Once upon a time, a handsome prince was cast under the spell of a very lazy evil witch who enchanted him into a slimy green frog and was doomed for life to perch atop a mountain so blue.

The frog prince up close
For centuries he sat there guarding the sun and the moon, until one day a king's daughter by the name of Princess Nunu shall come to his rescue and set him free ... *screeching pause button sound*
Eh, enough lah with the fairy tale konon! If I procrastinate any longer, the baby whom this cake was intended for would outgrow all the baby stuff!

Finally, baby Ieman's diaper cake was completed last weekend. It took me weeks to get this done!

I set out to make this diaper cake a day after Nunu's cousin, Ieman was born, but what can I say, I'm one ambitious gal looking for trouble (cari nahas la tu!) Whatever made me think that if I can bake a cake, I can pull off a diaper cake as well? It's not as easy as you think! Hats off to W&F towkeys who came up with pretty and perfect (and I do mean perfect, no creases and pins sticking out) cakes every time. I hope this lousy and sloppy cake doesn't not offend the association of diaper cake entrepreneurs out there.
Goes to show I have no caliber to turn this pitiful attempt into a business venture. Same goes to my cuppies, no commercial value at all, bohoohoo!

But I'm just glad the cake holds together and does not topple.

It's ugly, but you bet I'm proud of myself.
The frog prince up close
For centuries he sat there guarding the sun and the moon, until one day a king's daughter by the name of Princess Nunu shall come to his rescue and set him free ... *screeching pause button sound*
Eh, enough lah with the fairy tale konon! If I procrastinate any longer, the baby whom this cake was intended for would outgrow all the baby stuff!
Finally, baby Ieman's diaper cake was completed last weekend. It took me weeks to get this done!
I set out to make this diaper cake a day after Nunu's cousin, Ieman was born, but what can I say, I'm one ambitious gal looking for trouble (cari nahas la tu!) Whatever made me think that if I can bake a cake, I can pull off a diaper cake as well? It's not as easy as you think! Hats off to W&F towkeys who came up with pretty and perfect (and I do mean perfect, no creases and pins sticking out) cakes every time. I hope this lousy and sloppy cake doesn't not offend the association of diaper cake entrepreneurs out there.
Goes to show I have no caliber to turn this pitiful attempt into a business venture. Same goes to my cuppies, no commercial value at all, bohoohoo!
But I'm just glad the cake holds together and does not topple.
It's ugly, but you bet I'm proud of myself.
This is wonderful!!!!!!! I like I like :)
whoa! ;)
its really nice. ur right, diaper cakes aren't as easy as they tell u online kan? :p
When I read your 3rd paragraph I went "That is a CAKE??!!". After further reading baru paham heheh...
Ok what? I like it. I'd be ecstatic if I were to receive one :-)
heck, i like the diaper cake! thats more than what i wouldve done ;) so yeahhh be proud of yerself!
mama shmontel, i dah taubat. tanak buat diaper cake lagi!
hetz, yyeahhh! thnks. i'm sure there's a simpler way to do it, i just don't know how.
nin, you seem as if you've never come across a diaper cake before. hehe, it really is the in thing right now...
bb, thanks! alah, you can make much nicer CAKES okie.. hihi
Hey! I think it's really nice - if I were the "new mother" at the receiving end of this present, I'd be thrilled - rather than some of the "not-so-nice" presents I received when Divya was born hehe
hahaha you should have just bought a bunch of diapers and made ur diaper cake... no need to spend weeks and weeks on it :) better yet hire someone to do it
vikram, it IS a bunch of diapers! what do u think is underneath the blankie? hire someone to do it... you forget my dear, i live in a kampung, and it is sad that most baby shops/boutiques here are still stuck with old fashion baby gifts wrapping with their baskets and all.
first time looking at a diaper cake. it looks superb.
bavani, i'm sure anyone's thrilled to receive any kind of present, nice or not nice, but we'd really appreciate if ppl put some effort on it, rite?
Where got ugly? It looks good! Hats off to you!!! :)
if this is called ugly. i dunno what is ugly edi!
eh ok la ni...
tang mana yg ugly tu? tak nampak pon?
eh cool la ur cake. i hrd that these cute cakes are not that easy to put together..esp when u're doing it alone..
give urself a pat on the back babe!
The famous W&F entrepreneurs have done a number of crafts and they are now professional at it. So, no comparison there.
I think your cake is adorable. I love the colour combination. Boleh start business ni... then I could be a customer.
blueranger, seriously, first time. hihi i feel like i'm doing public service for introducing this for those who doesn't know abt it yet.
nadia, zalin and sasha, maybe ur mata kenot see the ugly part? you guys only can see the beauty of things? hahaha pandai la u all ambil my hati :D
nik, yeah, it was reallly hard, esp if you're doing it alone and you give up so easily. that explains why it took me weeks.. eh good luck in your project! i cant wait to see it!
chech, you're rite! tak layak langsung nak compare ngan dorang punya kan! muahahaha, chech... sudah la, kak anne takde hati pun nak buat bisnes.. hehehe
wow. this is really beautiful. i'd be delighted if i get this present :) very crafty la you!
dyanna... impressive ke? ahahah
phantasma, tq! everyone seems to like it except my husband! so very tak encouraging la he...
wow.. good attempt !
ummi, thank you so much! good enough la hor
nice diaper cake aunty anne :) my mamma gave up trying to make one even before she get started .. so bravo to you for a job well done!!
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