Soooooo.... I have unintentionally grossed out my innocent readers with the previous WW (who would have thought the pic would evoke such horrified reactions?) here's something sweet to undo all those unnecessary repulsion.
Thanks Ucue the Purpleheart for tagging me!
My favourite flower, lily. White, pure, ethereal, graceful, majestic.

I think I am developing a habit of posting a 'wordless wednesday' photo & still have a lot of things to say about it by blogging about it in the next entry.
Actually, there's a grosser story about lizards. This is a true story, although you might have seen a scene like it in 'Cicakman'.
Now, this is a true story, tau. Long long time ago, Martian drank a mug of Milo in which an unfortunate cicak has fallen into.
The poor fellows (Martian & the cicak), tergedik-gedik & tersembur-sembur.
That's the reason why Martian never drinks the Milo I made for him if he sees that it's been exposed or uncovered. Lizards ( and colonies of other species of creepy-crawlies I am unable to identify) are everywhere in our home.
Which explains the sudden interest over cicak trapping, which has turned into an obsession for him (as well as mr hana a couple of years ago). We haven't caught any after the last dua ekoq, and before this tiga ekoq (you guys are lucky I never snap a pic of this, all three of 'em cuddled in the deathly trap!).
Probably, the others got the message.
Thanks Ucue the Purpleheart for tagging me!
My favourite flower, lily. White, pure, ethereal, graceful, majestic.

I think I am developing a habit of posting a 'wordless wednesday' photo & still have a lot of things to say about it by blogging about it in the next entry.
Actually, there's a grosser story about lizards. This is a true story, although you might have seen a scene like it in 'Cicakman'.
Now, this is a true story, tau. Long long time ago, Martian drank a mug of Milo in which an unfortunate cicak has fallen into.
The poor fellows (Martian & the cicak), tergedik-gedik & tersembur-sembur.
That's the reason why Martian never drinks the Milo I made for him if he sees that it's been exposed or uncovered. Lizards ( and colonies of other species of creepy-crawlies I am unable to identify) are everywhere in our home.
Which explains the sudden interest over cicak trapping, which has turned into an obsession for him (as well as mr hana a couple of years ago). We haven't caught any after the last dua ekoq, and before this tiga ekoq (you guys are lucky I never snap a pic of this, all three of 'em cuddled in the deathly trap!).
Probably, the others got the message.
just gone through your previous entries that i've missed.
Semoga Allah lindungi kita dari sebarang kejahatan di dunia ni. You take good care ok Anne. There are lots of sick people out there.
Haha. I have faced the similiar experience as Marshal! I think I was like 7? Or 8? Went into the kitchen, gelap-gelita, poured a drink into the mug, and next thing I knew, I felt something near my lips! Suffice to say, I was and am still totally grossed out by that horrifying incident! Never go into the kitchen to get a drink while it's pitch black! Heh!
ok now my turn to say to nadia.
ms, thnks a lot. yeah, tgh bertungkus lumus baca doa macam2 ni. baru terhegeh2 nak hafal all the ones my mom passed to me :D
nadia, lol! you both share the same traumatic experience. U dont happen to be close to Yusry KRU, are you? Ntah2 dia inspired by your story lol!
hana, caught any these days?
oh oh oh...speaking of cicak accidents, I also got a cicak experience of my own.
you know lah, last time when we were kids, i just looove to play hide & seek. so, one day, my cousins came to my home, and we played dat game. i chose to hid behind mum's washing machine. i wasn't looking at where i was stepping on when suddenly,
i tot i stepped on a tomato or something. but when i look down, a full grown adult cicak was split into two, it's tail still quivering for live. YUCKKKKKSSS!!!!
i pun apa lagi...screamed my heart out & kicked my feet like crazy.
i felt like chopping off my foot! (i still remember it was my left foot)
till this day, tak boleh tengok cicak, tak kira la besar ke kecik! eeeeeekkkk!!!!
zalin, you must be terribly traumatized! lekas2 sape lagi nak story?!
i cannot stand cicaks!!! bulu roma all naik gelii when i think of em! that's why the last time i read your blog, i quickly exited coz bulu roma semua naik dah.. but now, flowers..ahhh so much better. or more Nunu pictures please! (Nunu tu cute sangat laa)
come to think of it, i think i hate them-cicaks becoz my dad's ol' car when i was in kindergarden had cicaks in it (don't ask me how they got in there. blueergh)..and there were many times when i was sitting in that darn car, cicak crawled up my leg. horror!
bb, insya-allah, more pics of nunu next time, & less yucky pics of lizards.. got it. eh but cannot ah! cicak trapping is so darn exciting leh!
and u got cicak crawling up ur leg? eeek! and here i am thinking that the colony of ants & mozzies in my car is bad enuff!
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