On Friday, raya eve, I had to bring Nunu out of the house because Martian enlisted the help of 'professional cleaners' to clean our house. We spent the whole afternoon traipsing up and down the aisles of Carrefour, and later that evening, to Mom's house to tolong-tolong apa yang patut.
Baked a few things for mum & mil on raya eve & raya morning, missisippi mud cake, choc muffins & vanilla cupcakes (made from scratch hokay, no more cake mixes for me, tqvairmuch) quick easy tiramisu and trifles (coz I know how much little Yana loves my trifle)
Remind me NOT so serve cupcakes to visitors for next raya, coz they hardly touch those things. Hand them out to kids right away when you're sure it's gonna be a hit to them. I'm considering giving out cupcakes to children who come to my doorstep for the keliling kampung raya rounds :D

Actually takde lah nak menunjuk sangat cupcake yg buruk ni, saja nak tunjuk 3 biji 'stars' tiba2 hilang kena gobble ngan candy monster! She climbed up the dining chair and table, lifted up the tudung saji, and in a jiffy, before I can say "NO!!!" they're gone.
Our first stop on the first day of raya is Mak Yuh's house for makan-makan. Met my parents and brothers there, so we didn't have to go raya to my parent's place. Unlike Martian's family, we don't have that salam & bermaafan tradition. Everyone were just, too cool about raya, haha. Around 3-ish, we drove to Bukit Mertajam to Martian's parents' house and lazed around (so tak happening)
Later that night, we all proceeded to Mak Long's barbecue do, ahhh here at least got some action and excitement.
Nunu playing it rough with second cousin Ashman
Budak-budak pun gossip tau, bukan makcik2 pakcik2 jer
Anak-anak dara for grabs - don't worry, all my nieces are of legal age ;p
After a whole lot of running around and escaping hugs from just about anyone, she insisted to have the seat all to herself
On the second day, makan-makan at Aunty Aishah's, a good old family friend.
Nunu with Tok Ma
with Tok Bah

UM Medic Alumni (circa 1970s)

"NOMPAT! NOMPAT! Maa, nak NOMPAT!" ugh bingit telinga, biar ajerlah
Obviously, she prefers to play with the boys. Her face lights up at the mere mention of Abang Akif, Abang Ikmal, Abang Ashman and Abang Apees.

Guess why abang Ikmal tutup hidung?

Macam Cikgu Bedah tak?

With Tok Ma & Tok Aunty Ani who came all the way from Melaka to visit us before heading back to their hometown in Terengganu
OK, that's all about our raya story.
"we don't have that salam & bermaafan tradition".
So lucky! Salam2 is one of the reasons why I hate Raya. Not that I don't like to bermaaf-maafan, but it's just so emotionally draining.
Eh, your nieces tu .... ahem .... recommend ah, Anne! ;)
ahah! i know why Ikmal tutup hidung!
nunu bikin mudcake kan? kan? hehe
heeuheh... yeahhh i also know why ikmal tutup hidung. usyukkkk! nunu makan banyak prunes lagi ke..??
anyways, your cuppies tak buruk pun. apadaa
moby, part of me dreads the session, in my family, we are not known of our displays of affection (or emotions)
but part of me still wants to forgive and forget the old fashion way, just in case ..
lin, wakaka, mud cake baeeekk punya. lawas betul perut dia
bb, burok seh... compared to wondermilk's - and yours!
i like the cikgu bedah photo. i remember having a pair of of those sunnies too when i was a kid. haha
anyways the cuppies look yummy :)
hetz, those sunnies' tinggal frames ajer lol i couldnt believe she stuck with it & pretended to be ultra cool.
really ah, yummy? haha thnks a bunch. it sure is nice to meet ppl who appreciates these kinda things.
I book the most rght anak dara tu..ble tak?ble tak?
anul, ekekeke.. tgk kat tangan dorang tu, tgh pegang duit raya. i takut you kena kasi dorang duit raya ajer...
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