As usual, I'm running late. Before I knew it, it's time for another Nunu update. I feel like it's been ages since I blogged about her, save for that entry about her being banished to the naughty corner.
Her latest gab-gab, yappity-yap:
"What is your name?"
"NU-NU!" she enthused. Why Nunu? Coz apparently she can't say 'Nu-ha' without us helping out by saying 'Nu' first! So, I thought her to say Nunu lah dulu.
What is momma's name?"
"mama ENNN!" of course, my real name is way to complicated.
"What is abah's name?"
"TAMM!" haha, pelat melampau anak aku ni.
And yes, she's very pelat, orang sini kata pelat keling (no offense to Indians!). It's 'vann, two, three -' when she's counting, 'vett' when we want her to hurry, and ' Tok VANNN!' when she calls her grandpa, but no, it's not 'vater' if she's thirsty :D She'll say '-ater'...
She thinks she's old enough to wear make-up now. Which is odd because she hardly acts like a lady at all these days. The nanny reported 2 tubes of Avon lipsticks are ruined, and at least one compact powder is not compact anymore.

Nunu tonyoh2 & gobbling up a tube of chapstick

Powdering up before she goes out to meet the boys.
All right now, on with the motherhood rants. First things first, see that baju kurung Nunu's wearing? Well, what do you think about it? There are two pairs actually, so see the here, okay. I honestly thinks the colour's too aunty (even worse when pingki jamboh thinks Nunu's as purple as the purple dinasour itself! Gahhh!) but I have to say the worst thing about it is that the material isn't cotton.
But do I have a say if my loving husband bought at a nearby bazaar last night, thinking that his dear wife would fling her arms around him, plant him a smooch and couldn't thank him enough for saving her the hassle and stress of picking out a perfect baju raya for her daughter? Although I do remember we discussed earlier last week about picking something pastel and cotton for our kid, not gaudy and *gasp* polyester? (oh dear, I do sound like those 'fashion strategists' in Ugly Betty, don't I?)
Would you blame me if I wasn't so thrilled? Even if he did call me up at 11 pm last night (while I was already half-way to neverland) to tell me about the purchase, and I think in my sleep I just mumbled 'uhuh, uhuh, go ahead lah!'
What should I do? *add whiny effect* I'm worried that even the subtlest suggestion that his pick wasn't up to standard, he'd feel that I don't trust his judgment/selection (well, he IS clinically certified colour blind!) or appreciate his effort (he rarely buys Nunu's clothes). It is unfair if I confess to him that he has robbed me the joy and pleasure of shopping for Nunu's raya clothes. OR should I just shut my pie hole and endure the unflattering comments I'm pretty sure I would get come raya visiting time?
"Ooooh how cute is Nunu? But the colour kan, macam makcik2 sikit eh? Mana beli ni?"
Another thing that is driving me up the wall these days is Nunu's wardrobe eccentricities. I'm this close to being as mad as a march hare here. As predicted, the onset of the justifiably named terrible twos is approaching fast and hard, and toddlers are always typecast as power crazy, unreasonable and plain difficult, right? Yeah. Out fly through the window are all my mummy cool and disciplinary tactics! I am not prepared for this!
She's beginning to demonstrate control over what she wears now, the control freak. In a way, she's trying to learn to be independent in the fashion department and developing her own style and dress sense, but it's senseless if she insists on wearing her 'duck' or 'monkey' denim pants all the time!
She wants to wear a skirt on a rainy day, a long sleeved T-shirt on a scorching hot day, a 3/4 pants to bed. And don't get me started when she wants to pick out combo of her outfit, what a fashion disaster! A hot pink shirt with blue pants, or an orange top with a green capri! Eeek, I should just let her be, but what an eyesore. Sakit mata tengok weh.
Hey, I'm not the only one complaining. Even the nanny couldn't stand her. No sooner did she was all dressed nicely, than she jerks her pants off down to her diapers. This act of disrobing, if ignored, would trigger off an even undesirable behavior, a bare bottom striptease!
There were times when upon much coaxing, kicking and fussing, she accepts the more sensible choices that I provided her. I learnt that if I compromise and not be a totalitarian, I can avoid the dreaded power struggle (although at some point, she wins all the battles!)
But not without first turning the whole closet up side down (looking for her denims, what else?)!
Her latest gab-gab, yappity-yap:
"What is your name?"
"NU-NU!" she enthused. Why Nunu? Coz apparently she can't say 'Nu-ha' without us helping out by saying 'Nu' first! So, I thought her to say Nunu lah dulu.
What is momma's name?"
"mama ENNN!" of course, my real name is way to complicated.
"What is abah's name?"
"TAMM!" haha, pelat melampau anak aku ni.
And yes, she's very pelat, orang sini kata pelat keling (no offense to Indians!). It's 'vann, two, three -' when she's counting, 'vett' when we want her to hurry, and ' Tok VANNN!' when she calls her grandpa, but no, it's not 'vater' if she's thirsty :D She'll say '-ater'...
