Let's take a break from all things fluffy, frothy & tasty and talk about something more substantial, shall we? Haha, yeah like the coming election perhaps? Nope, not gonna go there, but something less puke inducing - pigs. Or more specifically, porcine and other related offensive images (at least to us Muslims and prolly Jews) on your child's everyday things.
I've always been a little careful when purchasing stuff for Nunu, especially her reading materials for these images, after the incident when I had to remove this offensive lil feller from Old MacDonald's farm yard. But there has been occasions when I fail to recheck my purchases and we still end up with several books like these.

It's really difficult to get appropriate materials with the of onslaught these iconic pink figures on almost every single INTERESTING children's' book that I see on the shelves. And I can't always screen them all since they're always so carefully cling wrapped. I've asked those assistants in bookstores to help me open the wrap so that I can look inside and I get this total annoyed looks from them! And online sites don't always feature the whole pages so I can screen, but that should not be a problem coz we can always ask them whether there are offensive images in the books (which I should have done for the books above I got from this site, but that's my big fat gundu fault for not doing so)
By the way, why do they always have to put a PINK coloured pig in the book? Can't they think out of the box and use a flamingo some of the time? I mean, you don't really need that pig character playing catch in the background with that duck character on page 4 if all that matters is main character which is the bear with the woolly scarf in the foreground playing with some fishies in the lake? What's with these white people's obsession with pigs anyway?
Not that I have anything against the piggies (coz they're still cute as h*ll) and I have quite high tolerance for them, but I'd like to avoid them as much as I can, coz as you can see, I'd go over analyzing things and I'd feel conflicted although I know I shouldn't be. Eating pork and touching pigs (and dogs) are clearly prohibited in Islam, therefore over the years, even the images are deemed taboo. However, pigs suffer a higher degree of forbiddance compared to dogs.
I asked my wise old Tok once, about this dilemma, and she raised an interesting point. She said with utmost diplomacy that, it is true in Islam, there is nothing wrong with the images per se, but we have think a little ahead when a child is concerned. Her rational is, if the child sees a picture of a pig in a book, and she says it out loud even with total naivety, therefore the word itself, which we all know socially and culturally as impure, will always be at the tip of her lips.
Having said that, I guess although I don't want to be an extremist, there should be supervised limitations. After all, aren't we supposed to keep off things that are 'syubhah'? Moreover, I have to think of the elders too. They won't be so happy to see Nunu reading or playing with these things, at least not obviously, so I have to be careful not to let them go through Nunu's bookshelf if I don't want to get an earful from them. I have to, okay. My mom once used liquid paper to erase a line of a poem from Nunu's book which she thought as blasphemous.
I don't plan to ban these images from my daughter's eyes and knowledge. They're god's creations too. And I think that if my daughter is going to learn about these animals and the offensive stigma they come with in our culture and religious beliefs, then she might as well learn it young, and learn it from me.
And when the time comes when I have to explain to her why she can't use the word pig often because it's not a nice word for a little girl for her to use, but no offense to the little innocent pink animal, I hope I'm well prepared.
I've always been a little careful when purchasing stuff for Nunu, especially her reading materials for these images, after the incident when I had to remove this offensive lil feller from Old MacDonald's farm yard. But there has been occasions when I fail to recheck my purchases and we still end up with several books like these.
It's really difficult to get appropriate materials with the of onslaught these iconic pink figures on almost every single INTERESTING children's' book that I see on the shelves. And I can't always screen them all since they're always so carefully cling wrapped. I've asked those assistants in bookstores to help me open the wrap so that I can look inside and I get this total annoyed looks from them! And online sites don't always feature the whole pages so I can screen, but that should not be a problem coz we can always ask them whether there are offensive images in the books (which I should have done for the books above I got from this site, but that's my big fat gundu fault for not doing so)
By the way, why do they always have to put a PINK coloured pig in the book? Can't they think out of the box and use a flamingo some of the time? I mean, you don't really need that pig character playing catch in the background with that duck character on page 4 if all that matters is main character which is the bear with the woolly scarf in the foreground playing with some fishies in the lake? What's with these white people's obsession with pigs anyway?
Not that I have anything against the piggies (coz they're still cute as h*ll) and I have quite high tolerance for them, but I'd like to avoid them as much as I can, coz as you can see, I'd go over analyzing things and I'd feel conflicted although I know I shouldn't be. Eating pork and touching pigs (and dogs) are clearly prohibited in Islam, therefore over the years, even the images are deemed taboo. However, pigs suffer a higher degree of forbiddance compared to dogs.
I asked my wise old Tok once, about this dilemma, and she raised an interesting point. She said with utmost diplomacy that, it is true in Islam, there is nothing wrong with the images per se, but we have think a little ahead when a child is concerned. Her rational is, if the child sees a picture of a pig in a book, and she says it out loud even with total naivety, therefore the word itself, which we all know socially and culturally as impure, will always be at the tip of her lips.
Having said that, I guess although I don't want to be an extremist, there should be supervised limitations. After all, aren't we supposed to keep off things that are 'syubhah'? Moreover, I have to think of the elders too. They won't be so happy to see Nunu reading or playing with these things, at least not obviously, so I have to be careful not to let them go through Nunu's bookshelf if I don't want to get an earful from them. I have to, okay. My mom once used liquid paper to erase a line of a poem from Nunu's book which she thought as blasphemous.
I don't plan to ban these images from my daughter's eyes and knowledge. They're god's creations too. And I think that if my daughter is going to learn about these animals and the offensive stigma they come with in our culture and religious beliefs, then she might as well learn it young, and learn it from me.
