As for the rest of you guys, I don't think I'm being missed at all. Am I?
Anyway, the gila golan virus I talked about was deadlier than I thought. In fact, it was lethal. After messing up my google account, ym and wlm, the trojan attacked not only all the 3 browsers I was using, my PC was declared 'dead' 3 times! Fortunately, none of my data files were affected although my techies had to do some reformatting. I'm glad to announce that things are back to normal since last Monday. Phew! Sick of everything going haywire, I took some time off by going for a marketing course on Thursday and Friday. That did a lot of good for my frayed nerves and dispiritedness.
In between those issues, I've been running around like wonder woman (someone said this to me lah, not that I'd describe myself as super). Over the weekend, we survived a trip to the east coast to attend a wedding in Terengganu- we as in my mom, dad, Nunu and I. I have to apologize for the lack of photos. Nunu was such a darling throughout the 6 hour drive, she just HAD to act up during the wedding. She stuck to me like an extra appendage and made me look so bad by behaving like a total snob to everyone at the wedding. Not even the sweet charmer Hafiz could coax Nunu to pose on the dais with him. Haha, typical mak-mak behaviour at weddings, mesti nak 'kawen'kan anak dara dia sekali dgn mana2 anak2 teruna yang available. Don't tell me you've never done this before!
Oh yeah, it happened again. Those pesky bangs, chop chop. I don't care if people find it horrible. It took me only seconds in my heartless mommy MO to decide whether it should be done. All I care is I'm glad I can see her bright eyes again.
After we had our fill of nasi minyak, ayam percik and solok lada, we took another 1 hour plus drive to Kota Bharu and put up at my uncle's place for the night (I've mentioned about my uncle, my arwah aunty and the family this post aeons ago). Nobody was at home except my cousin Eru, who was a wonderful host by the way, we felt immediately at home and comfortable. Thanks a bunch, Uncle Eru, Nunu loves you lots and lots!
There wasn't anything planned for Mother's Day, so I figured this trip is considered a gift for me and my mom. We weren't big on Mother's Day celebration anyway. It wasn't exactly the most relaxing trip, because we made our way back to Penang early the next morning, stopping only for an hour at Rantau Panjang to look for some 'bunga telur' for another aunty and reaching home by 3.30 Sunday evening. As the Malay saying goes, "pergi macam ribut, balik macam taufan". Went there like a cyclone and return like a tornado. Something like that lah!
And off I go now like a hurricane! Even wonder woman doesn't have enough hours in a day...
hehe - "someone" has checked out the google reader before, but there's some cheap thrill in clicking on the sites every time I walk past the computer (which is quite a lot considering it's in the middle of the house) and look for a new title or picture hehe - so I'm the culprit who skews the statistics!
I too am attempting to cut Divya's hair (but with lots of opposition from her father). I think Nunu looks cute - she's got a broad forhead, don't know about you guys, but the Indians say that big forhead = very intelligent. So there, to all those who don't approve.
oh bav, you really should some more excitement in your life in sleepy ol' boise!
about divya's hair, there's nothing wrong with a little trim here and there, right? just to get it managable. yeah, the malays have that same belief too, but hey, i have a massive forehead, but i'm as d*** as a door nail
dont worry, nunu tu muka cantik, fringe macam kena makan tikus pun no problem, cantik lagi!!
bb, hahha you're rite, about the gigit tikus hair! haha funny ah u
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