You can say that I lead a rather frugal life, living in kampung is just one of the factors. Therefore, I give myself a pat in the back once in a while when I've found new ways to cut back a little and put some extra money in the piggy bank :)
I don't know how many other moms out there have discovered this rather inexpensive way to teach nursery rhymes and songs to their children. But I'm sure most of them are willing tospend a lot of dough invest in materials that cost as much as a month's diaper stock. We have a couple at home for the enrichment and enjoyment for Nunu, but all cheap cheap ones lah.
However, when it comes to car ride entertainments and distractions, we're limited to books, toys (which we don't have much), the FM radio and my *ehem* creativity and singing voice. The car's CD player was busted even before I got the car and I never get around to replacing it since we don't have much of an audio CD collection anyway.
Still, we spend quite a chunk of our time together in the car so I'd like Nunu to listen to something worthwhile in the car other than my pathetic interpretation of kids songs which I would either mess up the lyrics or the melodies at a certain point.
So, if you're like me, who get stuck in the car with a toddler for quite a while and your CD player doesn't work, and most importantly, rajin enough to do some downloading, here's an easy and cheap alternative.

This is an FM modulator (don't laff lah, you guys who thinks I'm so backward to have just discovered this little koman device!). Got it for only RM35.00
What you do is plug this device together with your thumb drive (that contains your mp3 files) to your car's cigarette lighter adapter. The LCD screen will light up and shows a frequency.

Tune your car's radio to the same frequency shown on the device's LCD screen, and wallah! You'll hear your songs instantly!
There are many types of FM modulator out there, so do your research before you buy. Mine comes with a small remote control and only reads thumb drives, but more hi tech models can read a memory card as well.
The next question would be, where do I get my songs? So far the best sites I've found are free kids music and mother goose nursery rhymes which allows you to legally and painlessly download their FREE songs and rhymes with lyrics to boot! Very helpful for moms who don't want to freak their children with songs that have grisly contents such as oranges and lemons
I've also downloaded some quranic verses here
Word of caution:
1) most cheap FM modulators don't give a top notch quality. Once in a while you'll get static sounds and interferences, but those hiccups don't bother me and so far this little device works just fine for a non-audiophile like me.
2) there is a possibility your child might not like the nice lady with the pleasant voice singing "Three Blind Mice" and prefers your operatic version instead. Be prepared for some adverse reaction from your child who's used to your 'freestyling'
3) "Pussy cat, pussy cat" can stick in your head for DAYS!
That's all for now! Tune in for more gadget posts in the future :D
I don't know how many other moms out there have discovered this rather inexpensive way to teach nursery rhymes and songs to their children. But I'm sure most of them are willing to
However, when it comes to car ride entertainments and distractions, we're limited to books, toys (which we don't have much), the FM radio and my *ehem* creativity and singing voice. The car's CD player was busted even before I got the car and I never get around to replacing it since we don't have much of an audio CD collection anyway.
Still, we spend quite a chunk of our time together in the car so I'd like Nunu to listen to something worthwhile in the car other than my pathetic interpretation of kids songs which I would either mess up the lyrics or the melodies at a certain point.
So, if you're like me, who get stuck in the car with a toddler for quite a while and your CD player doesn't work, and most importantly, rajin enough to do some downloading, here's an easy and cheap alternative.
This is an FM modulator (don't laff lah, you guys who thinks I'm so backward to have just discovered this little koman device!). Got it for only RM35.00
What you do is plug this device together with your thumb drive (that contains your mp3 files) to your car's cigarette lighter adapter. The LCD screen will light up and shows a frequency.
Tune your car's radio to the same frequency shown on the device's LCD screen, and wallah! You'll hear your songs instantly!
There are many types of FM modulator out there, so do your research before you buy. Mine comes with a small remote control and only reads thumb drives, but more hi tech models can read a memory card as well.
The next question would be, where do I get my songs? So far the best sites I've found are free kids music and mother goose nursery rhymes which allows you to legally and painlessly download their FREE songs and rhymes with lyrics to boot! Very helpful for moms who don't want to freak their children with songs that have grisly contents such as oranges and lemons
I've also downloaded some quranic verses here
Word of caution:
1) most cheap FM modulators don't give a top notch quality. Once in a while you'll get static sounds and interferences, but those hiccups don't bother me and so far this little device works just fine for a non-audiophile like me.
2) there is a possibility your child might not like the nice lady with the pleasant voice singing "Three Blind Mice" and prefers your operatic version instead. Be prepared for some adverse reaction from your child who's used to your 'freestyling'
3) "Pussy cat, pussy cat" can stick in your head for DAYS!
That's all for now! Tune in for more gadget posts in the future :D
I am no stranger to repeated (ad nauseam) singing of a medley of kiddie songs. Try singing Wheels of the Bus Go Round and Round, Incey Wincey Spider Climb Up The Water Spout, Row Row Row Your Boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I'm A Little Teapot Short and Stout (those are the actual words, in that order).
(*gasp!!* Moby sings???)
Anne doing gadget posts .... what is this world coming to? :P
Bonus question: Almost all cars have cigarette lighters but hardly anyone uses them. So why do car manufacturers still include it??
vah... inspector gadget nampak!
i actually din't expect the el cheapo post is about FM modulators, sampai la aku nampak gambar mende alah tu.
and i din't laffed. i sighed.
but nooo i din't think u're backward =D
Hmm good idea anne :)
and thanks also for sharing abt where to get free nursery rhymes tu. been trying to find some to dload. mainly because i dah tak ingat the lyrics to most nursery rhymes other than baba black sheep and twinkle twinkle little star. hahaha. kesian yazid w the limited song choice hahaha
mobs, letih kan? haha get one for the car lah! or you dont wanna sacrifice that cigarette lighter for your own use?
i think they're lotsa other uses for the hole than just lighting up ciggies, dude, that's why they're still there. hp charger la, ipod charger la, flashlights la.
ehem, gadget posts, food posts, politics, dawn of a new era perhaps? :D
db, entah le, tiba2 makcik rasa mcm gizmo girl lak, ekekke. apsal u sigh, sbb u nak blog abt desserts je ke? egegege gurau2 thnks for not laffing
hetz, if you've found other cool sites, do share k? that's what we're here for, sharing n caring!
hey that's a great idea! i'm all for el cheapo alternatives..that's way more creative too :-)
mdr, cheap but a bit leceh laa.. this only applies to ppl who 1) has a busted cdplayer 2) doesn't like to buy cd's, like me
go! go! el-cheapo!!
ay caramba el chepotato... me use the same thang in me big van of fun. So far my kiddos dah almost khatam nursery rhyme dendangan yours we use 80s pop songs (me hubby retrokindadude)plus Sinatra's strangers in the night.
Yup, me kiddos memorize that song and when they sing siap buat suara besar ala ole Frank.
ana, haha ni semua dora & diego punya pasal la ni :D
coach, haha i can bet your children will grow up loving the kind of songs you play to them now. Ouh, sir ol' blue eyes, i wonder where i can get my hands on his mp3 songs?
weh... apsal kat tempat aku ni yg ade remote semua rm59 aaa? yg takde remote (or more like remote taken outta the box/packaging) pulak rm39? bengang bengang. whr did u buy dat thingie? nak pesan adekku beli la.
dude, apsal mahal sgt kat sana?? but u have to remember, gua kan tokey kedai komputer, sure gua dpt discount egegegegege. why dont u try cari kat low yat, or wait for pc fair offer. i have a feeling the price will go down even lower
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