And when the time comes when I have to explain to her why she can't use the word pig often because it's not a nice word for a little girl for her to use, but no offense to the little innocent pink animal, I hope I'm well prepared.
woit pakai word 'froth' tak mintak permission! hehe :D
imho, it's harmless. what more with the story of the 3 little pigs and the nursery rhymes - one little piggy anyone? like everything else offensive by nature, i think that's what we are there for kan? to educate them on the rights & wrongs.
i'm confused.
when will they know that this creature exist, then?
hmm..dont remember how it was during my time. yg ingat,time rehat kat skolah tak boleh makan from bekal non-muslims..bab mkn ni lagi la sensitif nya!
Here's a weak suggestion :)
Some sesame street books are ok :) - i just checked the one Divya obsessively tries to tear up.
a little too strict isnt it? i mean eventually Nunu going to know about these animals. You could introduce her to this animal and explain the meaning so she doesn't eventually offend anyone, right?
Hmm...IMHO, it's harmless. An animal is an animal, and that's what a child innocently knows. Eventually, she will grow and have a better understanding of things from the religion's perspective but until then, I don't see the harm in letting her learn. How did we learn to tell the difference when we were growing up? I think more or less, our children will learn the same way too.
Errr .... buy Nunu books on cars? Or trucks? Unless of course the cars and trucks are decorated to look like pigs.
Then you're screwed! :D
OK seriously, if I were you, I'd look for books on farm animals from one of the Islamic bookstores that carry books specially catered for the young muslim. I doubt they will have a piggy character in them.
But then hor, piggies are also Allah's creation. So .... hmmm ... difficult choice ya?
Start drawing up your own kiddies books?
i think at some point in time, nunu will still have to learn that pigs exist. and then eventually when she's old enough, she needs to be taught that pork is not consumed by muslims, beef is not consumed by Hindus and some Buddhists as well....and so on...
IMHO, it's harmless. We've had a talk on this - so you know my point of view. Just do what you think is right. :)
alesha has a piggy bank. it never crossed my mind it would be harmful. i dunno it's just a toy??
yati, word of the day my dear, word of the day :) yup, that's my decision then, i'd educate her as best as i can.
mamashmontel, it is confusing! bab makan mmg takleh compromise, but the point is not the child's knowledge abt the creature itself, just it's existence in our household. the thing is i oso tak ingat how i dealt with it when i was younger. takde masalah apa pun kan?
bavani, not weak lah! i grew up with sesame street and the books, and i don't remember any offensive images and i'm sure i don't mind any of them even if they are. but nunu's elmo bookset does have those creatures playing in a pool of mud :)
mullai, it's not about being strict or not although some stout muslims do ban this images at all cost. i do read her the books, and i do tell her honestly, yes they're pigs. and that's all. i'll have to wait until she's mature enough to understand a couple of things about religious sensitivity.
nin, thnks for your opinion. yeah, to me, it's a harmless creature too. that's why i never throw away those books n stuff. and although i don't have a clear idea how she'll learn all these, i just hope i dont screw up, that's all!
mobs, looking for farm animal books are of course out of the question lah! i've seen books on those online bookstores and there's not many choices.
dyanna, haha i can't even draw a decent duck!
yes dinah, i guess i shouldn't over think these kinda things. they'll eventually learn when the right time comes. i just hope she doesn't learn 'bad words' before that!
nadia, yup i took your advice alright. for the mean time, SOROK!
ann, i don't think it's harmful too, just a matter of appropriateness. i mean, are we muslims an oversensitive lot?
aunty anne, I heard in Saudi books with pictures of piglets like in Winnie the pooh are censored as in blackened with black ink.. I think that's a little bit too much though. I've been exposed to this little pink creatures for a long time and Mamma use it as a means to teach me about haram/halal.. I can touch the picture but cannot eat the meat or touch the animal. So I know that I have to avoid those cute little piglets when I visit a petting zoo. It's really never too early to teach us kids.. we absorb anything like sponge :)
I think you're a little bit extreme here. I would suggest that you buy Malay or Arabic story books because piggies are everywhere in western books.
Out of curiosity, how do you deal with dogs or images of dogs and cute little puppies?
Again, I think you're being a tad bit extreme but to each her own...
alya, i think in saudi, they do that bcoz they don't want to offend the muslim community's sensitivity. just like the blackened some sexy stuff on the magazines. over here in asia, our kids is luckier to have this issue under their parents' discretion, just like what your momma is doing to you right now, which i think is great! i'll keep this in mind, and thanks for making me feel like i'm doing the right decision.
hi anon (hey, why didn't u leave a link? i thought it might be nice for us to be properly introduced, dontcha think?) i appreciate your opinion very much, although i do think you're not really informed about the muslim's sensitivity towards pigs and dogs and you might misinterpret my post a bit.
no, i'm not being an extremist because 1) i don't throw away these books or blackened them, i just try to avoid them because i think we've had enough of them around to sufficiently expose my daughter to the existence of this innocent creature in this world.
2) we do have malay books (not arabic coz i can read arabic but don't understand them) but i'd like to expose my daughter to a whole lot of other things, i just have to be careful of what is suitable or not in accordance to my beliefs and culture, so if you come from a culture who has no problem whatsoever with religion and belief, i'm sure you can't understand my dilemma right now
3) as i mentioned, the images of doggies don't bother muslims as much as pigs do, and i myself don't have a problem with it. i'm just afraid i have a lot of explaining to do to some people, mainly my family members who might think these things aren't suitable for my kid. that's all :)
however, the dilemma is over, yeay! i've come to a conclusion. like most of my friends are doing, i'll keep the books teach nunu the concepts of halal/haram when she is old enough! thanks you guys!
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