Thursday, September 06, 2007


Dedicated to a 'pretentious' friend

A far cry from your mud pie, I know.
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Nina @ BabyBoon said...

u made that? if u did, cool!

nuhaafnan said...

you're kidding me, right? :D

Nadia said...

Hahaha! BB, Anne is still waiting for your recipe lah.. lol!

nuhaafnan said...

nadia, shhhh dia busy tu!

Chech said...

Mud pie! Nak sikit... The last time I wanted to have it at The Coast Alamanda but dah habis la pulak :(

Anyway, gambar nampak cantik. Mesti sedap :)

Anonymous said...

anne, u bikin ke ni?

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

anne; HARHAHARHARHARRRRRRRRRR! well, u never know! :p

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

by the way, recipes'll be on the way after this crazyy weekend. promise!

nuhaafnan said...

chech, i have yet learnt to make mudpies & tiramisu. Dah pandai nanti i send some to u, mau? By the time sampai kat u, sure dah jadi MUD kan? lol

lin, yes. bikin kat kedai kek hahahaha

bb, if the cake looks perfect, it didn't come from me!

Anonymous said...

wah..dah lama kiter tak dtg sini...skali tgk blog...dier dah buat tiramisu seyyy. :P

nuhaafnan said...

norza!! you pulling my leg ah??!


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