Toddlers also got Monday blues lah.
elelelleeee...pandai eh purak2 tido pulak! hurhurhur
Love those awesome shots! I may need to 'pinjam' her for my scraps. Boleh tak? :)
mobs, hihi actually not only on mondays ah. eh that kid cannot tell from a monday to a sunday ah. i belum ajar tgk kalender!chech, when i say cheeky, she will show her cheeks & say "nat nat" to tell me to sing for her the coconut song.zalin, yeah! puas kejut, boleh buat2 tidor tu! gerammm seh!nadia, thks. Blur2 pun boleh ke? ehehehe no prob. amik je lah
Alaa comelnya dia buat muka..
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Toddlers also got Monday blues lah.
pandai eh purak2 tido pulak! hurhurhur
Love those awesome shots! I may need to 'pinjam' her for my scraps. Boleh tak? :)
mobs, hihi actually not only on mondays ah. eh that kid cannot tell from a monday to a sunday ah. i belum ajar tgk kalender!
chech, when i say cheeky, she will show her cheeks & say "nat nat" to tell me to sing for her the coconut song.
zalin, yeah! puas kejut, boleh buat2 tidor tu! gerammm seh!
nadia, thks. Blur2 pun boleh ke? ehehehe no prob. amik je lah
Alaa comelnya dia buat muka..
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