If someone were to ask me, what does 50 years of the nation's merdeka means to you? I'd say, "Freedom to make funny looking cupcakes & still get the kids raving how delicious they are"
personal touches, left: my cupcake, right: mak baek's
Strawberry & orange cupcakes - decorated by Syamin
Luqman with his cuppy
Affable Ahmad with his cuppy (awal2 dah chup mama dia punya)
Farah the mini mulut laser with hers
Credits goes to my kitchen helper, Syamin
And Mak Baek wanted the one that I decorated
Happy 50th Merdeka, everyone!
any tips on how to decorate cupcakes? love making em!! best nyaaa merdeka with cupcakes!!! do u know ppl charge a bomb for em?? gila.
elo...bole buat delivery to KL tak??
those cupcakes make my mouth water lah... sedapnyeeee
bb, you asking ME tips? makcik nak gelak kejap.
over eh? simplest tip is to look at lotsa cupcake pics for inspiration. and those ppl can charge whatever they like, coz it is a laborious task to decorate personalized ones. not easy la weh, must got skill one, that I dont have ;p
lin, sudahlah! u buat u punya karipap sudah! haha
phantasma, ye ke? hehe thanks for the compliment. I can count on the kids to make me happy like this since most of the adults in my family can't really take sweet things.
Stack em up and make those wedding cakes! Bole buat business ni!
dith, mcm gitu standard nak buat for wedding?? you're out of your mind!
Making cupcakes is an adult's excuse to play and make a mess. Much like children doing finger-painting heheheh!
nin, baking IS somewhat therapeutic for me, if they turn out alright & NOT sink, that is! if they do, stress!
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