Those trifles were made Tuesday morning, and on Wednesday morning, since I had leftover strawberries, I baked these goodies for my childhood pet sis's daughter's birthday.
Frankly, it tasted just OK. I didn't sweeten the strawberries with jam because I didn't want the sweetness combined with the white chocolate to overwhelm the muffins' taste. I should have, the berries were, you guessed it, SO MASAM!
And I don't know what's wrong with this muffin recipe! The last time I made it with blueberries, the bottom stuck to the paper liners, the texture was all wrong, unlike the apple muffin which turned out great.
Maybe I'll edit this later and include the recipe so anyone interested can try. For now, I'm just glad these muffins arrived safely to the intended recipients in Johor.
So, Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Yasmin! Hope you like the sour muffins!
p/s: Lai lai, who wants to try my muffins? Bank in 20 ringgit into my bank account and I'll pos laju them to you! hehehe
RM20 aje? boleh pos nunu sekali tak? :D
Hey there,
your muffins look super duper delicious. I see that you can really bake. the strawberry trifles..yummy.
Sejak bila awak jadi food blogger ah? :D
yati, sure! nunu doesn't weight that much, she's a widdle pixie :)
shern's mom, boleh tahan laa. there has been great successes and great flops as well. Still learning, and i'm honest. Sedap i say sedap, tak sedap i say tak sedap! haha
moby, ntah le awak. semenjak saya jadi rajin ni kot! but i'm no glorified food blogger k! i'm a erm.. an exhibitionist!
I WANT I WANT!!!!!!! RM 20 ka? Ok, set!
nadia, my 1st customer!~
i thought i'd stumbled into a new baking/baker's blog!!! heheheheheheheheh!!!
pos skarang rm20 tu raincheck boley??
bb, raincheck? cannn, since it's been raining like mad these days. asal bukan stale cheque & bounce check sudah
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