Last weekend, I was quite in a baking frenzy albeit feeling a little bit under the weather.
Made these lovely choc chip cuppies with cream cheese frosting for a family friend's daughter's birthday on Saturday afternoon. I didn't expect she was going to hold a large party so I just brought 14 cuppies, 7 pinkish ones and 7 ghastly purplish ones (the recipe yields 18 cuppies so you know where the other 4 cuppies went :)

Attempted to do this swirl tapi tak jadi
Imagine my surprise to see a mini kenduri in full swing when we arrived at the party. The host quickly brought my meager 'contribution' to the kitchen, took one look inside the tupperwares and gave a huge smile.
"I'll keep this in the fridge and have them later when all the guests go home!"
Made these lovely choc chip cuppies with cream cheese frosting for a family friend's daughter's birthday on Saturday afternoon. I didn't expect she was going to hold a large party so I just brought 14 cuppies, 7 pinkish ones and 7 ghastly purplish ones (the recipe yields 18 cuppies so you know where the other 4 cuppies went :)
Attempted to do this swirl tapi tak jadi
Imagine my surprise to see a mini kenduri in full swing when we arrived at the party. The host quickly brought my meager 'contribution' to the kitchen, took one look inside the tupperwares and gave a huge smile.
"I'll keep this in the fridge and have them later when all the guests go home!"
On Sunday, my youngest bro came by the house so I decided to try out the brownie
cupcakes recipe from Master Conolly's book. I've never made or eaten brownies before and was so disappointed when they came out looking at this!
cupcakes recipe from Master Conolly's book. I've never made or eaten brownies before and was so disappointed when they came out looking at this!
I even managed to burn the first batch! The baking time was supposed to be 20 minutes but before the alarm went off I saw smokes coming from my oven. The second batch was a little luckier and my brother convinced me that brownies should look and taste like these - cracked, moist and chewy. Sungguh pandai suck-up :) I can handle a little constructive criticism, little brother!
However, none of the brownies were tossed in the bin, we just ate the bottom part and leave out the blackened top. They still taste good, but I've got to go easy on the sugar if I plan to make these again in the future. The sweetness can give you a headache.
I think I should create a free wiki about my black brownie cuppies, sorta giving it a patent, lol. Alah, don't people make up create a free wiki all the time? I'm pretty sure it won't be that hard with the help of some online tutorials and toolboxes .

cuba & cuba & cuba lagi!!
nak tanya, ada tak resepi cream cheese frosting yg simple but delicious. or do you know what the h**l is apple juice concentrate??? all this mat salleh recipes keep on putting that thing on their frosting recipes, tapi tak tahu mana nak carik kat sini!
(psst: baru nak try2 baking jgk ni! har har..)
practise makes perfect :) make more so when i come over to PG u can pass me some :P
hi mama shmontel, maybe you can try the easy cream cheese frosting that I featured in my earlier cupcake post. Just click on 'culinary endeavour' and you'll get it. I've never come across recipes using apple juice concentrate, but I'm guessing that's just an additional flavoring. All you need is cream cheese, icing sugar and butter. Additional ingredients would be flavorings and perhapds milk to get the consistency right. Susah2 sgt ready made betty crocker pun ada jual! hihi
btw, i love your blog!
sasha, you come, i bake! no need to ask, ok?
i do think u're getting better and better, woman!! your cakes are making me drool...
yeahh even the burnt ones
thanx a lot! tak perasan pulak before this (btw, i love ur blog too!), probably i wasn't looking for the recipe then.
i'm trying out this 'healthy 1st bday cupcake' for my li'll shmontel, tu sebabnya resepi tu tak de gula...healthy la katakan.., substitute dgn that apple juice concentrate...well.. kena letak sugar jugak la nampaknya lepas ni!
i'll try right away, thanx!! ;D
ahhh no wonder you're looking for apple juice concentrate! i guess, you can make the juice yourself? since you're so good at making baby food!
tehee, and i think a little sugar for the birthday girl won't hurt :) just control the amount of icing sugar i suggest
hahaa. tu la ni first time baking mcm melulu ikut recipe, tak reti alter...har har..
pureed apple tak cukup manis... tgk lah i godeh2 dapur nanti. i'll post the result, kalau jadik!!! *wink*
mmm chocolate...with cream cheese and this is more my kinda minty-minty thank you! hehe...
bb, im gonna email you one day coz i've got tonnes of questions to ask you seasoned baker.
mama shmontel, actually it's a good thing to follow recipe. Jgn jadi cam i suka2 hati alter, then tak jadi padan muka. haha
mdr, alahai mint is nice y'know! doesn't taste like toothpaste at all!
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