Thursday, May 03, 2007


If there is one thing that I'd like to avoid blogging about, it's politics. To tell you the truth, pontificating current affairs is darn taxing to the brain. If you happen to see a tinge of it in my previous posts about the Nila saga, well that's only because the news affects me as a blogger, and I really am appalled at the turn of events following the bloggers issue over here.

So, I watched the news, read Harakah & Aliran that Martian brings home on a regular basis but kept my mouth shut about what happened in Ijok. Now, I wouldn't even have touched this issue if it wasn't for last Tuesday night, when martian made me I had to give up watching

this guy...

to watch......

this guy...

faces off with.....

this guy

If you're interested, you can click here to read about what transpired on that talk show. Or you can click here to find out why the man in the blurry picture is such a notorious MP.

I was disgruntled, all right. Just imagine, Scofield was just about to hoist the pretty lady doctor up to the ceiling to escape the rioting mob, when I was instructed to switch the channel to TV9! Aarggh!

To my relief, it wasn't all that bad. Sometimes you gotta let your man have his way (heh heh) It really was interesting to watch a calm & collected man producing hard facts & strong arguments against an 'empty can'.

Which became more interesting because the MP with not much ammunition left brought up the blogger issue (which is entirely off the track) but his attempt to raise his point fell flat on his face when Saifuddin's Nasution's counterargument left a much convincing mark on the the issue of the government trying to put a chokehold on blogging citizens.

Ah, amacam? Dah letih, kan? I'm panting already.

So, this is raggedyanne, NOT talking politics.

This is just an excuse for me to post more pics of droolworthy Wentworth Miller (Pinkyj, is he one of your boyfriends too? Eh come on lah, yang hensem2 semua you nak kebas)

Come & pant with me!

What's with that hand in front of your face all the time...

Ooh, migraine. Sama lah kita...

I actually like him better with more hair & that shy smile on his face.

Hey, I actually have a picture folder of a male celebrity in my computer now! Wohoo!

Okay, since I spent waaaaaaaay too much time on this post, I might as well add in a useless (but not pointless) trivia about WM. This is totally 'cut & pasted' from Wiki-the-free-pedia.

In 2003, Miller was cast as 'Coleman Silk' in The Human Stain. It was revealed that he had an intense personal connection to this mixed-race character. Not only did Miller possess a similar racial background, but he also was involved in a controversial racial incident during his time at Princeton, when he was mistakenly believed to have written a derogatory remark about African-Americans, similar to the situation with his character in the movie.

In 1994, while Miller was a junior at Princeton, he published a cartoon in The Daily Princetonian featuring Cornel West, who was then a professor of African-American Studies there but who had just been hired away by Harvard University. The cartoon depicted Muffy, a white Harvard student, imagining her first class with West, who is saying, "Today's lecture is entitled, Rhythm—Why None of You Have It, and How You Can Get It." It also described West as "newly purchased," which is an innocent academic term for newly hired that was taken as a reference to slavery.

Within days the paper had run angry letters signed by dozens of students and faculty members, including novelist Toni Morrison, who according to the The New York Times wrote an angry letter to Miller. A symposium was even convened on campus on the issue. Miller, who everyone assumed was white, was considered a campus racist. Like 'Coleman Silk', Miller declined to bring up his own African-American heritage.

Years later when discussing the controversy, Miller remarked: "To be perfectly clear, passing is something that has never crossed my mind. Instead of stepping forward and explaining what I'd meant by the cartoon and positing my own racial background as evidence that I'd really meant no harm, I chose to remain silent. My attitude was, If they don't get it, I don't have to explain it, which was my way of saying that if they don't get me, I don't have to explain me. The people who knew me on campus and knew my background knew where I was coming from, but I think for most people I was just a name in the paper, and they probably assumed I was white."

After filming The Human Stain, Miller wrote a letter to West apologizing for the cartoon, but received no replies. However, West was present at the premiere of the movie. Incidentally, West is a friend of actress Anna Deavere Smith, who played Coleman Silk's mother in the film. He unexpectedly gave Miller a tight hug. Miller was glad to know that West had decided to forgive him.


Isn't that something? How's that for an attitude & a strong stand? "If I have done nothing wrong & is being accused for something I didn't mean to do, then there's no point explaining myself".

So very Scofield, kan?


Anonymous said...

Woi woi woi...

Why do I this feeling that this is not really you?

Anonymous said...

errr mat scofield tu you boleh kebas. i tak suka dia. dia tu eksyen broody ajer. i think yg act jadi abang dia lagi hensem :D

pycnogenol said...

That must be one big blow to Wentworth Miller to be outclassed by Saifuddin Nasution.

Bravo Saifuddin! I always knew that you have that special something about you.

So Anne, not going to his next roadshow?

dyanna said...

Sanggup ditch Wenworth Miller utk tgk Ijok tuuu...


Nadia said...

He's sooooooo hot, kan? *droooolllssss*

nuhaafnan said...

dB, which part of me bugs you? the fact that I watched an 'ilmiah' show or the fact that i pay too much attention blogging abt a h'wood star? Eh we can't be 'allergic' to Gibran Agi forever, kan, kan, my fren?

pinkyj, who? That Duracell eh Purcell guy? Hensem? Ewww... you got funny taste, gurl. Eh you watch your mouth eh, he is semulajadi broody OK. Ada I diss your beloved JBJ?

pycno, welcome! eh both of them don't know who outclass who leih... me? go on his roadshow? Err.. no thank you, I'd rather watch them talk in the comfort of my own home. Kalau I pegi, silap2 kena ketok ngan FRU

Dyanna, tak sanggup actuallynyer... kena terpaksa. But I did catch 'prison break' on a later show that night. Haa itu baru sanggup kau, bersengkang mata

Nadia, I like him for his character actually.

Who am I kidding?? He's totally HAWWTT kan, Nadia???!!


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