She thinks she's old enough to wear make-up now. Which is odd because she hardly acts like a lady at all these days. The nanny reported 2 tubes of Avon lipsticks are ruined, and at least one compact powder is not compact anymore.
Nunu tonyoh2 & gobbling up a tube of chapstick
Powdering up before she goes out to meet the boys.
All right now, on with the motherhood rants. First things first, see that baju kurung Nunu's wearing? Well, what do you think about it? There are two pairs actually, so see the here, okay. I honestly thinks the colour's too aunty (even worse when pingki jamboh thinks Nunu's as purple as the purple dinasour itself! Gahhh!) but I have to say the worst thing about it is that the material isn't cotton.
But do I have a say if my loving husband bought at a nearby bazaar last night, thinking that his dear wife would fling her arms around him, plant him a smooch and couldn't thank him enough for saving her the hassle and stress of picking out a perfect baju raya for her daughter? Although I do remember we discussed earlier last week about picking something pastel and cotton for our kid, not gaudy and *gasp* polyester? (oh dear, I do sound like those 'fashion strategists' in Ugly Betty, don't I?)
Would you blame me if I wasn't so thrilled? Even if he did call me up at 11 pm last night (while I was already half-way to neverland) to tell me about the purchase, and I think in my sleep I just mumbled 'uhuh, uhuh, go ahead lah!'
What should I do? *add whiny effect* I'm worried that even the subtlest suggestion that his pick wasn't up to standard, he'd feel that I don't trust his judgment/selection (well, he IS clinically certified colour blind!) or appreciate his effort (he rarely buys Nunu's clothes). It is unfair if I confess to him that he has robbed me the joy and pleasure of shopping for Nunu's raya clothes. OR should I just shut my pie hole and endure the unflattering comments I'm pretty sure I would get come raya visiting time?
"Ooooh how cute is Nunu? But the colour kan, macam makcik2 sikit eh? Mana beli ni?"
Another thing that is driving me up the wall these days is Nunu's wardrobe eccentricities. I'm this close to being as mad as a march hare here. As predicted, the onset of the justifiably named terrible twos is approaching fast and hard, and toddlers are always typecast as power crazy, unreasonable and plain difficult, right? Yeah. Out fly through the window are all my mummy cool and disciplinary tactics! I am not prepared for this!
She's beginning to demonstrate control over what she wears now, the control freak. In a way, she's trying to learn to be independent in the fashion department and developing her own style and dress sense, but it's senseless if she insists on wearing her 'duck' or 'monkey' denim pants all the time!
She wants to wear a skirt on a rainy day, a long sleeved T-shirt on a scorching hot day, a 3/4 pants to bed. And don't get me started when she wants to pick out combo of her outfit, what a fashion disaster! A hot pink shirt with blue pants, or an orange top with a green capri! Eeek, I should just let her be, but what an eyesore. Sakit mata tengok weh.
Hey, I'm not the only one complaining. Even the nanny couldn't stand her. No sooner did she was all dressed nicely, than she jerks her pants off down to her diapers. This act of disrobing, if ignored, would trigger off an even undesirable behavior, a bare bottom striptease!
There were times when upon much coaxing, kicking and fussing, she accepts the more sensible choices that I provided her. I learnt that if I compromise and not be a totalitarian, I can avoid the dreaded power struggle (although at some point, she wins all the battles!)
But not without first turning the whole closet up side down (looking for her denims, what else?)!
A kick-start to be one-who-is-creative girl. Sometimes, they said u need to let her decide, coz it will generate her creativity.
For us? We give reason y u cant wear this with that...and makes her u.stand so the next creative fashion might be more decent..hehe
hi there, anul. yeah, i agree. i should have looked at it as one of her creative outlets. and i think i shouldn't act exasperated all the time come shower time (anticipating drama lah kan) but try to slowly explain to her the reasons why she cannot wear certain clothes she picks. after all, they do understand what we say, it's just a matter whether they want to listen or not, kan? :D
amboi..bukan main lagi melawa eh makcik tu...he he he
Kalo dah pompuan tu, pompuan jugak..
Orange and greep, pink and blue.. ok what? LOL! Alah, just let her be lah (remind me I said this when it's Irfan's turn, ok? :P) an I'm sure after a while, she'll get tired of it.
And yeah, I should learn to compromise and not be a totalitarian too. Sigh.
Have you found the third baju kurung for her already? Amboi, confirm bersakan je jalan raya nanti, eh? Heh!
lin, ah ah, if i show her an old dress, she'd say "no, tak awa!" hihi
ucue, serius gender confusion dia ni. bila tanya, dia still jawab dia 'boy' tau...
nadia, martian doesnt mind if i go buy another baju kurung for nunu... at my own expense la tapi :(
can u believe it; i missed this post! i didn't see it the last 5 times i came to visit this blog! i just saw the aladdin & jasmine video, so i thought okayy, that was it. hoo boy how blur can a person be. by the way, look at it this way, if ppl comment on her baju you can just say; "bapak dia yang beliiii!" :p
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