjuang.. huhu
mistymom, you do? hihi cheap only, but i dun think the photo does justice to it.
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